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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to NEXUS NEXUS PROGRAM MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY"— Presentation transcript:

(Network for Excellence and Undergraduate Success) MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE COUNTY Congratulations on being selected to participate in the NEXUS Program. This partnership between Morgan State University and the Community College of Baltimore County provides a wonderful opportunity for you to gain entrance into the University after only one or two semesters. You will take CCBC courses taught by CCBC faculty on the Morgan campus. You get the full MSU experience as a CCBC student!

2 Congratulations! Congratulations on being selected to participate in the NEXUS Program. This partnership between Morgan State University and the Community College of Baltimore County provides a wonderful opportunity for you to gain entrance into the University after only one or two semesters. You will take CCBC courses taught by CCBC faculty on the Morgan campus while simultaneously enjoying the full MSU student experience.

3 What you will learn How you were selected
What are the benefits of participating What are your next steps I bet you have lots of questions about NEXUS. How were you selected? What are the benefits and what your next steps?

4 What you will learn, Cont’d
How class selections are determined What GPA must you earn to transfer to Morgan How many credits you must earn to transfer In addition you might be asking, how are the classes selected for this program? How many credits must I earn to transfer? All these questions and more will be answered in this presentation. Because this is an exclusive alternative admission program there are a lot of details that apply to you as a NEXUS student that may differ from being just a CCBC student or just a Morgan student so please watch this presentation in its entirety. It will help you navigate the process of completing the NEXUS Program. Let’s get started!

5 An Exclusive program Because this is an exclusive alternative admission program there are a lot of details that apply to you as a NEXUS student that may differ from being just a CCBC student or just a Morgan student. Follow this presentation in its entirety. It will help you navigate the process of completing the NEXUS Program. Let’s get started!

6 What you should know about MSU
Fall 2012 enrollment: 7,956 students 78% in-state & 22% out-of-state 83% undergraduate & 17% graduate Founded in 1867 & designated a Carnegie doctoral/research institution – 2005 Academic Programs 44 Undergraduate, 33 Masters, 15 Doctoral Morgan is Maryland’s Leader in Degrees Awarded to African Americans 2nd – Total Doctoral Degrees 3rd – Total Bachelors Degrees 35% percent of undergraduates go on to graduate/professional school compared to statewide average of 31%. Source: Maryland Higher Education Degree Information Systems For over 140 years, Morgan State University has been an important part of the higher education system in Baltimore City, the State of Maryland, and the nation with an enrollment of about 8,000 students from the baccalaureate level through the doctorate. Nationally, in baccalaureate degrees awarded to African Americans, MSU is 9th in Engineering, 10th in Communication/Journalism related fields, 14th in Hospitality Administration/Management, 15th in Visual & Performing Arts, and 17th in Marketing. On the doctoral level, Morgan ranks nationally as 2nd in Engineering, 9th in Business/Mgmt/Marketing, and 15th in Health Professions.

7 More about morgan For over 140 years, Morgan State University has been an important part of the higher education system in Baltimore City, the State of Maryland, and the nation with an enrollment of about 8,000 students from the baccalaureate level through the doctorate. Nationally, in baccalaureate degrees awarded to African Americans, MSU is 9th in Engineering, 10th in Communication/Journalism related fields, 14th in Hospitality Administration/Management, 15th in Visual & Performing Arts, and 17th in Marketing. On the doctoral level, Morgan ranks nationally as 2nd in Engineering, 9th in Business/Mgmt/Marketing, and 15th in Health Professions.

8 What you should know about CCBC
Multi campus suburban college in Maryland Enrolls approximately 71,400 students: 35,498 credit students and 35,902 non-credit students during FY 2011 Offers more than 50 different Associate degrees and more than 100 certificate programs Enrolls a student population that closely mirrors Baltimore County’s rich diversity Our partner in NEXUS, the Community College of Baltimore County CCBC has three main campuses and three satellite campuses throughout Baltimore County. With an enrollment of over 71,000, CCBC is the largest community college in Maryland. CCBC has been designated as one of only 12 Vanguard Learning Colleges in the United States and Canada, a model for every community college in North America. In addition, CCBC has been recognized for its degree completion agenda – graduating over 23,000 students through the various degree, transfer, certificate, and certification programs provided in 2012.

