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CWM Travel Policies, Forms & Processes
Travel Training Basic CWM Travel Policies, Forms & Processes Policy Effective January 1, 2015
Agenda Travel Authorizations Business Meals TERV – Transportation
TERV – Lodging TERV – Meals TERV – Overtime Meals TERV – Miscellaneous Travel – SPCC General Information
Travel Authorization
Travel Requirements – Travel Authorization
TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION (TA) is Required when : Employees are travel overnight or taking a one-day trip expected to be $500 or more Guests or Students travel under the following circumstances: Travel will be grant-funded (even if one day travel of less than $500 in expenditures) Hotel room rate will exceed the allowance Requires approval of Lodging Exception Request on TA A Cash Advance is needed International Travel (outside 48 contiguous states) Requires approval of Department Dean
Travel Requirements – TA (cont’d)
Travel Requirements – TA (cont’d)
Business Meals (Local)
Business Meals Updated Form: effective January 2015
Business Meals must be submitted to the Travel Office Two meals on one form Important Points: Must be 2 meals/attendees or more A single meal is not a business meal. Grants may limit business meal reimbursement to guests, no employees. Individual and Authorization signatures.
Business Meals (cont’d)
Specific business meal purpose. Number of attendees & Names (10 or less). Must follow College Per Diem Guidelines Maximum tip 20%. Meals up to 50% over Per Diem. Preparer’s Name & Extension. Authorization for meals charged to Grant Funds
Business Meal Form
Business Meal Form
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV) – Transportation
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV)
Use of Personally Owned Vehicle (POV) MapQuest print-outs for mileage claims are helpful For mileage to airports, a copy of your flight itinerary should also be included 100 miles per day or less – full IRS rate .575 (Effective Jan 2015) Greater than 100 miles per day – fleet rate .235 (Effective Jan 2015) All Miles driven must be reported Average Miles per Day option Use for 3 travel days or more Must show daily breakdown of mileage on TERV Cost Benefit option Enterprise Rental Cost Calculator – On Procurement’s Website
TERV Documentation - Mileage
Mileage – Average Miles Option (continuous travel 3 days or more) Wrong way! Right way! Must be shown on TERV broken down by day!
TERV Documentation – Mileage
Rental Cost-Benefit Option Enterprise Cost Calculator can be located on Procurement’s website at: Enter Location, round trip miles and number of days you would need the rental.
TERV Documentation – Airfare & Rental Cars
Airfare Receipt-Itinerary Must show flight information, Coach/Economy, Amount, and proof of Payment Boarding pass not necessary unless it includes criteria above that is not on the receipt Rental Car Receipt Must show proof of Payment Upgrades, GPS, Insurance & Fuel Service Plan disallowed When claiming fuel reimbursement, the rental receipt must be included (even if the rental was direct-billed) If an Upgrade is chosen, justification must be provided
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV) – Lodging
TERV Documentation - Lodging
Lodging – Receipts Lodging Folio – Must have zero balance or show form of payment. When per diem is claimed, a hotel folio or internet receipt showing the hotel location, arrival/departure dates, room rate and taxes must be included (even if the hotel is direct-billed) In-Room Internet – a justification statement must be included for purchase of in-room internet service. The statement must provide the specific business reason for needing in-room service (checking is not sufficient) Meals, movies, gym/spa, in-room safe charges disallowed
TERV Documentation - Lodging
Standard Lodging Exception up to 200% Department may approve up to 200% of allowance TA Lodging Exception Request must be completed and approved. May be approved prior to or after travel depending on department requirements. Excess Lodging Exception above 200% Exceeds 200% of allowance (rare occurrence) Requires approval from the College’s Fiscal Officer. Request through the Travel Office PRIOR TO TRAVEL Comparison of 3 hotels within a 5 mile radius from chosen/event hotel See example: Hotel Comparison Spreadsheet
TERV Documentation - Lodging
Excess Lodging Exception Over 200% Hotel Cost Comparison
TERV Documentation - Lodging
Room Sharing Lodging Allowance is a per night rate, NOT a per person rate Regardless of how many are sharing a room, if the room rate exceeds the allowance, additional approvals are required. Alternate Method Each person pays half the room rate and claims half the rate for reimbursement. Person #2 (who’s name is not on the lodging invoice) must have a statement from person #1 confirming Person #2 paid for half the room
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV) – Meals
TERV Documentation - Meals
Conference or Training Seminar Agenda Required Conferences and Training Seminars offer free meals Meals included with registration must be deducted from Per Diem No deductions for Reception or Continental Breakfast provided. Per Diem State Per Diem Calculator Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico International Per Diem Int’l Meal & Incidentals Breakdown
TERV Documentation – State Allowance Rates
To find Lodging and Meal Per Diem allowances: Enter 6-digit departure date Exp: Feb 10, is entered as “021015” Tab to Return Date block Enter 6-digit Return date using format above Tab to “Where” block Start entering the city name. A drop-down will appear. Select the appropriate city. OR enter the 2-digit State abbreviation to get a drop down of all cities listed for the state.
