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Mixed Logic Circuit Design

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1 Mixed Logic Circuit Design
Benjamin Suan Presentation for High-Speed and Low Power VLSI Course: Instructor: Dr. Maitham Shams

2 Contents Introduction Discussion Project Proposal
Background Information Discussion Logic style sample comparisons Mixed logic circuit design Project Proposal Project time-line

3 Introduction Mixed Logic Circuits Reason to Use
Relatively new area of research Circuits composed of more than one logic type Reason to Use Each logic type has different advantages / disadvantages By implementing two logics, gain advantages of both

4 Current Trends Industry Trend Research Trend Lower power Higher speed
Smaller area Research Trend Recent papers published in mixed logic design Papers focused on PTL / CMOS circuits

5 Background Standard CMOS Characteristics
Most commonly used logic in VLSI design Ease of use, well developed synthesis methods High noise margins Low power consumption No static power dissipation Good current driving capabilities

6 Background cont’d Pass Transistor Logic Characteristics
Widely used alternative to complementary CMOS Fewer transistors are required for a given function Reduced number of transistors means there is lower capacitance Dedicated buffers need to be inserted to boost driving strength

7 Logic Comparison M. Kontiala, M. Kuulusa and J. Nurmi, “Comparison of Static Logic Styles for Low-Voltage Design” Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS The 8th IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 3 , 2001

8 Logic Comparison cont’d

9 Full Adder Implementation

10 Propagation Delay Results

11 Power Dissipation Results

12 Power Delay Products

13 Discussion of Results SCMOS has the best characteristics for low voltage speed and power dissipation No real motivation to develop mixed circuits with these other types of logic

14 CMOS and PTL

15 CMOS and CPL Behavior Results from adder simulation
CPL has lower power dissipation across all supply voltages CPL has lower delay time across all supply voltages

16 Mixed PTL/CMOS Logic PTL/CMOS logic circuits will be superior
Better area, power and delay compared to conventional CMOS or PTL Low power, high performance design driven by PTL cell selection and synthesis technique to produce the mixed structure

17 Mixed PTL/CMOS Example
Pass-transistor/CMOS Collaborated Logic: The Best Of Both Worlds Yamashita, S.; Yano, K.; Sasaki, Y.; Akita, Y.; Chikata, H.; Rikino, K.; Seki, K.; VLSI Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers., 1997 Symposium on , Jun 1997 Page(s): Design assigned selector functions to PTL AND/OR logic functions mapped to CMOS

18 Design Example Design based on this Boolean equation:
Out1 = B * A’ + C * A ( I’ * F’ + D’ ) * ( D + ( H + E’) * ( E + G )) Out2 = B’ + ( I’ + F’ + D’ ) * ( D + ( H + E’) * ( E + G )))’

19 Design Example cont’d

20 Design Example cont’d ii

21 Experimental Results

22 Experimental Results cont’d
Benchmark simulations show the mixed circuits have better characteristics than pure PTL or CMOS 20% in area vs. CMOS 40% in power vs. CMOS Design flexibility ↑% of PTL, ↓ power but ↑ area

23 Design Project Plan Implement an algorithm in PTL
For mixed logic design, implement MUX and XOR/XNOR type logic functions in PTL and the remaining functions in Static CMOS Compare and discuss power consumption and delay

24 Design Project Plan cont’d
Schedule April Logic Synthesis Technique / Background Research April 13 – 19 Design Phase / Schematic Capture April 20 – 30 Simulation / Project Presentation May 1 – 5 Report / Documentation

25 References Yamashita, S.; Yano, K.; Sasaki, Y.; Akita, Y.; Chikata, H.; Rikino, K.; Seki, K., “Pass-transistor/CMOS Collaborated Logic: The Best Of Both Worlds” VLSI Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers., 1997 Symposium on , Jun 1997 Page(s): Geun Rae Cho; Chen, T., “On the impact of technology scaling on mixed PTL/static circuits” Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on , Page(s): M. Kontiala, M. Kuulusa and J. Nurmi, “Comparison of Static Logic Styles for Low-Voltage Design” Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS The 8th IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 3 , 2001 Geun Rae Cho; Chen, T.; “ Mixed. PTL/static logic synthesis using genetic algorithms for low-power applications” Quality Electronic Design, Proceedings. International Symposium on , Page(s): Congguang Yang; Ciesielski, M., “Synthesis for mixed CMOS/PTL logic” Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition Proceedings , 2000 Page(s): 750 Yano, K.; Yamanaka, T.; Nishida, T.; Saitoh, M.; Shimohigashi, K.; Shimizu, A., “A 3.8 ns CMOS 16×16 multiplier using complementary pass transistor logic” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1989., Proceedings of the IEEE 1989 , May 1989 Page(s): 10.4/ /4

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