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o Simulate a deck of playing cards o Shuffle the deck o Deal (5) cards into the hand o Turn over the first card o The user must guess whether the next.

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Presentation on theme: "o Simulate a deck of playing cards o Shuffle the deck o Deal (5) cards into the hand o Turn over the first card o The user must guess whether the next."— Presentation transcript:


2 o Simulate a deck of playing cards o Shuffle the deck o Deal (5) cards into the hand o Turn over the first card o The user must guess whether the next card is higher or lower o Turn over the next card o If the user guesses correctly, the game continues o If the user guesses incorrectly, the game ends o If the user guesses correctly (4) times, the game is over and the user wins

3 Card Class o Face o Suit o Rank is based upon the Face o Implements the Comparable interface o Methods Constructor public String getFace() public String getSuit() public int getRank() public int compare To(Object other)

4 Hand Class o Represented as an array or as an ArrayList o Methods Constructor public int getSize() public void addCard(Card c) public Card getCard(int i) private void changeCard(int pos, Card c) public void sort() private int findLowestIndex(int startindex) public void printHand()

5 CardDeck Class o Represented as a 2-dimensional array of Card objects o Methods Constructor public void shuffle() public Card deal() public void printDeck()

6 The User Clicks Higher

7 The User Clicks Lower

8 The User Clicks Higher

9 The User is Wrong! Game Over

10 o Blackjack o War o Games that use different card decks Extend the Card Class o Games where Card ranks are different Extend the Card Class

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