TERV Documentation – State Allowance Rates
First and Last travel days automatically calculated for 75% of meals Each day’s per diem is dated Lodging Allowance also includes the 200% allowance amount Individual Meal allowance amounts provided No rounding on per diem.
TERV Documentation – International Allowance Rates
To find Lodging and Meal Per Diem allowances: Click on drop-down menu Select Country Click “Go”
TERV Documentation – International Allowance Rates
Lodging allowance is MAX amount that can be reimbursed Locate M&IE for the City Use M&IE Meal Breakdown link to find individual meal and incidental amounts.
TERV Documentation - Meals
Meals - Receipts vs. Per Diem Receipts for Individual meals are NOT required Meal receipts must be within College per diem guidelines for each meal Snacks are not allowed Alcohol is not allowed Maximum 20% tip Business Meal receipts during travel MUST be submitted with the TERV Business Meal receipts must include the specific business purpose, # of attendees & names (if less than 10), and must follow State meal guidelines Business Meal receipt amounts must be removed from Per Diem and put into the “Other” column on the TERV Business Lunch? Only breakfast & dinner should be included in the “Per Diem” column for that day.
TERV Documentation - Meals
Per Diem for Departure and Return Days 75% of meals plus incidentals Only one Departure and Return day allowed unless there are extenuating circumstances Did you require overnight stay in a hotel because flight was cancelled or extremely delayed? Red-eye flights – an additional day’s per diem is not allowed when arriving after midnight
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV) – Overtime Meals
TERV Documentation – Overtime Meals
Based on actual expenses Meals must fall within per diem guidelines Original Itemized Receipts are required Without original itemized receipts: Limit $5 local meals Limit $10 outside home base Per Diem allowance cannot be used in place of actual expenses
TERV Documentation – Overtime Meals
MUST include additional documentation outlining normal work schedule & overtime start/end times Example for a 1-day trip Generally, an employee would not be eligible for an overtime meal until they had out of necessity been on duty for 10 hours Meal is not reimbursable if taken at the end of the overtime period Meals taken at the home base after the traveler arrives cannot be reimbursed. Lunch meal expenses are not reimbursable under the provisions of the overtime meal reimbursement policy Overtime Meals are Taxable as income to the employee Must be coded to Accounting Code
Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (TERV) – Miscellaneous
TERV Documentation – “Miscellaneous”
What belongs in the “Other” column on the TERV? Everything except mileage, airfare, per diem and lodging Business meals Train or bus tickets, metro tickets, taxi and tolls Airline baggage charges Car Rentals, Gas & Parking Rentals & Airport Parking should be broken down on the TERV by day Miscellaneous business purchases during travel (books, postage, supplies, etc.)
