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Democracy & Dictatorship

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1 Democracy & Dictatorship
Learning Objectives: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge: What is a democracy? What is a dictatorship? How democratic is the world we live in? You will have completed an odd one out quiz & used the information gained to write a definition for each word. You will have ranked a set of modern countries in order of how democratic they are. Historical Skill Cultural, Ethnic & Religious Differences Skill Working in pairs (co-operation, focusing on the task, asking sensible questions etc)

2 Which is the odd one out and why?

3 A C D B

4 Answer = A Only leader of a democratic country (elected leader).
Other leaders are dictators

5 A C B D

6 Answer = C People are often tortured or killed for criticising the government in a dictatorship. In a democracy, you have the right to vote, speak and protest.

7 A C B D

8 Answer = D Only flag of a democratic country.
The other flag belong to communist dictatorship (idea that everyone is equal)

9 A - Burma C - Cuba B - Iraq D - Vietnam

10 Answer = B Iraq is the only example of a modern day democracy.
The other countries are still lead by dictators.

11 In your own words answer the two questions in a full sentence
In your own words answer the two questions in a full sentence. (Use your sheet to help you.) What is a democracy? What is a dictatorship? Extension – In no more than 10 words, explain what is the difference between the two types of countries.

12 ‘A Democracy is a country where the people are free to chose who they want to run the country. People have a say in how the country is run and can criticise the government because they have the freedom of speech. Everyone follows the laws of the land.’

13 ‘A Dictatorship is a country ruled by one political party and their leader. During election people must vote for the dictator’s party. People cannot criticise the government or they get put in prison and the leader can do what he/she wants. They do not have to obey the laws of the land.’

14 Task 3… Cut out the modern countries. Read the information.
In pairs, put the cards on your line to show how democratic they are. Least democratic (a dictatorship) Most democratic Extension – Add any extra facts that you know about each of the countries Have you heard about any countries in the news recently? Which country? What was it about? Was it good or bad?

15 Were you correct?

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