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Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Presented By: Kenyatta Esters Rhonda Nichols.

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2 Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Presented By: Kenyatta Esters Rhonda Nichols

3 What is Global Warming?  Refers to a general warming trend of the earth  Possible causes: –Tectonic –Astronomical –Green house gasses –Other Atmospheric conditions

4 Earths Temperature Fluctuation  1880-2000  1950-2000


6 Green House Gasses Carbon Dioxide 50%Methane 18% 27x CO2 Nitrous Oxide 6% 150xCO2 Synthetic Gasses (CFC’s) and other 26% 6% CFC10,000x CO2 CFC substitutes 300-5,000xCO2

7 “Careful measurements have confirmed that CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere and that human activities are the primary cause… … 31% increases can not be explained by natural causes. CO2 concentrations are now likely higher than any seen in the in at least 420,000” EPA Website

8 Green House Gas

9 Impacts  Flooding of Coastal Areas  Salt Water Encroachment

10 Impacts  Flooding of Coastal Areas –Major cities  New Orleans  New Atlantis, Miami, Bancock, Netherlands –Marsh  Everglades disappearance  Salt Water Encroachment

11 Calculate the effect of melting glaciers on sea level  Total Surface Area of Earth –197,000 sq miles  70% ocean  138,000 sq miles  30% land  59,000 sq miles  326 million miles3 total water –Oceans 317 million –Glaciers 7 million  Water volume increase   2 million km  29 million

12 Is Global Warming Real??? Is it a DIRECT consequence of fossil fuel use? Do we have an ethical obligation to reduce CO 2 emissions?

13 Little things mean a lot  Drive less/fly less  Heat less  Renewable Energies  Buy locally produced fuels  Recycle  Energy efficient transportation and buildings  Educate others  Encourage protection of natural resources  Question Everything –Political/Corporate/Academic/Environmental Stances

14 What do YOU think ?

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