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BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ESL 5 Presenter: Hwang, Mi Hyun Instructor: Lyra Riabov.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ESL 5 Presenter: Hwang, Mi Hyun Instructor: Lyra Riabov."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ESL 5 Presenter: Hwang, Mi Hyun Instructor: Lyra Riabov

2 PRESENTATION DISCUSSION POINTS  Management Functions  Leadership Styles  Characteristics of Management Styles  Decision Styles  Interview of a manager

3 What is Management? Management is a team of managers who are in charge of the organization at all levels. Management is a team of managers who are in charge of the organization at all levels. Four Basic Functions Four Basic Functions PlanningPlanning OrganizingOrganizing DirectingDirecting ControllingControlling

4 Management Functions Planning Directing ControllingOrganizing

5 Leadership Styles Autocratic AutocraticAuthoritarian/Hierarchical Participative Participative Free Flow Communication/sharing decision Laissez-Faire Laissez-Faire Hands Off/Consultant

6 Characteristics of Management styles MANAGEMENT STYLE DDOMINANTIINFLUENCERSCCAUTIOUSSSTEADY Characteristics Make decision rapidly Make decision rapidly Interested in results Interested in results Verbal Verbal Good at influencing and persuading Good at influencing and persuading Do not make quick decisions Do not make quick decisions Avoid confrontation Avoid confrontation Think before speak Think before speak Hang in there Hang in there Good team players Good team players People,Cultures Euro- Americans Euro- Americans White males White males African- Americans African- Americans Hispanics Hispanics Women Women Asians Asians Native Americans Native Americans

7 Decision Styles Individual Decision Style Individual Decision Style AnalyticalAnalytical ConceptualConceptual DirectiveDirective BehavioralBehavioral Six Steps in the Decision Style Six Steps in the Decision Style

8 Individual Decision Style ANALYTICALHierarchical Uses Much Data Problem Solving CONCEPTUALCreativeOptimistic Initiates New Ideas DIRECTIVEProductiveVerbal Uses Rules BEHAVIORALSupportiveEmpathetic Wants Affiliation

9 Six Steps in the Decision Style Step1DefineProblemStep2DefineExpectationStep3GatherData Step5EvaluateAlternativesStep4DevelopAlternativesStep6Choose the best Alternative

10 Interview of a manager   About Follett Corporation   Vision, Mission, Values  Interview of a manager  Leslie Coughlin Manager of SNHU Campus Store

11 About Follett Corporation Vision: Empowering Education. Vision: Empowering Education. Mission: Follett's mission is to be the leading provider of educational solutions, services and products that empower schools, libraries, colleges, students and life-long learners. Mission: Follett's mission is to be the leading provider of educational solutions, services and products that empower schools, libraries, colleges, students and life-long learners. Values: Customers, Innovation, Honesty and Integrity, Teamwork, Employees Values: Customers, Innovation, Honesty and Integrity, Teamwork, Employees

12 Interview of a manager Interviewer Leslie Coughlin, Manager of SNHU Campus Store 1.How many employees are you responsible for? 2.What is your market? Who are your costumers? 3.When was your company established? How long have you been here? 4.What qualities do you think make a good manager? 5.What is the overall goal of the business?

13 Interview of a manager Interviewee Claire, Sophea, Andrew 6. What out of four functions: Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling do you spend most of your time? 7. What is your leadership style if you choose from dominant, influencer, cautious, or steady? 8. Which leadership style do you prefer?: Autocratic, Participative, or Laissez- faire

14 Summary Definition of management Definition of management Four Four Management Functions Three Leadership Styles Four Characteristics of Management Styles Characteristics of Decision Styles Six Steps in the Decision Process Six Steps in the Decision Process

15 References  Management Functions  Leadership Style  Six Steps in the Decision Process Arden, Marianne Mc Dougal And, “Management,” BUSINESS CONSEPTS FOR ENGLISH PRACTICE Heinle And Heinle, 1993  Characteristic of Management  What Is a Good Manager? Vetrano, Joni, Et Al, “Management,” TAPESTRY: LET’S TALK BUSINESS Heinle And Heinle, 1995  Corporate CultureDr. James D. Boulgarides of the California State University   Interview of SNHU Campus Store Manager Interviewer: Leslie Coughlin Interviewee: Claire, Sophea, and Andrew

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