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 Meal planning  Keep healthy snacks easily accessible to stave off hunger  Choose wisely if eating out.

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3  Meal planning  Keep healthy snacks easily accessible to stave off hunger  Choose wisely if eating out

4  Plan Ahead › Make a detailed grocery list, shop for and entire week-2 weeks if possible. › Pre-make meals each week and make lunches/snacks the night before. › Freeze individual portions that can be heated in the microwave.  Prepare healthy meals and snacks › Pre make microwavable healthy dinners/lunches/snacks. › Smoothies, pre-cut fruit, fruit cups, trail mix, ect. › Pre-cut vegetables, boiled eggs.  Purchase healthy portable meals and snacks › Purchase microwaveable frozen healthy dinners/lunches ( Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice.) › Purchase pre-cut fruit, fruit cups, trail mix, protein shakes, nutrition bars. › Purchase pre-cut vegetables, string cheese, melba toast.

5  Healthy menu items › Salads › Baked or grilled entrees › Low-carb options › Smoothies, Fruit and yogurts  Healthier options › Hold the mayo and other fattening sauces. › Choose broiled or grilled instead of fried. › Choose a salad or fruit instead of french-fries  Restaurants that offer healthy eating › Subway › Jamba Juice, Kiva Juice › Rumbis, Chilies

6  Fruit, veggies, boiled eggs, nuts, raisins.  Yogurt, smoothies, fruit, protein shakes.  Nutrition bars, melba toast, string cheese.  Water…Lots of it!

7  Today we have looked at various options for eating healthy on the go. We have learned how packing a lunch, choosing a restaurant and entrée, and keeping nutritious snacks on hand can all contribute to better eating habits even with a busy lifestyle. So the next time you think about heading to the drive-through to order that burger and fries consider this: with just a little planning you can enjoy a meal that’s delicious AND healthy so that YOU don’t end up super-sized.



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