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Presentation Topics General information Admissions Enrollment Steps Transfer Career Programs Support Program Financial Aid.

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2 Presentation Topics General information Admissions Enrollment Steps Transfer Career Programs Support Program Financial Aid

3 De Anza Overview Founded in 1967 More than 24,000 students/quarter Accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges 80% Day, 20% Evening students Average Age of Students: 21 Nearly half plan to receive AA/AS Degree or Transfer Excellent Academic Programs, and Support Services

4 What Is A Community College? Community colleges … –Offer an affordable and accessible college education –Provide lower division preparation for transfer to public and private universities –Offer vocational & career programs –2 year public institution (109 statewide)

5 Who can attend a Community College? Admission is open to anyone who obtains: –a High school diploma or –a General Education Diploma (GED) or HS Proficiency –who is at least 18 years or older High school juniors and seniors with permission from parents and school can take advantage of our concurrent enrollment

6 Why Choose De Anza? Ranks at the top for combined UC/CSU transfers More than 140 academic and career programs High quality education at a low cost Outstanding student support programs Guaranteed admission to select universities State-of-the-art equipment and facilities Over 50 different student clubs Vibrant student life and great diversity

7 Enrollment Steps for New Students Apply Take Placement Tests Attend Orientation Register for Classes Pay Your Fees Attend Classes

8 Step 1: Apply Use the online application at: You will receive a confirmation e-mail Your date to register will be posted after your application has been processed 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes (Click on the ‘Apply Now’ link)

9 Step 2: Take Placement Tests Take the Math and English Placement Tests at least two weeks before your Counseling 100 class If you are planning on: –Transferring or earning a degree/certificate –Enrolling in basic English and Math –Or are undecided about your education goal You can not fail! Test merely determines Math and English levels 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes

10 Step 3: Attend Orientation Attend Counseling 100: Orientation to College –Download registration form at: Benefits of attending Counseling 100: –Valuable college and career information –Early Registration, assistance in course selection –Develop an Education Plan with a counselor 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes

11 Step 4: Register for Classes Register online at Get a Schedule of Classes online at or from the bookstore Academic Calendar: 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes

12 Step 5: Pay your Fees Payment may be made online, by mail, our drop box, or in person Pay your fees within 5 days after registration For financial assistance, contact Financial Aid at: 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes

13 Step 6: Attend Class You must be at the first class meeting! Drop classes in which you no longer wish to be enrolled You will be charged for classes not dropped and may receive a failing (F) grade Instructors have the option to drop you if you are absent or late 1.Apply 2.Take Placement Tests 3.Attend Orientation 4.Register for Classes 5.Pay Your Fees 6.Attend Classes

14 Enrollment Steps -Summary Apply Take Placement Tests Attend Orientation Register for Classes Pay Your Fees Attend Classes

15 Benefits of Attending De Anza College Flexible class schedules Small class sizes (average 35) Great support programs Options to Transfer or earn a career degree or certificate Low Cost - $17 a unit Institution Est. Annual Tuition & Fees –De Anza College$855 –CSU$6,000 –UC $10,00 –Private$36,750

16 Transfer A wide variety of transferable courses offered to fulfill: – General Education – Major Preparation Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) visit: IGETC: for transfers to UC or CSU Counseling & academic advising support Transfer as a Junior to a 4 year institution

17 Degree and Certificate Program De Anza offers high demand career programs leading to an Associate in Arts (AA) or an Associate in Science (AS) degree. –Associate Degree Programs: 60 De Anza also provides certificates. –Certificate Programs: 125 Completion (4-11 quarter units) Achievement (12-26 quarter units) Proficiency (27+ quarter units)

18 Popular Majors - Accounting- Intercultural Studies - Animation- Manufacturing and CNC - Automotive Technology- Medical Laboratory - Business - Nursing - Child Development - Paralegal Studies - Environmental Studies- Photography - Film/Television- Speech Communication - