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Electrocardiography and Pulmonary Function Testing

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1 Electrocardiography and Pulmonary Function Testing
Chapter 52 Electrocardiography and Pulmonary Function Testing PowerPoint® presentation to accompany: Medical Assisting Third Edition Booth, Whicker, Wyman, Pugh, Thompson

2 Learning Outcomes 52.1 Explain the conduction system of the heart.
52.2 Describe the basic patterns of an electrocardiogram (ECG). 52.3 Identify the components of an electrocardiograph and what each does.

3 Learning Outcomes (cont.)
52.4 Explain how to position the limb and precordial electrodes correctly. 52.5 Describe in detail how to obtain an ECG. 52.6 Identify the various types of artifacts and potential equipment problems and how to correct them.

4 Learning Outcomes (cont.)
52.7 Discuss how the ECG is interpreted. Identify common arrhythmias. Define exercise electrocardiography. 52.10 Explain the procedure of Holter monitoring. 52.11 Describe forced vital capacity.

5 Learning Outcomes (cont.)
52.12 Describe the procedure of performing spirometry. 52.13 Describe the procedure for obtaining a performing peak expiratory flow rate. 52.14 Describe the procedure for performing pulse oximetry testing.

6 Introduction Patients often have cardiovascular or respiratory problems Medical assistant Perform screening and/or diagnostic testing Understand the anatomy and physiology of the heart and respiratory system

7 The Medical Assistant’s Role
Electrocardiography Graphic recording of the electrical impulses of the heart Uses Evaluate symptoms of heart disease Check effectiveness or side effects of medications General examination

8 The Medical Assistant’s Role (cont.)
Pulmonary function tests Measure and evaluate a patient’s lung capacity and volume Uses Help detect and diagnose pulmonary problems Monitor respiratory disorders Evaluate effectiveness of treatments

9 Conduction System of the Heart
Cardiac cycle Controlled by specialized tissues in the heart wall that transmit electrical impulses Impulses cause muscle to contract and relax

10 Conduction System of the Heart (cont.)
SA Node Bundle of His Pacemaker of the heart Sets rhythm of contractions Located in septum between ventricles Bundle Branches Relay impulse to Purkinje fibers AV Node Bottom of right atrium Impulse delayed slightly Purkinje Fibers Located in ventricle walls Contraction of ventricles

11 Conduction System of the Heart (cont.)
Electrocardiography Transmission, magnitude, and duration of electrical impulses of the heart Polarity Having a positive and negative pole Resting cell Positive outside Negative inside Depolarization Impulse that initiates a contraction Repolarization Period of electrical recovery following depolarization Prior to polarized (resting) state

12 Conduction System of the Heart (cont.)
Basic pattern of the ECG Waves (deflections) are labeled P, Q, R, S, T, U

13 Apply Your Knowledge Truly Great! True or False ANSWER:
___ The AV node is the heart’s pacemaker. ___ The medical assistant does not perform ECGs or PFTs. ___ The bundle branches relay impulses to the Purkinje fibers in the ventricles. ___ The heart is resting in the polarized state. ___ Depolarization initiates contractions of atria and ventricles. ___ Repolarization occurs before depolarization. ANSWER: F SA F may T T T F following

14 The Electrocardiograph
Electrical impulses are detected through the skin Measures Amplifies – signal is increased Records using the stylus

15 The Electrocardiograph (cont.)
Types of electrocardiographs Standard machine – 12-lead, which records 12 different views at once Single channel – one lead and records only one view

16 The Electrocardiograph (cont.)
Electrodes and electrolyte products Electrolyte – enhances transmissions of electric current Electrodes Ten areas of the body Right and left arms Right and left legs Six locations on the chest Enables physician to pinpoint origin of problems

17 The Electrocardiograph (cont.)
Leads Provide different images of electrical activity Marked automatically on the ECG Limb leads Three standard – I, II, III Three augmented – AVF, AVR, AVL Precordial leads – V1 through V6

18 The Electrocardiograph (cont.)
ECG paper Single or multichannel available Heat- and pressure-sensitive Standardized to permit uniform interpretation Vertical axis – strength of impulse (millivolt) Horizontal axis – time 0.04 sec 5 mm (0.5 mV) 1 mm (0.1 mV) 1 mm 5 mm 0.2 sec

19 The Electrocardiograph (cont.)
Controls Standardization control Speed selector – 25mm/sec standard Sensitivity control – adjusts height of tracing Lead selector – enables selection of a single lead Centering control – adjusts position of stylus Stylus temperature control – adjusts darkness of line Marker control – on older machines On/Off switch

