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Lab 6 :Digital Display Decoder: 7 Segment LED display Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 Slide #7 Display Decoder Fundamentals LT Control Input.

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1 Lab 6 :Digital Display Decoder: 7 Segment LED display Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 Slide #7 Display Decoder Fundamentals LT Control Input BI Control Input Ripple Blanking: RBI and RBO

2 Lab 6 : 7 Segment LED display Digital displays come in various packages and arrangements. The 7 Segment LED display (7 seg disp) is one of the most common and has been around for many years. The display is an IC with 7 LED’s. Lighting up combinations of LED’s can display any number. The 7 LED’s are labeled with industry standard identifiers (a, b, … g). The identifiers are used to designate the position of each LED. There are 2 types of display packages. The package shown is called Common Cathode. It lights the LED when a logic 1 is applied to the input segment. The common pin must be connected to ground. Here is how the number 7 is displayed… a b c d e f g Common Catthode 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 The other package is called Common Anode. It lights the LED when a logic 0 is applied to the input segment. The common pin must be connected to Vcc. Here is how the number 7 is displayed… a b c d e f g Common Anode 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 5V Slide #2

3 a b c d e f g Common Cathode a b c f g e d A B C D LT RBI BI Decoder Lab 6 : 7 Segment Decoder The 7 Segment LED display package is connected to a decoder. The decoder receives the binary code at inputs D C B A and lights the appropriate segments. This display decoder has active high outputs. It connects to a Common Cathode display. The decoder has 3 Active Low control inputs LT, RBI, BI. They will be disabled for now and explained later. 5V The decoder has an internal logic gate system that takes the 4 bit number applied to D C B A and lights up the LEDs to display that number. Here is an example of the decoder displaying the number 5. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 The number 5 is applied to the input. D is MSB and A is LSB. 5 The decoder internal logic gate system outputs the binary combination to display 5 at a, b, … g. Logic 1 at an output forward biases the LED and it lights it up. Logic 0 produces no LED current. Slide #3 RBO

4 a b c d e f g Common Cathode a b c f g e d D C B A LT RBI BI Decoder Lab 6 : LT Control Input : The decoder has 3 control inputs: LT, RBI, BI. It also has one control output: RBO. The control I/O can be used to implement various functions or they can be disabled. This section describes the Lamp Test (LT) feature. LT : is the Lamp Test input. It is active LOW. It can be connected to a switch (or control system). The user can flip the switch to test all the segments of the LED display. 5V 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 5v 5V 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5v When the switch is in the 5 V position it disables the LT feature. DCBA (#5) controls the display. When the switch is in the 0 V position it enables the LT feature. All segments light. LT overrides the conditions at DCBA (#5). The user can now check the display for burned out segments. Slide #4 RBO

5 a b c d e f g Common Cathode a b c f g e d D C B A LT RBI BI Decoder Lab 6 : BI Control Input : The decoder BI input is the Blanking Input. This section describes the BI feature. BI : is the Blanking Input. It is active LOW. It can be connected to a switch (or control system). The user can flip the switch to turn off all the segments of the LED display (blank the display). When the switch is in the 5 V position it disables the BI feature. DCBA (#5) controls the display. When the switch is in the 0 V position it enables the BI feature. All segments turn off. BI overrides the conditions at DCBA (#5). 5V 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5v 5 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 5V Slide #5 RBO

6 a b c d e f g Common Cathode a b c f g e d D C B A LT RBI BI Decoder Lab 6 : RBI and RBO Control : The RBO output is the Ripple Blanking Output. It works with RBI (Ripple Blanking Input) to blank the number 0. RBI can be connected to a switch (or control system). The user can flip the switch to turn off all the segments of the LED display (blank the display) when the number 0 is input to DCBA. All other numbers 1 … 9 are displayed normally. When the switch is in the 5 V position it disables the RBI feature. DCBA (#0) controls the display. The number “0” is displayed and the RBO pin outputs a logic 1. When the switch is in the 0 V position it enables the RBI feature. RBI blanks the display for the number “0”. The RBO pin (active low) outputs a logic 0 to signal that the display is blank. 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 5v 5V 1 Indicates 0 is displayed Why is this feature useful? Because it allows a user to blank leading “0’s” when many displays are link together to make up multiple digit numbers. This feature is described next. Slide #6 RBO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5v 5V 0 indicates “zero” is being blanked 0 1

7 Lab 6 : Multiple Digit Ripple Blanking Control : A multiple digit display is aesthetically more appealing to look at if leading “0’s” are blanked. A five digit display looks better if it shows the number 307 than it would if it showed it as 00307. The RBI and RBO control pins allow a user to blank leading “0’s”. The number 00307 is applied to the DCBA inputs of the display decoders. a b c d e f g D C B A RBI RBO a b c d e f g D C B A RBI RBO a b c d e f g D C B A RBI RBO a b c d e f g D C B A RBI RBO a b c d e f g D C B A RBI RBO 5V 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 1 1 The MSD blanks the zero because RBI=0. It also outputs a zero to RBO to signal display is blank. The next MSD blanks the zero because RBI=0. It also outputs a zero to RBO. The next MSD displays the number 3 because any non-zero number is displayed. It also outputs a one to RBO to signal the display is NOT blank. 1 0 Blank 0 The next MSD displays the number 0. It also outputs a one to RBO. 1 The LSD always displays it’s number because RBI is always logic 1 (connected directly to 5V). 1 Slide #7

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