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■ DEMO#1: Manual Teaching Mode, Task Creation, Basic Autonomous Run ■ DEMO#2: Obstacle Avoidance Demo ■ DEMO # 3: Complete reproduction of manual drive.

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Presentation on theme: "■ DEMO#1: Manual Teaching Mode, Task Creation, Basic Autonomous Run ■ DEMO#2: Obstacle Avoidance Demo ■ DEMO # 3: Complete reproduction of manual drive."— Presentation transcript:

1 ■ DEMO#1: Manual Teaching Mode, Task Creation, Basic Autonomous Run ■ DEMO#2: Obstacle Avoidance Demo ■ DEMO # 3: Complete reproduction of manual drive ■ DEMO#4 : Creation of Route on desk and Demo Manual/ Teaching/ PDA/ Task creation/ ATV performance (Ride over, slope)/ Autonomous Run/ Mobility Smooth Avoidance/ Reaction against moving obstacle (Emergent Stop)/ Dead-End reaction/ Remote control/ Return back of mode Various Speed range/ Learning of Application operation/ Easy Teaching Without Teaching/ Create Route on PC/ Two type of Creation/Calculation route DEMO S DEMO SCENARIO

2 DEMO#1: Manual Teaching Mode, Task Creation, Basic Autonomous Run

3 There is a van stopped. UGV is contained inside. Board for getting down has already be put on the ground.

4 On Base Station, Personal Computer for Monitors, Image Picture Monitor, Remote Control Switch, and Joy Stick are located. These equipments can be shown to Customer.

5 In a Van, person do Engine starting, Generator engine starting, and System starting mannually.

6 Base Station Monitor On, information is displayed

7 Operator comes in and operate PDA.. UGV gets down automatically, comes and stops to a home position (engine stops with generator running on).

8 Operator takes a sheet cover and ride on.

9 Operator command" Start Teaching ".

10 Engine starts, Manual Run starts, Teaching starts. Recording of running path starts.

11 UGV runs fairly fast like ATV with manual Teaching running

12 Operator pushes a marking button at the desired surveillance point, and record(input) the position.

13 Operator come back near the HOME position, and stop UGV at the spot where UGV can easily go back to HOME position.

14 Operator command "Finish Teaching "and Engine stop by PDA.

15 Operator get off UGV and put the Cover on UGV.

16 Operator put the name on "the taken route data " and save it by PDA.

17 Operator change the mode into "Create Task " by PDA.

18 Operator choose Route, establish Task, name it and save it.

19 Operator select "TASK" and push "Autonomous Mode".button

20 PC at base station has an Information screen, and another Monitor has a Picture taken by Camera.

21 UGV move into Home position and stop once

22 UGV stop for a while, and start Autonomous running.

23 UGV stop at the First designated point, (stop engine), and execute designated Task.

24 Same as at the next point.

25 Return back to Home position and stop engine.

26 On PDA and Base station Monitor, sign of "Task finished "flush

27 DEMO#2: Obstacle Avoidance Demo

28 Staff put the obstacle on the way of path(road).

29 Operator select the Task and push Autonomous Start button on with using PDA.

30 Base Station Monitor On, information is displayed,

31 Start "Autonomous Run".

32 UGV avoids first obstacle (object) easily (smoothly) and keep on running

33 At the second moving obstacle, make a emergent stop, and wait until obstacle run across, then restart (rerun).

34 A dead-end obstacle: UGV send HELP signal to base station. Base station monitor has a flushing Help sign. Automatically operation mode turns into "Remote control mode"

35 Base station operator runs UGV with remote-control watching picture image through Camera.

36 Return to a regular Route, and Operator at Base station runs UGV with remote-control watching picture image through Camera.

37 After few seconds, mode turns into Autonomous mode again.

38 UGV returns back to Home position.

39 On PDA and Base Station Monitor, sign"Task finished" flush..

40 DEMO # 3: Complete reproduction of manual drive

41 Operator takes a sheet cover and ride on.

42 Operator command" Start Teaching ".

43 Engine starts, Manual Run starts, Teaching starts. Recording of running path starts.

44 Like normal ATV running, Operator (Driver) runs UGV with various speed range, and sometimes make a stop to operate Camera or Light.

45 UGV returns back to the point near Home position. Operator parks UGV so that it can moves into Home position easily.

46 Operator command “Finish Teaching” and stop engine

47 Operator get off UGV and put the Cover on UGV.

48 Operator put the name on "the taken route data " and save it by PDA.

49 Operator select "TASK" and push "Autonomous Mode".button

50 PC at Base Station has an Information screen on, and another Monitor has a Picture taken by Camera

51 UGV moves into Home position and stops once.

52 UGV stop for a while, and start Autonomous running.

53 UGV reproduce every movement of manual running completely and return back.

54 Return back to Home position and stop engine

55 On PDA and Base Station Monitor, sign of "Task finished "flush

56 DEMO#4 : Creation of Route on desk and Demo

57 SCEA N CONTENTS 1 On Base Station PC, operator turn on "Programming Mode" and Map information appear on screen. 2 On the Map, Operator create ROUTE: Waypoint click, and then input Speed of each section. 3 Select the way to create ROUTE; "Speed oriented mode" or "Position oriented mode" 4 Calculate the Route, and Final route with connecting "R" is shown. PC ask "OK ? " Operator reply it. 5 Operator create the name of the Route, save it, and transmit it to UGV.

58 Application

59 Application Components for Demonstration Camera-Present Heli system(Fron/Rear camera plus application camera) (option: EyeSee360) -Use present Heli system -Apply “Joystick” for Base station/ Vehicle Search Light-Search Light for Marine use or Police use (ex. PATLITE) -Put it separate from Head Light -Move Voice speeker/Mike/ Tranceiver -Broadcast Recording Message at the points -When Base Station Switch On, operator voice is broadcast -Mike on UGV is always ON -At Base Station, Volume only -For Interactive Conversation (ex.PATLITE) Patrol Light-Just WARNING purpose (ex. PATLITE)


61 Detail design of the Vehicle

62 System diagram from KAMIYA-san


64 Detail size of Laser Scanner and MotorDriver Detail size of Upper Computer Detail size of Applanix computer Detail size of DC power Supply Detail size of Back-up Power Supply Still missing: Laser Scanner Driver Camera controller DC Power supply Back-up Power Supply

65 Detail size of Gyro Requirement for mounting

66 Requirement for mounting GPS antenna And quantity

67 Redesigning front of Body Panel and Head light Redesigning tail of Body Panel and Tail light Redesigning camera & antenna mount tower

68 Base Station

69 Detail of Base Station PDA -Vehicle ON/ OFF/ STANBY -Mode switching -Mode display -Teaching Operation -Route Registration(Save) -Task Creation/ Save -Start running/ Stop -Display of Vehicle Information PC at Base Station -Display Map Information -Display Vehicle Information ( position/ speed/ normal_abnormal/ mode) -Task name/ Task Status Joystick/ Switch -Vehicle Operation Start Engine/Stop/Speed/Steering/ Brake/ Switch for Forward_Rear/ Parking/ operation of Headlight -Camera Operation (Search Light interlocked movement) -Mike ON/ Speeker Volume -Recording Voice Reproduction/Stop -Search Light ON/OFF -Patrol Light ON/ OFF Image Monitor -Display of Image

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