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By Amjad Javaid Sandhu Assistant Agricultural Census Commissioner Agricultural Census Organization Statistics Division Government of Pakistan

3 INTRODUCTION Agricultural Census Organization (ACO) was established in 1958 under the M/O Agriculture and Works initially to conduct Agricultural Census. It was transferred to Statistics Division in 1978 and since then its scope has been expanded. ACO conducts agriculture related censuses in Pakistan to fulfill the requirements of Agricultural Census Act 1958. The Agricultural Census, Livestock Census, Agricultural Machinery Census and Mouza / Village Census are the main activities of ACO.

4 Contributions and Achievements of Agricultural Census Organization
Decennial Agricultural Censuses conducted in the years ending with digit zero. Decennial Agricultural Machinery Censuses in the years ending with digit four. Decennial Livestock Censuses conducted in the years ending with digit six. Quinquennial Mouza / Village Censuses, once before Agricultural Census in the digit eight and once in the digit three before every livestock census, to update sample frame of mouzas / dehs / villages. Any other census / survey if directed by the Federal Government.

5 Geographical Coverage
The Agricultural Census Organization covers whole of the country for all the above mentioned censuses as: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province including FATA and PATA. Punjab province including Cholistan and Islamabad district. Sindh province. Balochistan province. The geographic coverage also extended to the Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir each as a separate entity.

Six decennial Agricultural Censuses have so far been conducted in Pakistan First: Second: 1972 Third: Fourth: Fifth: Sixth: data processing is in progress

7 Objectives of Agricultural Census
The main objectives of Agricultural Census are: To generate information on the structure of agriculture. To collect basic information on agricultural resources and state of their utilization. To generate information on modern farming practices by the farming community. To fulfill the data needs regarding agriculture for national as well as international agencies like FAO etc.

8 Methodology of Agricultural Census
The enumeration agency is provincial revenue departments in settled areas and in unsettled areas the agriculture, livestock and education departments work as enumeration agencies in addition to revenue staff. District meetings are convened at each district to finalize the enumerator assignments and training arrangements. All the enumerators and supervisors are trained in the concepts and procedures of the Agricultural Census by the well trained Census Master Trainers(CMTs) of ACO at tehsil / Taluka level Continue…

9 From previous slide Agricultural Census is sample based and is conducted only in sampled mouzas / dehs / villages which are selected through appropriate sampling techniques. After training, the enumerators start listing of households (HHs) in selected mouzas. After completion of listing the CMTs select HH clusters of approximately 30 HHs. Then the enumerators fill detailed census questionnaires only from selected HHs. Continue…

10 From previous slide During the entire census period CMTs remained in the field for supervision, sample selection of HHs and for technical guidance. Officers from ACO also supervise the field operation through personal inspections and verifications of data during field operation. The district / tehsil management also ensures accuracy and in time completion of census. Retrieval of filled-in questionnaires is managed by ACO after completion of field operation for data processing.

11 Scope of Agricultural Census
The scope of census is restricted according to the instructions of FAO laid down in the World Census of Agriculture (WCA) programmes. Regarding farms, the scope includes only agricultural farms held or operated by govt. or by private households. The undistributed govt. lands, built up areas and lands under roads, rails, rivers, canals, hills, lakes etc. are out of the scope of census. Continue…

12 From previous slide In respect of subjects the data are collected on type, size, tenure and parcels of farms. Information on land utilization, irrigation, area under crops and orchards, number of fruit and non-fruit trees is also included. Data on fertilizers, , manures, pesticides, use of agricultural machinery and agricultural labour are also collected. Livestock population and information on credit for agricultural is also part of census. Continue…..

13 From previous slide Household members by age and sex, their educational level and participation in the agricultural activities. Type of residential structures, economic activities and main source of income of the household are also included in the scope of agricultural census.

14 Salient Features of Agricultural Census 2000
NUMBER OF FARMS AND FARM AREA (Farms in Millions and Farm Area in Million Acres) Administrative Units Number of Farms Farm Area Total Percent of Total Pakistan 6.62 100 50.43 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1.36 21 5.59 11 Punjab 3.86 58 27.76 55 Sindh 1.07 16 10.69 Balochistan 0.33 5 6.39 13

15 Pie Chart for Number of Farms

16 Pie Chart for Farm Area

17 Tenure Classification of Farms (In Millions)
Administrative Units Total Owner Owner-cum-Tenant Tenant Pakistan 6.62 5.13 0.56 0.93 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1.36 1.13 0.08 0.15 Punjab 3.86 3.04 0.42 0.4 Sindh 1.07 0.7 0.04 0.32 Balochistan 0.33 0.27 0.01 0.05

18 Tenure Classification of Farm Area (In Million Acres)
Administrative Units Total Owner Owner-cum-Tenant Tenant Pakistan 50.43 36.97 7.32 6.13 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5.59 4.24 0.81 0.54 Punjab 27.76 19.25 5.40 3.11 Sindh 10.69 8.11 0.74 1.84 Balochistan 6.39 5.37 0.38 0.64