9 More about ccbc Our partner in NEXUS, the Community College of Baltimore County CCBC has three main campuses and three satellite campuses throughout Baltimore County. With an enrollment of over 71,000, CCBC is the largest community college in Maryland. CCBC has been designated as one of only 12 Vanguard Learning Colleges in the United States and Canada, a model for every community college in North America. In addition, CCBC has been recognized for its degree completion agenda – graduating over 23,000 students through the various degree, transfer, certificate, and certification programs provided in 2012.

10 What you should know about nexus
NEXUS students take CCBC courses taught by CCBC faculty on the MSU campus They may opt to live in MSU’s residence halls and receive the same support services as MSU students After successful completion of the program, NEXUS Program students may enroll at Morgan State University and transfer their non-remedial CCBC credits to MSU NEXUS is a great opportunity for the student that has always dreamed of attending MSU but needs a little assistance in achieving that dream. Traditionally for a student to transfer to MSU they must have a total of 24 college credits and a 2.0 GPA. With NEXUS, students have an opportunity to transfer with less credits and with some billable hours.

11 Learn, grow, fly NEXUS is a great opportunity for the student that has always dreamed of attending MSU but needs a little assistance in achieving that dream. Traditionally for a student to transfer to MSU they must have a total of 24 college credits and a 2.0 GPA. With NEXUS, students have an opportunity to transfer with less credits and with some billable hours.

12 Course selections Only students meeting the exclusive eligibility criteria are invited to participate. Course selection for NEXUS is determined by the results of the Accuplacer placement test. Due to the results of the Accuplacer, some students may need to take developmental education courses in preparation for collegiate level courses. In addition to college preparation courses, CCBC offers a selection of credit courses that will transfer to MSU. Students must meet all prerequisites before being placed in a credit course. Students must pay for developmental courses but these courses do not go towards a student’s degree and are not transferable; HOWEVER, for the NEXUS program only, these courses serve to strengthen the transfer application.

13 About NEXUS Developmental Math Developmental English
Classes offered in Developmental Math Developmental English Developmental Reading Sociology Health Speech English Students eligible for the NEXUS Program, will receive an invitation to participate from MSU Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment. Only students meeting the exclusive eligibility criteria are invited to participate. Course selection for NEXUS is determined by the results of the Accuplacer placement test. Due to the results of the Accuplacer, some students may need to take developmental education courses in preparation for collegiate level courses. In addition to college preparation courses, CCBC offers a selection of credit courses that will transfer to MSU. Students must meet all prerequisites before being placed in a credit course. Students must pay for developmental courses but these courses do not go towards a student’s degree and are not transferable; HOWEVER, for the NEXUS program only, these courses serve to strengthen the transfer application.

14 You have received your invitation. now what?
Now that you have received an official invitation to enter the NEXUS Program, what should you do next?

15 Step 1: Complete participation agreement and submit fee
Students selected for the NEXUS program, will receive a Participation Agreement letter in the mail during the spring. Sign and return this agreement along with the non-refundable $75 participation fee to the MSU Transfer Center no later than June 2, 2014. All students are required to submit the NEXUS participation agreement and a non-refundable participation fee by the June 2nd deadline to ensure their acceptance into NEXUS. Late applications may not be accepted. All students are required to submit the NEXUS participation agreement and a non-refundable participation fee by the June 1 deadline to ensure their acceptance into NEXUS. Late applications may not be accepted.

16 Step 2: Information session
Students and parents will have an opportunity to meet the Program Coordinators and ask questions about the program. Financial aid representatives will be able to answer any questions related to covering the cost of attendance. We encourage all students, along with their parents, to attend a NEXUS information session. There are three information sessions hosted during the spring to allow you to meet the NEXUS coordinators, to ask questions about the program, to inquire about the cost of attendance, and to meet with financial aid experts on how to cover the cost of college attendance. Upcoming information session dates April 23, 2014, at 6 pm, MSU Student Center 212A May 7, 2014, at 6 pm, MSU Student Center 212A May 28, 2014, at 6 pm, MSU Student Center 212A We encourage all students, along with their parents, to attend a NEXUS information session. There are two information sessions hosted during the spring to allow you to meet the NEXUS coordinators, to ask questions about the program, to inquire about the cost of attendance, and to meet with financial aid experts on how to cover the cost of college attendance.

