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Piped Water Supply System for North Karjat Techno-Economic Feasibility Study 1.

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1 Piped Water Supply System for North Karjat Techno-Economic Feasibility Study 1

2 Piped Water Supply System for North Karjat Techno-Economic Feasibility Study By Abhishek Kumar Sinha, Janhvi Doshi, Vikram Vijay Guide: Professor Milind Sohoni September 2010 2

3 Acknowledgement We would like to thank Mr. G. P Nivdange and Mr. Ashok Ghule from MJP, Karjat, Mr. Ashok Jangle from Disha Kendra, and Mr. R. M. Ade from the Minor Irrigation, Karjat, for their invaluable support and guidance throughout the project. The project was financially supported by the Dean R& D. 10/09/10

4 How did it all begin?  Severe drinking water shortage in North Karjat beginning January  Reliance on groundwater in most hamlets – by Feb some wells dry out, hand-pumps don’t work  Invitation to CTARA to investigate options. Well in north Karjat after the first rain (2010) 4

5  Groundwater study-Availability and Recharge  Check-dams and local surface water storage  Investigation of surface water option from existing reservoirs  Important policy input for planning process.  Livelihood norm of 200 lpcd and sustenance norm of 40 lpcd Various Options 5

6 North Karjat Target area:  spans 120 sq. km  covers over 70 hamlets  current population (2011) 51,618  Intermediate population (2026) 63721  design population (2041) 81,140 Karjat Taluka 6

7 Key Outputs  Net Investment  200 lpcd - Rs. 57.25 crore and Rs. 7051 per capita  40 lpcd - Rs. 17.25 crore and Rs. 2119 per capita  For comparison, Mumbai’s piped water system cost Rs. 7000 per capita, Thane’s Rs. 10,000 per capita (both 200 LPD), MJP’s Anjap project cost Rs.2700 for 55 LPD  Novel design methodology for optimization of secondary network  Application of GIS in surveying of target area 7

8 Components of Design 10/09/10 STORAGE RESERVOI RS Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR) Mass Balancing Reservoir (MBR) RISING MAIN PIPE NETWORK S Primary – MBR to all ESRs Secondary –ESR to hamlet stand- post Tertiary – stand-post to homes (not in this project) Ground Storage Reservoir (GSR)

9 Rural Piped Water Supply System NOTE: Tertiary network design requires both socio-economic data and data-related to land use and it extends beyond the scope of this project. PrimarySecond ary Tertiary 9

10 Components of Design Illustrated MBR ESR WT P Rising Main 10

11 Existing stand-post at Naldhe 11

12  Met all major design specifications  Key design parameters include:  40 lpcd (sustenance norm) and 200 lpcd (livelihood norm)  6 hours of supply to villages per day (5-8 AM and 5-8 PM) Design Parameters and Norms 12

13 Life of Design Components ParticularDesign life Jack well30 years Rising main30 years Pumping machinery15 years (replaced after 15 years) WTP15 years (additional unit is provided ) MBR30 years Gravity main30 years ESR30 years Distribution network30 years 13

14 Overall Design Methodology 14

15 Available Sources No.SourceRemarks 1Barvi DamOperated by MIDC Far from target area At low elevation Operating at full capacity 2Shilar RiverNot enough water in summer season 3Ullhas RiverPerennial source Supplying water to many dependent areas 4Pej RiverPerennial source Tail water discharge of Bhivpuri dam (1000MLD) 15

16 Available Sources Target Area 16

17 Pej River 17

18 Lift-up Point along Pej River 18

19 Demand - Location and Estimation  Villages identified and lat/long recorded using regional maps and Google Earth  Population forecasted for Intermediate Stage (15 years, 2026) and Final Stage (30 years, 2041)  Results of geometric and incremental methods of forecasting averaged  Five sets of Census data used (1961-2001)  Design Demand = 1.2 x population x per capita demand (SF of 1.2 to account for 20% water losses) 19

20 Hamlets marked on Google Earth 20

21 Primary Grid (Gravity Main) Details  Network for MBR to 19 ESRs  Total length = 72,535m  Looped system with 1 source point  Residual pressure of 2m after water delivery to ESR  Only a looped system is feasible in given terrain  Alternate sources may be added to given loop 21

22 Map of Primary Grid (Gravity Main) Kashele Shilar Khandas Nandgaon Aleman Male Chinchpada 22

23 Dummy Nodes  Created at intervals of 500-1000m and at every sharp elevation drop or rise along the primary grid  Entered into LOOP while designing gravity main to incorporate the elevation changes along pipeline (There are 19 ESRs in the primary grid but over 130 nodes were entered into LOOP)  This relatively straightforward application of GIS can potentially replace costly and resource intensive land surveying 23

