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New gTLD Basics. 2  Overview about domain names, gTLD timeline and the New gTLD Program  Why is ICANN doing this; potential impact of this initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "New gTLD Basics. 2  Overview about domain names, gTLD timeline and the New gTLD Program  Why is ICANN doing this; potential impact of this initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 New gTLD Basics

2 2  Overview about domain names, gTLD timeline and the New gTLD Program  Why is ICANN doing this; potential impact of this initiative to businesses, governments, Internet communities and users Program – who, when, what, how  Where to get more information Agenda 2

3 3 The Anatomy of a Domain Name 3 First or Top-Level Second-Level Third-Level

4 4 The Anatomy of a Domain Name 4 First or Top-Level Second-Level Third-Level

5 5 Terminology Clarifications  gTLD = generic Top-Level Domain Also known as an extension, label, string, suffix… Series of characters that make up part of your Internet address  ccTLD = country code Top-Level Domain  IDN – Internationalized Domain Name Domain name represented by local language characters, or letter equivalents 5

6 6 ROOT New gTLDs IDN امارات.рф السعودية مصر. 香港. சிங்கப்பூர். ไทย 6 New gTLD ProgramFast Track ccTLD

7 7 DNS - A Complex Ecosystem 7 ccTLD Registries Registrars gTLDs + some ccTLDs Resellers gTLD Registries Registrant

8 8 What is a gTLD Registry?  Is a business with very specific technical requirements  Mandatory Agreement with ICANN  Is the authoritative, master database of all domain names registered in each top-level domain  Keeps the master database and also generates the "zone file" which allows computers to route Internet traffic to and from top-level domains anywhere in the world  Today, Internet users don't interact directly with the registry operator; users can register names by using ICANN-Accredited Registrars 8

9 9 What is the New gTLD Program?  An initiative that will enable the introduction of unlimited generic top-level domain names or extensions (both ASCII and IDN) into the domain name space  Managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 9

10 10 gTLD Timeline 10 Predating ICANN (before 1998) 2000 Round 2004 New gTLD Program Policy development Dec 2005 to Sep 2007

11 11 ICANN Board Policy approval Jun 2008 Development and Publication Oct 2008 – Jan 2012 Application Period Jan – May 2012 First New gTLDs Delegated into Internet Root Zone Evaluation Period 1930 Applications Received

12 12 Why Expand the Top-Level?  Remove existing limitations to ASCII gTLDs which do not reflect growing Internet reality and needs  Create platform to innovation in the industry and Internet  Open doors to increase choice and competition in the market place 12

13 13 Potential Impact - Businesses  Opportunity for investment  More choice and competition  Platform to innovation; new business model opportunities  Brand management and online marketing practices  Impact to industry sectors; security; control; user behavior  Upgrade systems/applications to accept new TLDs 13

14 14 Potential Impact - Governments & Communities  Increase of online cultural, linguistic, geographic communities  More globally and culturally inclusive internet with IDNs  Geographic names 14

15 15 Potential Impact - Internet Users  More choice; innovation; competition  Online cultural, linguistic, geographic communities  New ways to find information, products and services 15

16 16 Safeguards | Evaluation Process  Applicants must demonstrate technical and operational capabilities in application  Must show understanding of technical requirements for operating a registry  Background screening process looks for criminal history and past cybersquatting behavior 16

17 17 Safeguards | Objection Process  Built-in means to protect certain interests and rights  Clear path for formal objections during evaluation process  ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee can issue advice to ICANN Board on applications 17

18 18 Grounds for Objection 18 String Confusion Legal Rights Limited Public interest Community Objection

19 19 Rights Protection Mechanisms  Trademark Clearinghouse  Uniform Rapid Suspension  Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure 19

20 20 Safeguards | Mitigating Malicious Conduct  Applicants reviewed for past criminal history  DNSSEC deployment  Thick Whois  Single point of contact for abuse complaints 20

21 21 What’s Next for New gTLDs?  Contracting and Pre-Delegation Testing  Delegation into the Root Server  No specific date for next round

22 22 Get Involved with ICANN  Make your voice heard – join the discussion!  Check for upcoming events. 22

23 23 More Information… 23 @ICANN @NewgTLDsICANN

24 Thank You

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