TERV Documentation – Miscellaneous
All receipts provided should be itemized originals. International receipts must be translated and converted to USD For lost receipts, the traveler must complete a Misplaced Receipt Certificate (MRC) which must be approved by the supervisor and include what was done to retrieve a duplicate receipt Expense Coding The TERV must be properly coded with funding indexes and expense type account codes When Conferences or formal Training Seminars are attended, all expenses should be coded to except Registration which should be coded to Membership fees paid with Registration must be coded to
TERV Documentation - Examples
What should be put into the Date Description? Description of items that make up the “Other” column total Special circumstances that require explanation Explanation of transport items with no receipt
TERV Documentation – Examples
The TERV should include the Preparer’s Name and contact phone number in case we have any questions The total of the separately-coded amounts must equal the total reimbursement to be paid. Description Field should contain all business events and specific business purposes for travel and City/State or City/Country.
Finally . . . The TERV must include original signatures of the traveler and the supervisor or department designee Unable to obtain Traveler Original Signature College departments may have a guest (i.e. speaker/lecturer/ presenter) visit for the purpose of conducting a lecture or presentation. The visitor may actually be on the premises for one day only and therefore not available to sign the TERV once prepared. To accommodate the business of the College for guest travel payments, an exception to policy has been approved and it reads as follows: The Travel Accounts Payable department will accept written authorization from guest, or fax, authorizing office managers to prepare the travel voucher on their behalf. The proper way to sign for others is: YOUR SIGNATURE for THE TRAVELER’S NAME
TRAVEL - Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC)
Travel restrictions lifted? TA required for all employees. Lodging Pre-pay First night only to hold room Hotel Folio must show details (arrival/departure dates, room rate, taxes) and cannot include disallowed items. Airline and Rail Tickets Travel Agency Invoice or Internet Receipt – must show flight details & economy class. Rental Car – final detailed receipt required. Upgrades require justification SPCC cannot be used for Moving & Relocation Charges.
SPCC (cont’d) Disallowed items cannot be charged to SPCC
Snacks, Gifts, Party Decor & Cards, Charitable Contributions. Meals that exceed 150%. Meal tips that exceed 20%. Lodging that exceeds 200%. Transport tips that exceed 15%. VA sales taxes allowed for prepared food ONLY. SPCC Audited by Travel Office. Same documentation required for SPCC as required for TERVs. Purchases with Policy violations will be flagged. Procurement Office receives report of cardholder violations. Procurement may suspend or terminate card for multiple Policy violations. Payments of disallowed items may be required to be paid back to the College.
SPCC Business Meal Upload Form
SPCC (cont’d) NEW Form! SPCC Business Meal Upload Form Contains all required components of the business meal plus justification for up to 50% over and approver’s signature. Found on Procurement website under Forms.
Travel Website sole source of Travel Policies
Travel - General Travel Website sole source of Travel Policies Forms can be located at Travel Authorization (TA) may be approved prior to OR after travel. Departments will determine when the TA should be approved. TA must be approved prior to submitting with the TERV.
Travel - General Travel vouchers should be submitted to Authorized Approver within 30 days, must be submitted within 60 days. If the employee has an advance, the advance must be paid back within the 60-day period. Receipts for Travel Expenses. Transport, Tolls & Parking Expenses $25 or less. No receipt necessary. Must Indicate “no receipt” on TERV. Purchase must be explained. What was purchased (bus, taxi, parking, etc.). Business purpose (example: taxi from/to).
Travel - Improper Expenditures
All purchases must be considered essential to the operation of the college and in support of its mission to justify the use of state funds. Examples of improper expenditures are: Snacks or refreshments Flight Insurance Car Rental Upgrades & all rental Options (including GPS) Laundry charges In-Room Safes Valet Parking (unless there is no self-parking option) Retirement or other employee parties Holiday decorations Gifts and flowers Charitable contributions
Our Commitment to you . . . To provide reimbursement of travel vouchers in a timely manner. Reduce the number of processing days for travel vouchers. Ensure expenses comply with the College’s Travel Policy so as not to jeopardize future Federal and State funding. We’re here for you – call or us anytime you have a question.
Travel Office Contacts
Sharon Harrington Travel Manager (757) LaDonna Jarvis Travel Accounts Specialist (757)
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