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27 th Sept 2007 CELLS Plants and Animals are built up of Cells stuck together. Houses are built up of bricks stuck together.

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2 27 th Sept 2007

3 CELLS Plants and Animals are built up of Cells stuck together. Houses are built up of bricks stuck together.


5 How many cells? Unicellular Eg. Multicellular

6 What is a cell? All living organisms are composed of cells. But what exactly is a cell?

7 CELLS ARE: the smallest unit of living matter. Cells are small compartments that hold all of the biological equipment necessary to keep an organism alive.

8 This means that each cell can: it can take in nutrients, convert these nutrients into energy,nutrients carry out specialised functions and reproduce as necessary.

9 The two Cell types

10 Activity 1: Learning to draw a plant cell: You will need: 1 well sharpened pencil Eraser

11 Types of cells


13 Reading Assignment 1 Find and underline on your handout the functions of the following structures: Cell wall Cell membrane Vacuoles Chloroplasts Mitochondrion

14 Cell Structures and Functions: Nucleus Controls reproduction and also contains the characteristics of the cell. Cell membrane Surrounds the cell and controls what moves in and out of the cell Cytoplasm - Jelly like substance where chemical reactions take place and other parts are embedded.

15 Mitochondria Found only in plant cells where respiration occurs. Chloroplasts These makes plants green. They contain chlorophyll which is needed for photosynthesis. Cell wall Gives the cell its shape. The cell's "skeleton". Vacuoles Where the cell sap is stored.

16 The differences between animal and plant cells are as follows: Plant CellsAnimal Cells Chlorophyll in chloroplasts, No Chlorophyll or chloroplasts, A cellulose cell wall,No Cellulose cell wall, Large vacuolesSmall or no vacuoles. Starch GrainsGlycogen granules

17 Review Question

18 Home -Work Find out the reasons for the difference s which exists between the plant and animal cells.

19 Apple 2007

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