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Tonina Aragona Adjunct Lecturer Education Department, Teacher’s Unit Sound will activate with Slide Show.

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Presentation on theme: "Tonina Aragona Adjunct Lecturer Education Department, Teacher’s Unit Sound will activate with Slide Show."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tonina Aragona Adjunct Lecturer Education Department, Teacher’s Unit Sound will activate with Slide Show.

2  Have you ever taken or taught an online course?  How are these courses similar to and different than in-class courses?  What are the advantages and disadvantages for teachers and learners in the online classroom?

3  Computer Training  Write course syllabus  Identify course management system  Survey and identify the online learners  Design and develop the course  Be active throughout course  Assess and improve the online course  (Shattuck, Bobbi, & Zilberman, 2011)

4  Basic computer knowledge  Knowledge of course management system (Shattuck, Dubbins, & Zilberman, 2011)  Synchronous and Asynchronous Programs

5  Design a vision for the course.  Identify the students.  Establish the learning objectives.  Determine online course guidelines.  Set deadlines.  Create assignment rubrics.  Determine attendance requirements.  (Palloff & Pratt, 2001)

6  Synchronous  Asynchronous  Combination  Enforce Netiquette  Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics 

7  Who are the students enrolled in the online course?  Age group  Single, married, married with children, single parents.  ELL  Disabilities  Part-time or Full-time workers/students  Distance learners  Learners’ expectations and goals  Learners’ proficiency in online courses  Preferred learning styles (Cicco, 2011)

8  Self-paced learning  Accommodate a variety of learners  Select appropriate stimuli  Auditory, visual, tactual, and kinesthetic  (Cicco, 2011)

9  Keep in mind the learners’ expectations and preferred learning styles.  Plan stimulating activities.  Be organized and clear about your expectations and requirements.  Provide different venues for accessing information.  Encourage participation and group interaction.  Include formal and informal assignments.

10  Set online office hours.  Answer emails promptly.  Arrange for on-campus, phone or video conferencing.  Visit and respond to discussions and threads daily.  Grade assignments and give feedback in a timely manner.  Make online announcements and updates periodically to keep communication flowing throughout the course.

11  Survey students at the end of the online course.  Re-evaluate and revise discussion questions to keep students motivated.  Encourage face-to-face interactions.  Include activities that increase students’ self- confidence.  Provide opportunities for reading and writing (Imran, Ahmand & Mushtaq, 2012).  Offer opportunities for students to evaluate themselves as online learners and to evaluate you the instructor.

12  Prepare yourself for the role of online instructor, coach, facilitator, etc.  Take training classes, speak with other online instructors, work closely with the information technology center to avoid technical difficulties.  Mandate learners to train for their online experience before entering the online course.  Be available for your learners.  Design the course according to the learners’ preferences.  Be aware of digital divide (Maeroff, 2003)

13  How will you prepare for teaching your first online course?  How will you prepare your e-learners for their first online course?  How important is instructor awareness of students’ backgrounds and learning styles?

14  Online Teaching and Learning: National Online Teacher of the Year Shares   Creating Teacher Presence in an Online Class 

15  Thank you for your attention!!  Your feedback is very important…please feel free to email me.  Tonina Aragona 

16  Broadbent, B. (2002). ABCs of e- learning reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.  Cicco, G. (2011). Maximizing the online learning experience: Suggestions for educators and students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 7(1), 1-6.  Imran, S., Ahmad, H. & Mushtaq, M. (2012). Design and pedagogy features in online courses: a survey. Trends in Information Management (TRIM),8(1), 9- 22.  Maeroff, G. I. (2003). A classroom of one. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.  Palloff, R. M. & Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the cyberspace classroom: The realities of online teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.  Shattuck, J., Dubins, B. & Zilberman, D. (2011). Maryland online’s inter-institutional project to train higher education adjunct faculty to teach online. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(2), 40-61.  Unal, Z.  & Unal, A. (2011). Evaluating and comparing the usability of web-based course management systems. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10 19-38.

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