20 Superbly Matched! Apply Your Knowledge Matching: ANSWER:
___ Adjusts position of stylus A. Vertical axis ___ Adjusts height of tracing B. Sensitivity control ___ Adjusts darkness of tracing C. Precordial leads ___ Measures strength of impulse D. Horizontal axis ___ Measures time E. Limb leads ___ AVF, AVR, AVL F. Amplification ___ V1 through V6 G. Centering control ___ Increases signal H. Stylus temperature control ANSWER: G B H A D E Superbly Matched! C F

21 Preparing to Administer an ECG
Proper technique essential Preparing the room and equipment Other electrical equipment turned off Quiet room, comfortable temperature Check machine Warm up Adequate paper

22 Preparing to Administer an ECG (cont.)
Preparing the patient Introduce yourself Explain the procedure Answer questions Ensure patient comfort Perform ECG procedure

23 Applying the Electrodes and the Connecting Wires
Electrodes – disposable are most common Positioning electrodes Use consistent technique Limb electrodes – place at same level Precordial electrodes – specific intercostal spaces Precordial Lead Placement

24 Applying the Electrodes and the Connecting Wires (cont.)
Attaching wires Numbers and letters correspond to those for electrodes Connect limb wires first Precordial in same sequence as electrodes Avoid tension on wires

25 Operating the Electrocardiograph
Standardize Run the ECG Automatic Manual Multiple-channel Check the tracing Clear / free from artifact

26 Apply Your Knowledge Electrifyingly Great!
In addition to making sure the room is comfortable for the patient and the ECG machine is ready, what else should you do to prepare for performing an ECG? ANSWER: All other electrical equipment in the room should be turned off. Electrodes are placed at how many positions on the body? ANSWER: Ten: four limb and six chest positions. Electrifyingly Great!

27 Apply Your Knowledge Electrifyingly Great!
What should you do just prior to running the ECG to see if the machine needs adjusting? What should you do upon completion of the test? ANSWER: Standardize the electrocardiograph prior to running the tracing. Upon completion of the ECG, you should check the tracing to be sure is it clear and free from artifact. Electrifyingly Great!

28 Troubleshooting Artifacts Causes Improper technique Poor conduction
Outside interference Improper handling

29 Troubleshooting: Artifacts
Wandering baseline – somatic interference or mechanical problems Flat line – loose or disconnected wire Extraneous marks – careless handling

30 Troubleshooting: Artifacts (cont.)
Causes AC interference – machine picks up current from other electrical equipment Somatic interference – muscle movement Identifying source of interference Check tracings for leads I, II, and III If unable to identify source, stop and notify supervisor of problem Leave patient connected

31 Completing the Procedure
Acceptable tracing Label properly Disconnect wires from electrodes Remove electrodes / wipe off electrolyte Assist patient up Prepare room appropriately Mount tracing if necessary

32 Bravo! Apply Your Knowledge What are four general causes of artifacts?
ANSWER: They are improper technique, poor conduction, outside interference, and improper handling of the tracing. What should you after running an ECG? ANSWER: After making sure the tracing is acceptable, you should label it properly, disconnect wires from electrodes, remove electrodes and wipe off electrolyte, assist patient up, and prepare the room appropriately for the next patient. Bravo!

33 Interpreting the ECG Not a medical assistant responsibility
Knowing how they are interpreted will enable you to recognize a problem requiring immediate attention Heart rate If regular – count QRS complexes in a 6-second strip and multiply by 10 Irregularities Conduction abnormalities Reaction to medication

34 Interpreting the ECG (cont.)
Intervals and segments Variations in length and position Conduction disturbances Myocardial infarctions Electrolyte disturbances Wave changes – normally similar in each lead

35 Interpreting the ECG (cont.)
Heart rhythm Regularity of the heartbeat Distances between complexes and waves is normally consistent Rhythm strip obtained from lead II

36 Interpreting the ECG (cont.)
Abnormal cardiac arrhythmias Irregularities in heart rhythm Ventricular fibrillation – life-threatening with no cardiac output Premature ventricular contractions – heartbeats that originate from the ventricles Bundle branch blocks – impulse through the heart is slowed or blocked Atrial fibrillation – electrical disturbance in the atria and/or AV node

