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Objective 4.01 Hospitality Management. General Manager Managing Director Mystery Shopper Budget Employee Personnel Files Entry-level worker Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 4.01 Hospitality Management. General Manager Managing Director Mystery Shopper Budget Employee Personnel Files Entry-level worker Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 4.01 Hospitality Management

2 General Manager Managing Director Mystery Shopper Budget Employee Personnel Files Entry-level worker Supervisor Employee Evaluation Performance Review Performance Appraisal Autocratic Style Bureaucratic Style Democratic Style Laissez-faire style Motivated worker Organization skills

3 General Manager Person Responsible for entire Operation of one Unit. Could also be known as the “Managing Director”. Normally they are considered to be in the “upper level of management AKA-Executive level. The “main” goal of GM is to make a profit The basic duties in Hospitality Management Include: Welcoming Customers Producing products and services that meet customer needs Protecting customers from being harmed Selling products and services for a profit legally Planning and making sure that the business accomplishes what it’s goals

4 The (8) tasks of the General Manager include: 1. Goal Setting 2. Customer Satisfaction - Mystery Shopper – Secret customer of hotel grading property 3. Control Costs 4. Record Keeping 5. Human Resources 6. Facility Maintenance 7. Sanitation and Safety 8. Marketing

5 How do Hospitality Managers Control Costs? 1. Setting Budgets 2. Monitoring Purchasing 3. Receiving 4. Inventory 5. Looking for ways to cut costs

6 Four Main tasks of Human Resources 1. Hiring and Training 2. Supervising 3. Planning Shifts 4. Evaluating

7 (7) Valuable Management Skills Delegation Management Styles Motivation Communication Technical Computer Organizational A GOOD hotel manager should be able to study a specific task that needs to be completed and design the internal structure of the business in ANY setting.

8 (4) Styles of Management Autocratic Style – Managers/Leaders make all the decisions. Employees are not consulted on decision making. Managers want that power. Bureaucratic Style – “By the book”. Follows Policy and Procedures and does not vary. More of a “policy police” rather than a leader. Democratic Style – The leader is a “coach”. A lot of interaction with employees. Values employee input. Most popular style of management. Manager does have final say. Laissez-faire Style – “Hands Off” style. Management provides little or no support to employees. This style may be used with employees who desire little or no direction. Well educated, trained, and are self motivated.

9 Chapter (15) Page 147 (19-24). Page 148 (1-12) Page 149-150 (1-15) Chapter (16) Page 157 (1-9)

10 List four basic duties of a hospitality manager. State the main responsibility of a general manager List the eight tasks of managers. Describe how managers control costs. Describe the four main tasks of managing human resources. List seven management skills. Give examples of the four styles of management.

11 Any Questions

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