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Writing Research Reports in the Biological Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Research Reports in the Biological Sciences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Research Reports in the Biological Sciences
By Michael G. Smircich Biology and Marine Biology Peer Tutor This handout is provided by the CLR. This handout is provided by the CLR.

2 7 Main Sections Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods
Results (Data) Discussion Conclusion References (works cited)

3 Abstract Why the experiment was done
What questions/problem was addressed How the research was done What major results were obtained What major conclusions were drawn Don’t be fooled, this paragraph could make or break your entire paper!!!

4 Introduction Background information from previous studies that directly relates to your research Should anticipate any questions that are discussed later Should end with a clear statement of the specific issues that will be addressed in the report

5 Introduction Should NOT: analyze results List data
Go into detail about methods Make any conclusions

6 Materials and Methods Must be descriptive
Anyone should be able to read this section and replicate your experiment Include all details that may have influenced your results Should NOT include details that are irrelevant i.e. we used #2 pencils to write in our notebooks

7 Results Summarize your findings
Use tables, graphs, illustrations, and words Draw readers attention to major observations, trends, and important points Be selective about including tables and graphs Present data only once DO NOT INTERPRET DATA HERE!!!

8 Results Good or bad?

9 Results Now this is good!

10 Discussion Interpret your results
Why were your results different than expected? How do your results compare to other similar studies? Ideas for future research Ways to improve your experiment for future recreations

11 Conclusion Reiterate your original hypothesis or question statement
Did you answer/solve your question? Sum up your findings Suggest ways this study can be built upon in the future

12 Works Cited Should include all data you referenced
Typically done in APA format In text citations should include (Author, date of publication) after the statement you quoted i.e. Starfish have radial symmetry (Smircich,1999) Reference list should be in alphabetical order according to author’s last name

13 Works Cited Example reference For more help with APA format:
Calabrese, A., Davis, H.C. (1966). The pH tolerance of embryos and larvae of Mercenaria mercenaria and Crassostrea virginica. Biological Bulletin. Vol No. 3. pp For more help with APA format:

14 Acknowledgment (optional)
Some people may choose to add this section to thank anyone who has helped make their paper possible Try to be short and concise This can often be a tricky section You never want to insult anyone by not including them

15 Should I write each section in order?
Easiest method Materials and Methods Results Discussion Introduction Abstract Most importantly, do whatever works best for you!

16 Thank you. If you have an questions, please email me at msmir1@unh
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