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Proteins, Amino Acids About 20% of total body weight = protein Contain -

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1 Proteins, Amino Acids About 20% of total body weight = protein Contain -

2 Amino Acids = Smallest building blocks of proteins 20 different amino acids: -

3 Essential Amino Acids = Body can NOT make them at all or can NOT make them in sufficient quantities for normal health

4 Non-essential Amino Acids = Body CAN make them from carbohydrate, fat and a nitrogen source

5 Amino Acids are “strung” together to make proteins: Different Proteins consist of: –1) –2) R A B D E

6 The amino acids and their sequence determines: - the folding and 3-dimensional shape of the protein - The 3-dimensional shape dictates the function of the protein

7 Protein Denaturation: A protein subject to heat, acid, alcohol looses its original 3-d shape (it unfolds)

8 Functions of Proteins: 1) Building material 2) All Enzymes 3) Some Hormones

9 Functions of Proteins: 4) Antibodies 5) Fluid Balance 6) Acid-Base Balance

10 Functions of Proteins: 7) Transport Proteins 8) Structural Components 9) Neurotransmitters 10) Energy

11 Body’s 1st Priority = supply Energy to all cells: If Insufficient CHO or fat Then sacrifice your own body protein to make energy

12 Protein Needs Increased: 1) Pregnancy 2) Growth, (Children, Infants) 3) Lactation 4) Injury, illness 5) Exercise


14 Complete Protein vs. Incomplete Protein 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3)

15 Complementary Proteins: Can make plant protein complete by: 1) 2) Combine at least 2 of the following 3 groups: –1) –2) –3)


17 Rating Protein Quality: 1) Does it provide all EAA’s, in correct proportion? –Animal proteins = –Plant proteins = 2) How well is it Digested and Absorbed? –Animal protein –Bean protein –Grain protein

18 Protein Rating: Egg white100 human breast milk100 Beef100 Milk protein100 Tuna100 Soybean94 Chickpeas69 Kidney beans68 Rolled oats57 Lentils52 Whole wheat40

19 How to calculate your protein needs: Based on desirable body weight Based on consumption of mostly animal protein Adults: If consuming large % of plant protein need more

20 Food Label Protein Information: The % Daily Value depends on whether the food item is animal or plant protein Average adult: –If Animal Protein: –If Plant Protein:

21 % Daily Value Calculation: depends on whether food is animal or plant protein If animal protein =If plant protein =

22 Chili w/ meat vs. Chili w/ Beans Protein 12 g % Daily Value = Protein 15 g % Daily Value =

23 Upper limit of Protein Intake: RDA upper limit =

24 Excess Protein Intake: Xs protein ---> increases B 6 needs Pregnant women and infants on xs protein supplements ---> increased Zn excretion in urine Infants xs protein ---> deficits in cognitive development Xs protein ---> increased Ca ++ excretion in urine

25 Excess Protein Intake: Average American adult consumes about 90 g protein daily 70% of this protein comes from animal flesh and dairy products

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