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J. F. Drake Middle School: “Our Future’s so bright we’ve gotta’ wear shades” New Teacher Orientation 2010-2011 Welcome to our Family!

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Presentation on theme: "J. F. Drake Middle School: “Our Future’s so bright we’ve gotta’ wear shades” New Teacher Orientation 2010-2011 Welcome to our Family!"— Presentation transcript:

1 J. F. Drake Middle School: “Our Future’s so bright we’ve gotta’ wear shades” New Teacher Orientation 2010-2011 Welcome to our Family!


3 School Policies and Procedures Auburn City School Board Policies J. F. Drake Faculty Handbook Student Handbooks Course Specific Materials/Guides

4 FORMS Discipline Forms/Referrals Daily Behavior Logs Parent Communication List Field Trip Forms Money/Receipts Documentation Forms Drive

5 Building Maintenance E-mail Mr. Barlow Help keep the halls, walls, building clean If you see something that needs to be fixed or cleaned... do it... or let us know Rooms clean

6 Discipline Tips Clear expectations and rules. Team procedures Post expectations Know your students Involve parents NEVER EVER get into a power struggle Use common sense Don’t Forget to SMILE

7 The FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL Harry K. Wong & Rosemary T. Wong Pass out books Discuss chapters Highlight specific areas

8 Harry Wong “Tips” Characteristics of Effective Teachers: Classroom Management Lesson Mastery Positive Expectations Organized, Consistent, and Structured. NO SURPRISES. #1 Problem in a classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures.

9 Harry Wong, continued... “ Spend the first day connecting with kids and you won’t spend the rest of the year chasing them.” Harry Wong Am I in the right room? Where am I supposed to sit? What are the rules for this classroom? What are we doing this year (show photos)? How will I be graded? Who are you? (photos) Will I be treated fairly?

10 Great Lessons: Focused Aligned Activities/Creativity Rubric Lesson Plans

11 IF YOU DON’T KNOW, ASK Always ask if you have a question “I did not know is not an excuse” Use your team members, buddies, administrators Ask Secretaries

12 Parent Communication Make Positive Communication first Approach problems needing their help Listen and let them “vent” first. “I understand, However, Therefore” Documentation

13 Money/Receipts/ Purchase Orders (Carla) Receipt Sheets Deposit/Balance Purchase Order Procedures Purchasing Cards If you don’t know, ask BEFORE EVER purchasing anything Fund Raising Field Trips

14 Absences/Sick Leave Kelly Services 2 Personal Days free. One additional at a purchased rate. If don’t use, roll over to sick days at end of year Personal days 2 weeks in advance and approved by principal. Earn one sick day per month. Docked if go over days Call in early, before 6:30 am and have plans ready/or call Team Leader Education is to continue.

15 School Planners/Lockers Given out during Camp Drake and first day of school School fees: $20.00 (Locker and planners) Practice/Practice using the lockers One team member helping with lockers each period

16 Drake Facts and Tidbits 1957 Dental Clinic/ All ACS students Growth over the years Alabama Reading Initiative Literacy Demonstration Site AMSTI SITE/TeamMath NMSA/Multiple Visitors Advanced Ed. Police presence/ Drug Dog (Taska)

17 Drake Positives PBS Practice lessons first week Drake Discipline Points Roar Bucks Team Celebrations All “S” Oreo Cookie Challenge Minute Miracle Various Programs GREAT/Gang Prevention Sunshine Teams/Plays/ Programs/Events Social Times Faculty Softball Team

18 Attitudes !!!!!!!!!!! Focus on positive Contagious Do not tolerate gossip, negativity, or unprofessional behavior Dress appropriately Kids are the FOCUS

19 “Kids don’t care what you know, until they know you care.” “My job as a public school teacher is to connect with whoever shows up on Monday.” Mrs. Hix

20 REMEMBER... YOU CAN Make A Difference !!! Ask yourself... What have I done today to make a difference ?

21 Tour of the Building

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