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19th Century Architecture -revivalism-

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1 19th Century Architecture -revivalism-
R M Hunt Louis Sullivan Henry Hobson Richardson John Nash

2 R M Hunt Richard Morris Hunt (1828-1895)
one of the fathers of American architecture. He started the first studio in America to formally train young architects in New York prominent role in founding the American Institute of Architects, became president in 1888. work is eclectic, designs were borrowed from many European historic styles (Renaissance Revival) witnessed first hand the stunning transformation of Paris through city planning and beautification returned to America, became part of the City Beautiful Movement. portrait painted by John Singer Sargent

3 New York Tribune Building The Breakers (Vanderbilt summer home) 1892

4 Louis Sullivan Guaranty Building (Prudential) Buffalo NY
one of America's most influential architects, paved the way for modern skyscrapers initially worked for renowned Philadelphia architect Frank Furness moved to Chicago in 1873, worked briefly for William Le Baron Jenney, (so-called "father of the skyscraper.“) After a year of study in Paris, Sullivan returned to Chicago and became a draftsman for John Edelman joined the firm of Dankmar Adler (1844 – 1900) Guaranty Building (Prudential) Buffalo NY -Romanesque influence)

5 Henry Hobson Richardson
(b. 1838; d. 1886) most active in New England and the Midwest, (Boston and Chicago) entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris in 1860, but didn't finish (family finances deteriorated during the Civil War) returned to the U.S. in 1865. powerful personal style, related to the Romanesque of southern France produced larger buildings with strong, clear, simple rusticated masonry forms. Marshall Field Store Chicago

6 Joseph Paxton Crystal Palace
-Horticulturalist (greenhouse designer) -Designed in six months -Easily assembeled & disassembled -Destroyed in 1936

7 John Nash Royal Pavilion Brighton, England

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