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Understanding How The Mobile Revolution Can Impact Your Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding How The Mobile Revolution Can Impact Your Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding How The Mobile Revolution Can Impact Your Business

2 What is Mobile Marketing? Wikipedia Definition of Mobile Marketing In November 2009, the Mobile Marketing Association updated its definition of Mobile Marketing: Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.

3 In Other Words… Mobile Marketing is the “New-Age” way to deliver permission-based, targeted, and easy- to-use promotion offers to millions of consumers via their mobile devices. For Small Businesses:

4 Times Have Changed Not anymore… Today, consumers spend MUCH LESS time viewing TV commercials and more time in front of their PC’s and Mobile Devices Years Ago, Advertisers Could Reach Most of America with Just TWO 60 Second TV Commercials

5 Mobile Usage Statistics Did You Know…  More Americans Own Mobile Phones than Computers?  Most Consumers Age 18-34 Now Own Smartphones?  U.S. Mobile Commerce Sales Surged 91.4% in 2011?

6 Mobile Usage Statistics Did You Know…  By 2014, Mobile Internet Usage is Expected to Exceed Desktop Internet Usage?  More than 50% of all “Local” Searches are Done from a Mobile Device?  Over 350 MILLION People Access Facebook from Their Mobile Devices?

7 Consumers LOVE Mobile Devices  It Takes 90mins for the Average Person to Respond to an Email… But it Takes 90 SECONDS for them to respond to a Text Message  Our Mobile Devices are the First Thing We Check in the Morning and the Last Thing We Check Before Bed

8 Consumers LOVE Mobile Devices  Adults Now Spend More Time with Mobile Devices than Print Media Such as Newspapers and Magazines  91% of Americans Keep Their Mobile Devices within Arm’s Reach 24/7  Mobile Coupons Get 10 TIMES the Redemption Rate of Traditional Coupons

9 Consumers LOVE Mobile Devices  Nearly Half of Generation Y Would rather Lose Their Wallet or Purse Than Their Mobile Device  The Average Person takes 26hrs to Report a Lost Wallet… But They Report a Lost Phone within 68mins

10 What Are We Doing on Our Mobile Devices?  Communicating Emailing, Texting, Sending Pictures, Social Networking, Blogging, and More

11 What Are We Doing on Our Mobile Devices?  Personal Business Checking Weather, Reading News, Shopping, Maps/Directions, Stock Quotes, Looking for Local Products/Services, and More  Passing Time Playing games, Downloading Ringtones, Watching Videos, and More

12 Most Popular Forms of Mobile Marketing Technology  SMS (Short Message Service) Text Messaging  Mobile Search & Mobile Websites  QR Codes

13 What is “Text Messaging”? Wikipedia Definition of Text Messaging Text messaging, or texting, refers to the exchange of brief written text messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network. SMS (Short Message Service) is a form of text messaging communication on phones and mobile phones.

14 Mobile Phones Aren’t Just for Talking Anymore In Fact, Nearly 3 Out of 4 Americans Send and Receive Text Messages… … 31% of Them Prefer to “Text” than “Talk” on Their Mobile Devices

15 Preferred Contact Method by Number of Texts Sent/Received

16 Benefits of Using SMS Text Marketing in Your Business Builds a Powerful List of Targeted Buyers Permission-Based – Customers Opt-in to Receive Your Text Messages Cost-Effective and Produces a High Rate of Return Very Little Technical Knowledge Required

17 Benefits of Using SMS Text Marketing in Your Business Easy to Manage and Understand Mass Alert to Those Who Have Opted-In to Your List High Deliverability Rates Easy to Track and Measure Results

18 Benefits of Using SMS Text Marketing in Your Business Increases Repeat Business Decreases “No-Shows” for Appointments Promotes Customer Engagement & Loyalty Increases Exposure, Sales, and Revenue

19 Interesting SMS Text Messaging Statistics  Approximately 90% of Consumers Read Their Text Messages within MINUTES  73% of Consumers WANT to Receive Special Offers on Their Mobile Devices but are Not Getting Them  Offers Made via SMS Text Marketing Get up to a 20% Response Rate – 10 Times More Than Traditional Methods

20 Different Ways to Use SMS Text Marketing in Your Business Start a Mobile Coupon Club Cross Advertise Your Text Message Campaigns Incorporate QR Codes into Your Campaigns Collect Feedback and Surveys

21 Different Ways to Use SMS Text Marketing in Your Business Text to Win Text Voting and Trivia Customer Appointment Reminders

22 Tips for Your SMS Promotions  KNOW Your Audience and Target Wisely  Choose Your SMS Keyword Wisely  Let the World Know That You Use Text Marketing!

