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Bell Work  What was the headright system? This Day in History: September 19, 1881- Eighty days after being shot, President James Garfield succumbs to.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work  What was the headright system? This Day in History: September 19, 1881- Eighty days after being shot, President James Garfield succumbs to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work  What was the headright system? This Day in History: September 19, 1881- Eighty days after being shot, President James Garfield succumbs to his wound and dies. September 19, 1957- The U.S. detonates the first ever underground atomic bomb which leaves no radioactive fallout. September 19, 1995- The Washington Post publishes the Unabomber’s manifesto. This lead to the arrest of Theodore Kaczynski when his brother recognized his writing style.

2 Indentured Servants  How did the headright system encourage people to become indentured servants?  Explain the different ways that made being an indentured servant so difficult.  What are some things people received when their contract was over as an indentured servant?  How were women indentured servants treated?


4 MARYLAND  Established by Lord Baltimore as refuge for Roman Catholics.  Passed the Act of Toleration which guaranteed tolerance to all Christians when many Protestants came to the area.

5 THE CAROLINAS  Established by King Charles II after he granted land to 8 of his court favorites in 1663.  A vigorous slave trade was established in the Carolinas.  Rice became a major crop in Carolina and African slaves were vital to helping grow the crop.

6 NORTH CAROLINA  Many poor outcasts and religious dissenters from Virginia migrated down to North Carolina.  It separated from South Carolina in 1712.

7 GEORGIA  Last of the 13 colonies intended to be a buffer for the valuable Carolinas.  Also, meant to be a haven for debtors and initially did not allow slavery in the colony.  Referred to as the “Charity Colony.”

8 Economies of the Southern Colonies  Depended on agriculture. Tobacco and rice were the major cash crops.  They exported materials for building ships such as wood and tar.  Had many small farms and some large plantations.  By the 1700s enslaved Africans rather than indentured servants became the main source of labor.  Slave codes kept the slaves in check.

9 Assignment  An Indentured Servant’s Letter to His Parents- APPARTS

10 Bell Work  What are the similarities and differences between indentured servants and slaves? This Day in History: September 22, 1554- Francisco Vasquez de Coronado dies without having discovered the Seven Cities of Gold. September 22, 1776- Patriot Nathan Hale is hung for spying on the British in New York City. Hale is famous for legendarily saying, “I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.” September 22, 1862- Abraham Lincoln announces the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation which would officially take effect January 1, 1863.

11 Bacon’s Rebellion  By 1670 there were great numbers of former indentured servants out of work and disenfranchised, and they were mad about high taxes and policies toward Natives.  In 1676 a thousand Virginians led by Nathaniel Bacon lashed out at the Indians, chased Governor William Berkely from Jamestown, and burned the capitol.  This would help lead to the rise of slavery in the colonies.

12 Colonial Slavery  Tens of thousands of Africans came to America through the middle passage in the early 1700s.  People were captured by African coastal tribes and sold to Europeans and Americans.






18 The Middle Passage  Read the first hand account of the Middle Passage. Write a short essay discussing the harsh conditions the Africans had to endure.  What was the purpose of slave codes?  Explain how each of the five slave codes from the handout would serve their purpose.

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