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1 Before we start… Zakład Wytrzymałości Materiałów: Remarks on mutual understanding 1.There should be not a linguistic barrier:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Before we start… Zakład Wytrzymałości Materiałów: Remarks on mutual understanding 1.There should be not a linguistic barrier:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Before we start… Zakład Wytrzymałości Materiałów: Remarks on mutual understanding 1.There should be not a linguistic barrier: just say the way you can and try to get into the essence of the matter 2.Do not hesitate to repeat your question so many times you will be satisfied with the answer. In a limit case try another language (Polish, Russian, French…) 3.Your question: „I do not understand” will be all round accepted 4.Ask for a break if you feel tired 5.Do not make notes on lectures; all material you see will be available online 6.Follow instructions of lecturers regarding home study

2 2 Strength Of Materials (SM) for graduate studies in Civil Engineering at PK

3 3 Content of full course in SM STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (SM1, SM2 ) Course syllabus for UNDERGRADUATE studies in Civil Engineering (number of contact hours: 60 in 1 st semester, 75 in 2 nd semester) SM1 (winter semester) 1. Introduction to mechanics of materials 1.1. Internal forces, method of sections, definition of internal forces 1.2. Theorem of equivalence of external and internal forces 1.3. Definition of special cases of internal forces reduction in bars (tension, bending, shear, torsion) 1.4. Resultant of internal forces in bars as function of spaces variables 2. Resultant forces in bar structures 2.1. Relation between distributed load, shear force and bending moment 2.2. Rules for writing equations and making diagrams for cross-sectional internal forces 2.3. Cross-sectional forces for simple bars, frames, arches and trusses 3. Basics of linear elasticity 3.1. Theory of stress state (normal and shear stresses, stress matrix and its eigenvalues: principal stresses and their directions, graphical representation of state of stress, equation of internal equilibrium and static boundary conditions) 3.2. Theory of state of deformation (elongation and shear strains, small strain matrix and its eigenvalues, compatibility of strains) 3.3. Constitutive equation for linear elasticity (Hooke’s law and its different representations, material constants) 3.4. Boundary value problem (BVP): its formulation and methods of solving 3.5. Elastic energy

4 4 SM2 (summer semester) 4. Basic cases of internal forces reduction 4.1. Free torsion (as an example of BVP inverse solution) 4.2. Uniaxial tension 4.3. Bending (simple and skewed bending, bonding combined with tension, shear bending) 4.4. Shear in joints 5. Strength and toughness of materials 5.1. Material effort and strength hypothesis (stress, strain and energy governed hypothesis) 5.2. Concepts of equivalent stress in 2D 6. Special topics 6.1. Buckling of columns (Euler buckling load, effective length, bar slenderness, limits of Euler’s theory) 6.2. Basics of thin-walled theory 6.3. Basics of composite materials (material anisotropy and its reduction, theory of laminates) Basic literature: V. D. da Silva, Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Springer V., 2006 (full text available at: ………… Content of full course in SM (ctd)

5 5 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (SM3) Course syllabus for GRADUATE studies in Civil Engineering (number of contact hours: 15 lecture hours, 15 laboratory) 1. Basics of SM revisited: 1.1. General stress, strain and displacements 1.2. Constitutive equations for elastic and non-elastic materials 1.3. Boundary value problem of linear elasticity 1.4. Summary of typical loading cases for beams and struts (tension, bending, twisting, shear and columns) 1.5. Non-typical loading of elastic structures (combined loading, elastic bedding, thin walled structures) 2. Inelastic structures 2.1. Basics of plasticity 2.2. Elements of solids’ rheology 3. Loading capacity of materials and structures 3.1. Theoretical strength 3.2. High- and low-cycle fatigue 3.3. Basics of linear fracture mechanics 3.4. Linear and non-linear damage accumulation Content of full course in SM (ctd) Is it really necessary? Basic literature: 1.V. D. da Silva, Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Springer V., 2006 2. N.E.Dowling, Mechanical Beahvior of Materials. Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture and Fatigue, Prentice-Hall, 1996 We have to know!

6 6 Strength of Materials versus Mechanical Beahaviour of Materials N.E.Dowling, Mechanical Beahvior of Materials. Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture and Fatigue, Prentice-Hall, 1996 Let’s see what is going on in Massachusetts Institute of Technology … J.M.DemkowiczJ.M.Demkowicz (syllabus) L.J.GibsonL.J.Gibson (Set of problems with solutions)

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