37 Apply Your Knowledge Fantastic! Matching (may be used more than once):
___ Number of QRS complexes in 6 sec x 10 A. V-fib ___ Cannot identify “P” waves B. Heart rhythm ___ Produces no cardiac output C. Bundle branch block ___ Originates in ventricles D. Atrial fibrillation ___ Slows or stops impulse E. Heart beat ___ Multiple impulses from sites outside SA node F. PVC ___ “Saw-tooth” image ___ Regularity of heart beat ___ Due to irritable of ventricular heart muscle ANSWER: E D A F C D A Fantastic! B F

38 Exercise Electrocardiography
Stress test – measures the heart’s response to a constant or increasing workload Uses Determine how a diseased heart is functioning Screen a patient for heart disease Determine patient’s ability to start an exercise program

39 Ambulatory Electrocardiography
Resting ECG may not show abnormalities Holter monitoring Monitors heart over a 24-hour period of normal activity Uses Diagnosis Evaluate status post-MI Patient education Record activities What to avoid How to check monitor

40 Ambulatory Electrocardiography (cont.)
Connecting the patient 3 or 5 electrodes Prep skin prior to placing Tape in place to eliminate tension and ensure that electrodes stay in place for entire time of testing Put fresh battery in the machine Check tape Ensure that machine is turned on

41 Correct! Apply Your Knowledge
What is the purpose for stress testing and Holter monitor testing? ANSWER: Stress testing is used to measure the heart’s response to a constant or increasing workload. A Holter monitor is used to obtain a tracing over a period of time when a resting ECG shows no abnormalities. Both are used for diagnosing cardiac conditions or for monitoring current treatments and medications. Correct!

42 Pulmonary Function Testing
Evaluates lung volume and capacity Uses Evaluate of shortness of breath Detect and classify of pulmonary disorders Evaluate of effectiveness of treatments

43 Spirometry Measures air taken in by and expelled by the lungs
Forced vital capacity (FVC) – greatest volume of air that can be expelled with a rapid, forced expiration Types of spirometers: Computerized Mechanical

44 Performing Spirometry
Technique similar for all types – be consistent Patient preparation Inform the patient about conditions and activities that could affect the test accuracy Explain procedure and its purpose Explain the need for a nose clip Be sure patient forms a tight seal around the mouthpiece Position the patient properly Demonstrate correct procedure

45 Performing Spirometry (cont.)
Performing the maneuver Urge patient to blow hard and to continue blowing Provide feedback on performance Obtain three acceptable maneuvers Observe the patient’s symptoms Notify physician immediately if symptoms occur

46 Performing Spirometry (cont.)
Determining effectiveness of medications Perform test before patient takes medication for day Repeat after patient takes the medication Special considerations Uncooperative patients Patients who do not understand Patients who cannot follow directions Patients who cannot perform the procedure

47 Performing Spirometry (cont.)
Calibration Daily – keep logbook Calibration syringe – standardized measuring instrument Detect leaks – check time/volume graph Results Evaluate ventilatory function Screening for pulmonary disorders Severity of problems Response to therapy or medication Infection control Clean equipment after each patient Discard disposable supplies appropriately Wash hands before and after each use

48 Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Determines amount of air that can be quickly forced from the lungs Peak flow meter Reveals narrowing of airways before an asthma attack Peak flow zones Different for each patient Green zone – good control of asthma Yellow zone – large airways are beginning to narrow Red zone – medical emergency

49 Pulse Oximetry Testing
Non-invasive measurement of the oxygen saturation in arterial blood Hemoglobin absorbs infrared light Measures amount of light absorbed Hypoxemia – less than 95% Uses Pulmonary and cardiac conditions Post-operatively Sleep apnea

50 Apply Your Knowledge What is the purpose of PFTs?
ANSWER: To evaluate lung volume and capacity. What is FVC? ANSWER: It is forced vital capacity: the greatest volume of air that can be expelled with a rapid, forced expiration. It is the measurement of the volume of air expelled and amount of time taken to expel it.

51 Apply Your Knowledge YIPPEE! 4 for 4
Joey Jackson called to ask about taking his asthma medicine. He said he as been using his peak flow meter and the readings have been in his yellow zone. What do you tell him? ANSWER: This means that his large airways are beginning to narrow and that he should take his medication as prescribed. Joey decided to come to the office and you check his oxygen saturation with the pulse oximeter. The reading was 93%. What does this mean and what should you do? ANSWER: Joey is hypoxemic. You need to notify the physician and document findings.

52 In Summary ECG and PFTs – vital to diagnosis and treatment of cardiac and pulmonary disease Medical assistant Understanding of anatomy and physiology of both systems Accurate performance of procedures Recognition of abnormalities Patient education

53 End of Chapter 52 As the arteries grow hard, the heart grows soft.
~ H. L. Mencken

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