19 Land Use and Cropping Intensities
Administrative Units Land Use Intensities Cropping Intensities Pakistan 85 142 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 83 Punjab 96 154 Sindh 77 130 Balochistan 53 78

20 Bar Chart for Land Use and Cropping Intensities

21 Livestock Census of Pakistan
Four decennial Livestock Censuses have so far been conducted by ACO in Pakistan First: Second: 1986 Third: Fourth:

22 Objectives of Livestock Census
To provide current estimates of the commercially important livestock by age, breed, sex, ownership distribution and of domestic poultry by age and sex distribution. To develop information based on livestock composition. To ascertain the number of livestock holding units reporting animals and domestic poultry. To estimate the overall milk production and the number of animals slaughtered. To ascertain the number of commercial poultry farms, their capacity and production (first time in 2006) by type of farming.

23 Methodology and Scope of Livestock Census
Livestock census is sample based. The provincial livestock departments work as enumeration agencies through out the country. Rest of the procedures to conduct livestock census are the same as of agricultural census. The data are collected on age, sex and breeds of cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats while for camels data are collected only by age and sex. Information about total number of horses, mules, asses and domestic poultry is collected.

Type of Animal Million Heads Per cent of Total Livestock Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Camels Horses Mules Asses 29.56 27.33 53.79 26.49 00.92 00.34 00.16 04.27 21 19 38 18 0.65 0.24 0.11 3 Total Livestock 142.86 100


26 Agricultural Machinery Census of Pakistan
Five Agricultural Machinery Censuses have so far been conducted by ACO First in 1968 Second in 1975 Third in Fourth in 1994 Fifth in

27 Objectives of Agricultural Machinery Census
Generate estimates of number of tractors, bulldozers, combine harvesters, tractor drawn and other farm implements. Develop statistics on tractors by make, model, power and working condition. Provide number of tubewells / wells with pump / lift pumps / submercible pumps by type of motive power. Information of private tubewells by type of ownership, year of installation, their suction and delivery capacity. Continue…..

28 From previous slide To reckon the households owning tractors and tubewells by type and source of finance. To provide information about use of agricultural machines on own farms and practice of renting out tractor time and tubewell water. To gauge the number of privately owned Modern Irrigation Systems (MISs) i.e. sprinkler and trickle / drip irrigation system.

29 Methodology of Agricultural Machinery Census
The provincial agriculture (extension) departments work as enumeration agency. Tractors and tubewells / lift pumps are enumerated on 100 % count basis. Then every 10th tractor and tubewell / lift pump is selected for detailed interview of the owner. Rest of the procedures for field operation are the same as already explained.

30 Scope of Agricultural Machinery Census
All the public and private tractors and tubewells wholly or partly used for agricultural purposes are enumerated. The machinery not used for agricultural purposes is out of scope of census. Farm implements normally pulled or motivated by tractors as well as self propelled implements and in the possession of tractor owner. Extent and pattern of use of privately owned farm machinery.

31 Salient Findings of AMC 2004
Type of Machinery Number Private Tractors 400,446 Massey Ferguson 171,943 Ford 24,968 Fiat 164,941 IMT 2,037 Belarus 31,768 Others 6,004 Private Tubewells / Lift Pumps 922,207 Electric 88,885 Diesel 833,322

32 Mouza Census Eight mouza censuses have so far been conducted in Pakistan First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth

33 Objectives of Mouza Census
Update the mouzas / dehs / villages list by administrative units, being used as sample frame for a census. Generate data on socio economic indicators at mouza level. Provide useful information to the planners and policy makers in their endeavours to bring change in living standard of masses in rural areas.

34 Socio-Economic Facilities Available in Mouzas Covered in Mouza Census 2008
Status of Mouza Name and Number of Union Council* Total / Cultivated / Uncultivated Acreage Important Crops of Mouza* Sources of Irrigation Water Course Improvement Scheme Credit Facility by Gender* Market Place (Bazar)* Sources of Employment by Gender* Type of Industries* Sources of Drinking Water Taste of Sub-soil Water Water Treatment Facility* Facility of Toilet* Pacca Streets Pacca Drains and Sewerage* Facilities Availability of Energy* Media Facilities* Housing Condition (Pacca / Kacha)* Play Grounds & Sports Teams by Gender* Development Organizations by Gender* Dispute Resolution Mechanism* * Covered first time

35 Socio-Economic Facilities Available at Mouza or Located at Distance From Mouza Covered in Mouza Census 2008 Veterinary Health Coverage Cattle Market, Grain Market, Fruit & Vegetable Market & Wheat Procurement Centre Agricultural Inputs (Fertilizers / Seeds / Pesticides) Commercial Banks and On- line Banking* Post Office Health Facilities Availability of Electricity Diesel and Petrol Pump / Depot / Agency CNG / LPG Availability* Metalled Road Transport Facility* Telecommunication / Internet* Education Facility by Gender (Primary / Middle / High School & College and Vocational Centre) Police Station * Covered first time

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