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1939-1945 By; Lucy,SHANE and SEAN SEXTON!!!!!!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "1939-1945 By; Lucy,SHANE and SEAN SEXTON!!!!!!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 1939-1945 By; Lucy,SHANE and SEAN SEXTON!!!!!!!!

2 World War II was a war fought between the Allies and the Axis Powers. Allies: Britian, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Soviet Union, India, China and the United states. Axis Powers: Germany, Italy and Japan. Some Neutral countries include: Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and IRELAND.


4 Germany was a powerful country. Adolf Hitler was in charge of the Nazi party during World WarII During the second world war, the Nazis captured Jews and made them wear stars,if they caught them. When they caught them they would bring them to work and would torture them and would show them no mercy. Also, if the Jews were caught by the Nazis, they would be brought to work camps and then they would be gassed.


6 During World War II, there was over 60 million deaths. 40 million of which were civilians, adults and children alike. There was 20 million soldiers killed. Children, as well as adults were affected by the war.During the war. Children were evacuated to the countryside for safety.

7 D-Day

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