24 Dummy Nodes 24

25 Dummy Nodes 25

26 Clustering and Secondary Network Design  Villages organised into clusters based on the following: Elevation of villages Position of villages Population of villages Elevation of terrain Proximity to major road Appearance of the land  Pipeline from ESR to villages follow roadways 26

27 Example: ESR 17 Cluster 27

28 Clustering and Secondary Network Design  Staging height of ESR chosen by optimization of piping and ESR construction cost.  As ESR height is increased:  Pipe costs decrease  Construction costs increase  Height at which sum of both costs is minimum is chosen  Optimum ESR height entered along with node-pipe connectivity information into Branch 3.0 Existing MBR for Anjap Project by MJP 28

29 Example of an ESR Staging Height Optimization Graph 29

30 Example: ESR 17 and Secondary Network (Ware) 30

31 Jack Well, WTP & MBR Water structureFor 200 LPCDFor 40 LPCD Jack Well19.47 MLD3.90 MLD WTP1st stage22.94 MLD4.56 MLD 2nd stage6.28 MLD1.29 MLD MBR6.50 ML1.30 ML 31

32 Rising main  This system is designed for two stage pumping SpecificationRaw water rising main(1st stage) Clean water rising main(2nd stage) PathLift-Up point to WTPWTP to MBR Length2845 m1977 m Class of pipeDI Diameter600 mm (for 200LPCD) 350 mm (for 40LPCD) 700 mm (for 200LPCD) 350 mm (for 40LPCD) 32

33 Tools Used for Design  Google Earth  Google Maps  Pipe diameter optimization software Branch 3.0 and LOOP 4.0  Topo-sheets of Karjat 33

34 GIS applications used in design  Use of elevation data of Google Earth to create dummy nodes that monitor and record elevation changes along pipelines  Manual detection of:  Road networks  Hamlets  Uncultivated land  Available water sources and potential lift-up points  High elevation points along terrain for storage tank location 34

35 Potential for GIS Application in Design of Piped Water Systems  More optimized and streamlined design process is possible with a stronger GIS interface catered specifically towards design of piped water systems.  Automated detection of the following:  Road networks  Population centers  Available water sources  Uncultivated land  Marking of contour lines  Calculation of average head loss over a given drawn pipe path (using elevation data)  Integration with Branch and Loop (C++ optimization programs) 35

36 Costs of Installation Details 36

37 Installation Cost per Capita For 200 LPCDFor 40 LPCD Design Population81,140 Daily Demand19.47 MLD3.90 MLD Net Investment Rs. 57,21,47,60117,19,33,649 Cost per Person 70512119 For 200 LPCDFor 40 LPCD Ratio of Design Demand 51 Ratio of Costs 3.31 NOTE: O&M and pumping energy costs are NOT included in the above estimate 37

38  Net investment for piped water at both norms of 40/200 lpcd to north Karjat is economically feasible  Estimated Net Investment:  200 lcpd - Rs.7051 per capita  40 lpcd - Rs. 2119 per capita  Energy costs(@ Rs. 5 per unit, pumping efficiency 75%)  200 lcpd - Rs.400 per capita per annum  40 lpcd - Rs. 79 per capita per annum  Energy cost per 1000 litre – Rs. 4.56  Summary 38

39 What’s happened since August  Government/NGO Response  Meeting with Disha Kendra, MJP engineers, MLA  They are interested in building this network at norm of 70-110 lpcd  Next Steps  Participation resolution must be passed by gram panchayats  FAQ regarding charges, land acquisition, availability of water  Detailed planning, MJP may want IIT to be involved 39

40 10/09/10 Detail Design Target area to be refined Some villages from west to go, and some from east to come in. Design norm of 100 lpcd. Design improvements to reduce energy cost Better lift up point Consultation between MJP,TATA Power and Irrigation Department. Better/different network design(consideration of booster pump in Loop network)

41 Schemes: Two types and their issues.  Single Village (SVS)-built by ZP, operated by GP  Regional (RR)-built by MJP, operated by ZP, private body, cooperative.  Issues: source and institutional sustainability. Our Scheme: Super-RR Such schemes more likely when regional collapse of local groundwater sources. High chance of sub optimal operation. 41 SVSRR Institutional Sus. StrongWeak Source Sus.WeakStrong

42 More research required... Wider Issues  Livelihood norm?  Competition with irrigation  Feasibility of regional water supply grid Technical/Engg.  Source stabilization- Watershed, percolation structures, local surface?  Pilot study next summer  Experience of other states Socio-Economic  Design of ownership  Design of tariff structure, billing and recovery  Control on establishment and O&M costs Study  Comparative study across Konkan  (Chiplun-Guhagar pilot underway)  Cooperative sector 42

43 Thank You 43

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