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The first model in sexology

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0 Frequency of sexual intercourse in permanent couples
Sergio Rinaldi DEI, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy EEP, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria

1 The first model in sexology
Summary The first model in sexology A model is simply a set of conjectures (axioms) A new model can be identical to an already existing model (conceived in another field) A model can have infinite attractors and repellers A model can have no bifurcations (universal model)

2 There are rich data sets (see references)
Empirical studies There are rich data sets (see references) From statistical analyses of data it is possible to conclude frequency of intercourses time Tmax

3 Martin’s law (Journal of Sex Research, 1970)
An old folk theory Martin’s law (Journal of Sex Research, 1970) first year of marriage after first year of marriage At the end of your life there are still beans in the box

4 Martin’s law (Journal of Sex Research, 1970)
An old folk theory Martin’s law (Journal of Sex Research, 1970) frequency of intercourse time Tmax first year of marriage after first year of marriage

5 ODE model A conceptual model : erotic potential at time
: sexual appetite at time : frequency of sexual intercourse First axiom Second axiom Third axiom ODE model

6 A conceptual model : erotic potential at time
: frequency of sexual intercourse The proposed ODE model is identical to the first epidemic model proposed in 1925 (Kermack and McKendrick) infinite attractors and repellers

7 Adimensionalization rescaling

8 The map x0 → x∞ numerically

9 Total sexual activity frequency of intercourse time

10 Martin’s law Conclusion: Martin’s law is wrong (but our model overestimates NII ...)

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