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Now its time to graph our functions!! Graphing Linear Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Now its time to graph our functions!! Graphing Linear Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Now its time to graph our functions!! Graphing Linear Functions

2 When the graph of a function is a line or a set of points that lie on a line. A Linear Equation is an equation that graphs a straight line. What does Linear Mean? y 0 24 2 4 6 x Miles Hours 0

3 Examples of what the equation looks like…..(just from yesterday’s lesson) Y = 2x + 1 Y = x + 3 Y = 3x – 5 NOT A LINEAR EQUATION: Y = 2x²OR Y = x²

4 Only two points are needed to draw the graph of a linear function. However, graphing a third point serves as a check. You can use a function table to find each ordered pair.

5 Let’s try one Graph the linear function y = 3x + 1. InputRuleOutputOrdered Pair 0y = 3(0) + 11(0,1) 1y = 3(1) + 14(1,4) 2y = 3(2) + 17(2,7) 3y = 3(3) + 110(3, 10)

6 Now plot the ordered pairs on a Coordinate Plane (0,1) (1,4) (2,7) (3, 10) Place each ordered pair on the coordinate grid and then connect the points with a line.

7 Does your graph pass the vertical line test? Linear equations must pass the vertical line test – meaning the vertical line can only pass through one point on your line at a time.

8 You Try… Now you create a function chart and graph the following equation: Y = 2x + 1 Step one: Create a function Chart and assign values for x. InputRuleOutputOrdered Pair y = 2( ) + 1

9 Now graph!!

10 Try some more… Create a function chart and then graph the following equations. Y = x + 2 Y = 3x - 1

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