23 Tips for Your SMS Promotions Don’t Spam; Use Opt-ins Only Make Sure Your Offer is Easy to Understand and Attractive Provide Terms and Conditions Clearly Layout the Redemption Rules

24 How to Get Started with SMS Text Message Marketing 1.Pick a SMS Text Message Vendor 2.Decide on a Target Market 3.Setup a Way to Collect Mobile Phone Numbers 4.Choose a Keyword 5.Create a Good, Strong Call to Action 6.Design Your Promotional Materials 7.Tell the World About Your Text Campaign 8.Track Your Results

25 What is a “Mobile Website”? Wikipedia Definition of Mobile Web The Mobile Web refers to the use of Internet- connected applications, or browser-based access to the Internet from a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet computer connected to a wireless network.

26 Did You Know? One-half of All Internet Searches for LOCAL Products and Services are Performed from Mobile Devices … But There is Just ONE PROBLEM… Most Traditional Websites are NOT Compatible with Mobile Devices

27 A “Website” vs. a “Mobile-Friendly Website” Recent studies show that current mobile web-user experiences are overall HORRIBLE when it comes to viewing and navigating websites Web Designers Understand How to Build Websites Made for Computers… But a MOBILE PHONE is Not a Computer…

28 A “Website” vs. a “Mobile-Friendly Website” Computers are in a steady, predictable environment Mobile devices are in a highly variable environment Computers have large screens that allow multi-tasking Mobile devices have small screens and are not ideal for multi- tasking Computers have keyboards and mouse for ease-of-use Mobile devices are harder to navigate due to small keyboards and scrolling devices

29 Benefits of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website Improved User Experience Faster Website Loading Speed Better User Engagement and Context Location-Based for Geo-Targeting

30 Benefits of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website Improved Search Engine Performance Branding and Exposure to Mobile Users Increased Visits to Your Website and More Leads Accessibility to Mobile Consumers While They Are On the Go

31 Benefits of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website Your Website Can be Viewed Wherever Mobile Cell Phone Coverage is Available Helps You Attract Both “New” and “Repeat” Customers Gain the Advantage Over Competitors Easy to Integrate with Social Media Platforms to Boost Profits

32 Mobile Website Tips  Keep it SIMPLE  Create a Mobile Site that Caters to People Who are “On the Move”  Don’t Overload Your Mobile Website with Heavy Graphics or Flash  Use the “Click to Call” and Other “Click” Features  Keep Navigation and Scrolling to a Minimum  Design for Multiple Handsets

33 What is a QR Code? Wikipedia Definition of Mobile Web A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity.

34 What is a QR Code?  QR Codes are Quickly Becoming Popular in the Marketing World  QR Codes Allow Consumers to Access Information About a Product or Company IMMEDIATELY  Many Major Brands are Using Them to Engage with Customers Best Buy, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Calvin Klein, and More  Easily Read by Most Mobile Devices with the Help of a QR Code Reader

35 How QR Codes Work  Mobile Users Need a QR Code Reader to Scan Your QR Code These are FREE and Come Pre-Loaded on Most Smartphones  You Create a QR Code to Direct Users to Your Website (or other destination)  User Scans the QR Code and is Immediately Redirected to Your Website (or other destination)

36 Different Ways to Use QR Codes in Your Business Where to Put QR Codes?  Add Them to Your Online Properties, Such as Websites, Social Media Profiles, Emails, Online Videos, Press Releases and More  Place Them on Your Printed Marketing Materials, Such as Business Cards, Flyers, T-Shirts, Newspaper Ads, and More  Place Them on Your Product Packaging and Storefront Displays

37 Different Ways to Use QR Codes in Your Business Where to Send Consumers When They Scan Your QR Codes?  Send Them to Discounts, Rewards, Coupons, and Special Offers  Send Them to a Specific Product Page on Your Mobile Website  Send Them to Product Video Demos or Instructional Videos The sky is the limit, when it comes to using QR codes!

38 Benefits of Using QR Codes in Your Business  Consumer Receives “One-Click” Instant Gratification No Need to Write Down Your Details  Builds Customer Excitement and Makes Your Business Unique  Can Easily Integrate with SMS Text Message Marketing, and Mobile Websites  Explosive Mobile Usage Growth Creates Even More Opportunity for Your Business

39 Benefits of Using QR Codes in Your Business  Creating QR Codes is Cost-effective  Easy to Implement, Manage, Measure, and Track  Bridges the Gap Between Online and Offline Marketing

40 QR Code Tips  Make Sure Your QR Codes are Smartphone-Friendly  Don’t Print QR Codes on Glossy Paper (to Prevent Scanning Errors)  Size Your QR Codes Appropriately  Educate Your Audience About QR Codes  Point Customers to QR Code Readers

41 Call or eMail NOW!!! THANK YOU For Viewing Our Mobile Marketing for Local Businesses Presentation! If You Would Like More Information About How Mobile Marketing Can Help Your Local Business, Contact Me Today. Larry Truitt Moby Web Pro 877-251-4388

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