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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 04.08.20151. EVAPORATORS DAIRY INDUSTRY APPLICATION Asist. Prof. Levent AKYALÇIN 04.08.20152."— Presentation transcript:



3 Evaporation Evaporation is the conversion of a liquid to a vapor. Evaporation is the removal of volatile solvent from a solution or relatively dilutes slurry by vaporizing the solvent. Evaporators are used for this process. 04.08.20153

4 Evaporators Evaporators are used to separate materials based on differences in their boiling temperatures. Evaporators are used to separate materials based on differences in their boiling temperatures. Its purpose is to concentrate nonvolatile solutes such as organic compounds, inorganic salts, acids or bases. Typical solutes include phosphoric acid, caustic soda, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, gelatin, syrups and urea. Its purpose is to concentrate nonvolatile solutes such as organic compounds, inorganic salts, acids or bases. Typical solutes include phosphoric acid, caustic soda, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, gelatin, syrups and urea. 04.08.2015 4

5 Types of Evaporators 1) Long-Tube Vertical Evaporators 2) Short-Tube (Calandria) Vertical Evaporators 3) Horizontal-Tube Evaporators 4) Forced Circulation Evaporators 5) Agitated, Thin Film Evaporators 04.08.20155

6 LONG-TUBE VERTICAL (LTV) EVAPORATORS These types of evaporators are used more than all other types combined for evaporation because of These types of evaporators are used more than all other types combined for evaporation because of  low cost per unit capacity  simplicity of construction  heat transfer performance The LTV-type evaporator cannot handle crystallizing solutions but excellent for foaming solution. The LTV-type evaporator cannot handle crystallizing solutions but excellent for foaming solution. There are two main types of LTV evaporators: There are two main types of LTV evaporators: a) Climbing (Rising) film evaporators b) Falling film evaporators 04.08.2015 6

7 Climbing (Rising) Film Evaporators LTV rising-film evaporator is used primarily to concentrate non-salting liquors. Climbing film evaporators are used mainly in the paper industry, food industry to condense milk. 04.08.20157

8 Double-Effect, LTV Climbing (Rising) Film Evaporator 04.08.20158

9 Falling Film Evaporators LTV falling film evaporator can be used to concentrate the non-salting liquids and more viscous liquors. Principal applications have been for citrus juices. They are also used to concentrate heat-sensitive materials and corrosive solutions. 04.08.20159

10 Two, 4-Stage, Mechanical Recompression, Falling-Film Evaporators Two, 4-Stage, Mechanical Recompression, Falling-Film Evaporators 04.08.201510

11 SHORT-TUBE (CALANDRIA) VERTICAL EVAPORATORS (STV) The short tube evaporators were the first developed commercially and still represent probably the largest number of unit in operation. Used in sugar factory. Used for noncorrosive materials. 04.08.201511

12 Advantages Inexpensive Inexpensive Efficient heat transfer at high temperature Efficient heat transfer at high temperature Easy to descale Easy to descaleDisadvantages × Poor heat transfer at low temperature differences or with viscous liquids × Require a great deal of floor space 04.08.201512

13 HORIZONTAL TUBE EVAPORATORS Horizontal tube evaporators use a tube and spray method of heat transfer. Horizontal tube evaporators use a tube and spray method of heat transfer. The tubes are arranged so as to maximize the heat transfer area between the steam and the liquor. The tubes are arranged so as to maximize the heat transfer area between the steam and the liquor.Symbols:  C = condensate  F = feed  N = noncondensibles’ vent  P = product or concentrate  S = steam  V = vapor 04.08.201513

14 The major use is for making distilled water for boiler feed. Horizontal tube evaporators are used in the pharmaceutical industry, pulp and paper industry. The major use is for making distilled water for boiler feed. Horizontal tube evaporators are used in the pharmaceutical industry, pulp and paper industry. They are relatively low cost. They have very low headroom. Horizontal tube evaporators are not suitable for salting or scaling liquids, and they have smaller capacity than other evaporators. They are relatively low cost. They have very low headroom. Horizontal tube evaporators are not suitable for salting or scaling liquids, and they have smaller capacity than other evaporators. 04.08.201514

