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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems IEU Introduction to System Engineering ISE 102 Spring 2007 Notes & Course Materials Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems IEU Introduction to System Engineering ISE 102 Spring 2007 Notes & Course Materials Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Introduction to System Engineering ISE 102 Spring 2007 Notes & Course Materials Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ali GOKCE ISE Dept. Faculty of Computer Sciences

2 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Systems Definition & Elements System: Assemblage forming a complex or unitary whole –Components –Attributes –Relationships Engineered Systems –Functional Purpose –Brought into being and operate over a life-cycle –Combination of resources (humans, information, software, materials, facilities, resources –Subsystems and components interact and produce a behavior

3 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Exercise Problem: –Providing Water to Remote Rural Villages in Sub Saharan Africa –No infrastructure, no political stability –Water is transported by woman and girls – usually several miles several times a day Large families desired (many children) Female children not educated (carrying water) No available running water with subsequent health risks and lifestyle constraints –Solution Constraints Minimal Constraints Solutions must assume no infrastructure Must be maintainable

4 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Play Pump Solution Problem: Energy, Infrastructure and Maintenance Cavorting on a roundabout has always been fun for children. –Clean borehole water can be pumped into water storage tanks while the playground roundabout & other equipment is in use. –Play-Pump is a specifically designed and patented playground roundabout that drives conventional borehole pumps, keeping costs and maintenance to an absolute minimum, –While entertaining the children.

5 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Play Pump The PlayPump is a highly efficient water pump that is driven by a children's roundabout, the children play and the water is pumped into a watertank for the entire community, the watertank itself has space for 4 billboards which can help finance the maintenance, the program also trains a local worker to take over maintenance duties providing the further benefit of employment to the community.

6 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU The revolutionary pump design converts rotational movement to reciprocating linear movement by a driving mechanism consisting of only two working parts. This makes the pump highly effective, easy to operate and very economical. The Play-Pump is capable of producing 1400 litres per hour at 16 rpm from a depth of 40m, and is effective up to a depth of 100m. A typical hand pump installation cannot compete with this delivery rate, even with substantial effort.

7 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Sustainability and maintenance The Play-Pump's storage tank is erected on a 7m high stand and is fitted with four 2m x 3m outdoor advertising signs, resulting in a unique advertising opportunity for the private sector. Revenue from this source pays for the ongoing maintenance and the sustainability of each installation.

8 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Playing on a roundabout or merry-go-round has always been fun for children, so there is never a shortage of 'volunteers'. As the children spin, water is pumped from underground (3) into a 2500 litre tank (4), standing seven metres above the ground. A simple tap provides easy access for the mothers and children drawing water (5). Four landscape billboards (6) screen the tank creating an advertising opportunity. Two sides are used for health messages and the other two sides are rented out as billboards for commercial messages. This advertising revenue ensures ongoing maintenance and sustainability of each project.

9 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Progress so far To date OVER SIX HUNDRED installations have been completed, a large percentage of these installations are at primary schools. A partnership has been formed with the U N Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; Minister Buyelwa Sonjica has been vocal in her support and encouragement for the continued installation of this system in rural Africa.

10 Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering @ IEU Home page Info ypump.htm ypump.htm

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