17 Step 3: complete the fafsa
All financial aid for the NEXUS program will be administered by CCBC. Financial aid is FIRST applied to the CCBC tuition bill Any additional funds must be used to cover the MSU bill You will be responsible for any charges at CCBC and at MSU not covered by financial aid You must have all financial aid in place or payment arrangements with both institutions completed by August 1 to remain in the program All financial aid is administered through CCBC so when completing the FAFSA make sure that you include CCBC, in addition to MSU, on your form. Any private scholarships must also be directed to CCBC. If they are sent to MSU they will be returned. It is imperative that you submit all requested documentation by July 15 to give the CCBC financial aid office time to create your financial aid package.

18 Important note on financial aid
All financial aid is administered through CCBC so when completing the FAFSA make sure that you include CCBC, in addition to MSU, on your form. Any private scholarships must also be directed to CCBC. If they are sent to MSU they will be returned. It is imperative that you submit all requested documentation by July 15 to give the CCBC financial aid office time to create your financial aid package.

19 Step 4: Register for placement testing
All students will be required to take the Accuplacer Your performance on the Accuplacer will dictate which courses you will take in NEXUS Contact the CCBC NEXUS Coordinator to schedule your test or if you are ready to register, CLICK HERE If you live more than 20 miles away from MSU, contact the CCBC NEXUS Coordinator to schedule a test closer to home Testing must be completed by July 11 Although your high school transcripts give us an indication of what your educational background is we need to get an assessment of your skill level in math, reading, and English. To do that you will have to take the Accuplacer. Students within 20 miles of MSU can schedule an appointment to take the placement test at MSU. Students that live outside of the 20 mile radius must contact the CCBC NEXUS coordinator, to get information about taking the Accuplacer closer to home. Whether you take the Accuplacer at MSU or a location closer to your home, you must have completed testing by July 10.

20 Step 5: Activate your student id
You will have two student IDs MSU Student ID CCBC Student ID It is imperative that you activate both your MSU ID and CCBC ID. Valuable information will be communicated via from each institution that can be found only on your official MSU and CCBC accounts. Your Morgan State University Student ID is your official MSU computer and account. The University will use this account to contact you about important business, so it is imperative you activate it as soon as possible. Once activated, you will use MSU’s WebSIS portal to view your financials as they relate to University fees and housing costs, official Morgan and University announcements. Your CCBC Student ID provides your official CCBC computer and account. The college will use this account to contact you about important business, so it is imperative you activate it as soon as possible. Once activated, you will use the SIMON portal to view your class schedule, review your CCBC tuition costs, and see your financial aid eligibility. It is imperative that you activate both your MSU ID and CCBC ID. Valuable information will be communicated via from each institution that can be found only on your official MSU and CCBC accounts.

21 Activate immediately! Your MSU Student ID is your official computer and account. Morgan will use this account to contact you about important business, so it is imperative you activate it immediately. Once activated, you will use MSU’s WebSIS portal to view your financials as they relate to University fees and housing costs, official Morgan , and University announcements. Your CCBC Student ID provides your official CCBC computer and account. The college will use this account to contact you about important business, so it is imperative you activate it immediately. Once activated, you will use CCBC’s SIMON portal to view your class schedule, review your CCBC tuition costs, and see your financial aid eligibility. It is imperative that you activate both your MSU ID and CCBC ID and read your daily. Valuable information will be communicated via from each institution that can be found only on your official MSU and CCBC accounts.