15 Horizontal Tube Evaporator 04.08.201515

16 FORCED CIRCILATION EVAPORATORS The liquor in a forced-circulation evaporator is pumped through the tubes to minimize tube scaling or salting when precipitates are formed during evaporation. Submerged-tube type is the most common type forced circulation evaporator. Forced circulation evaporators are used in the mining industry, and also they are used to evaporate corrosive or highly viscous solutions. Forced circulation evaporators are efficient the transfers heat from steam to liquid, continuous liquid flow, low amount of salting, scaling and fouling. They are expensive and need power for circulating pump. 04.08.201516

17 Forced Circulation Evaporator Forced Circulation Evaporator 04.08.201517

18 AGITATED THIN (WIPED-FILM) FILM EVAPORATORS   Agitated film evaporators use mechanical to promote heat transfer. They employ a single large diameter straight or tapered tube as the heating surface, in which a set of the blades is rotated. The cost of these evaporators is very high and the capacity relatively low.   These evaporators are used highly viscous liquids or liquids requiring very low residence times. These evaporators exhibit poor heat transfer performance on low viscosity fluids.   Their maintenance are difficult because of internal moving parts. Symbols:   C = condensate   F = feed   N = noncondensibles’ vent   P = product or concentrate   S = steam   V = vapor Agitated Thin Film Evaporator 04.08.201518

19 04.08.201519

20 Evaporated and Condensed Milk Evaporated milk is made by reducing the water content by using an evaporator. Condensed milk is processed similarly to evaporated milk, but sugar is added to improve flavor and increase storage life. The following processing steps are usually involved: Milk is received an cooled. Milk is received an cooled. Milk is sampled and evaluated for bacterial count, sediment, acidity, alcohol, appearance, flavor, and odor. Milk is sampled and evaluated for bacterial count, sediment, acidity, alcohol, appearance, flavor, and odor. Milk is clarified or filtered. Milk is clarified or filtered. Milk is stored and fat standardized to solids not fat. Milk is stored and fat standardized to solids not fat. Milk is preheated and held. Milk is preheated and held. Water is removed by evaporation. Water is removed by evaporation. Product is homogenized. Product is homogenized. Product is cooled. (If making condensed milk, homogenized precedes evaporation and sugar is added immediately after condensation.) Product is cooled. (If making condensed milk, homogenized precedes evaporation and sugar is added immediately after condensation.) Product is restandardized Product is restandardized Product is placed in cans which are sealed. Product is placed in cans which are sealed. Leaking cans are rejected. Leaking cans are rejected. Product in cans is heated, sterilized, and cooled. Product in cans is heated, sterilized, and cooled. Cans are cased. Cans are cased. Cans with product are stored. Cans with product are stored. 04.08.201520

21 EVAPORATION İN DAIRY INDUSTRY Definition of evaporation in application of dairy industry is removing moisture from milk under a vacuum with boiling. Definition of evaporation in application of dairy industry is removing moisture from milk under a vacuum with boiling. A type of evaporator used in milk industry 04.08.201521

22 EVAPORATOR TYPES USED IN THE MILK INDUSTRY Many evaporators are produced in various designs. Many evaporators are produced in various designs. Single-or multiple-effect evaporators are used. Double- and triple- effect evaporators are most common. Single-or multiple-effect evaporators are used. Double- and triple- effect evaporators are most common. Appropriate types of evaporators that can be used in the milk industry are as follows; Appropriate types of evaporators that can be used in the milk industry are as follows;  Falling Film Evaporators  Circulation/Vertical Evaporators  Horizontal Tubes Evaporators 04.08.201522

23 Some Photos of Evaporators Which are used in Bozüyük Milk Industry 04.08.201523

24 04.08.201524

25 04.08.201525 NumberName 23378324080 BERDA ALTUN 24395379350 EMRAH ÖREK 37750471576 CANSU KAYAALP 55129570408 SEVİM ÖZGÜL 60907135168 PINAR ERKUŞ

26 THANKS… 04.08.201526


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