22 Step 6: Reserve your msu housing
As a new student in the NEXUS program, you are eligible to apply for on-campus housing at Morgan State University. To reserve your space, submit an online MSU Housing application (site will open and available beginning March 3, 2014). Contact the MSU NEXUS Coordinator for more information. Although staying on campus is not required, you have the unique opportunity to live on campus if you prefer. Living on campus will allow you to become further immersed in the MSU community. You must submit your Participation Agreement and $75 fee and obtain your Student ID Number in order to complete the online MSU Housing application. Most important, you must contact the MSU NEXUS Coordinator once you have applied for further instructions. Once the application has been accepted, you will be notified of your ability to electronically select your room and meal plan. You will not receive an official confirmation of your room assignment until you have paid at least 80% of your room and board fees (due no later than July 1, 2013) and have made satisfactory financial arrangements for the remaining 20% of the bill (see the MSU NEXUS Coordinator concerning financial arrangements). Assignments are made on a first come, first served basis.

23 More on housing Although staying on campus is not required, you have the unique opportunity to live on campus if you prefer. Living on campus will allow you to become further immersed in the MSU community. You must submit your Participation Agreement and $75 fee and obtain your Student ID Number in order to complete the online MSU Housing application. Most important, you must contact the MSU NEXUS Coordinator once you have applied for further instructions. Once the application has been accepted, you will be notified of your ability to electronically select your room and meal plan. You will not receive an official confirmation of your room assign-ment until you have paid at least 80% of your room and board fees (due no later than July 1, 2014) and have made satisfactory finan-cial arrangements for the remaining 20% of the bill (see the MSU NEXUS Coordinator concerning financial arrangements). Assignments are made on a first come, first served basis.

Submit health care forms to the Transfer Center NEXUS Coordinator by July 1 Health Entrance Certificate, Meningococcal Vaccine Requirement, and Meningococcal Vaccine Waiver Complete and send to the Morgan NEXUS Coordinator the Health Entrance Certificate and vaccination forms you will receive in your NEXUS Program Welcome packet. All full-time undergraduate students are enrolled and billed for the MSU student health insurance plan. You have the option to decline the plan if you already have insurance. Visit before July 1 to do so. In addition, you must complete and send to the Morgan NEXUS Coordinator the Health Entrance Certificate and vaccination forms you will receive in your NEXUS Program Welcome packet.

25 Step 8: Register for ACCESS orientation
ACCESS Orientation is a four-day campus experience for new first-time students. You will be oriented to the various aspects of university life. The non- refundable fee of $225 covers the cost of housing, all meals, placement testing, and a Bear Necessity Card. ACCESS Orientation is mandatory and students truly value the experience. You will learn how to best transition from high school to university life, get to know the MSU campus, make new friends, and get a jump start on your academic career. ACCESS Orientation for NEXUS will take place July ACCESS Orientation is mandatory and students truly value the experience. You will learn how to best transition from high school to university life, get to know the MSU campus, make new friends, and get a jump start on your academic career.

26 CONTACT INFORMATION If you have any questions throughout this process, please do not hesitate to contact us! We understand this is a complex process. The NEXUS team on both campuses is ready and willing to answer any questions you may have

27 General Questions? If you have any questions throughout this process, please do not hesitate to contact us! We understand this is a complex process. The NEXUS team on both campuses is ready and willing to answer any questions you may have. If you have general questions about the program, you are always welcome to contact the Morgan State University Transfer Center or the NEXUS Program coordinators on either the CCBC or MSU campuses. If you have general questions about the program, you can always welcome to contact the Morgan State University Transfer Center or the NEXUS Program coordinators on either the CCBC or MSU campuses.

28 General Questions? Transfer Center at Morgan State University
(443) Stacey Tyson NEXUS Program Coordinator – MSU (443) Johari A. Barnes NEXUS Program Coordinator - CCBC (443) If you have general questions about the program, you can always welcome to contact the Morgan State University Transfer Center or the NEXUS Program coordinators on either the CCBC or MSU campuses.

29 BEST OF LUCK! Hopefully this presentation was informative and helpful!
We hope you’ve found this presentation informative and helpful! Please contact us if there are any questions we can answer for you. We wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to see you in the NEXUS Program! Hopefully this presentation was informative and helpful! We wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to see you in the NEXUS Program!


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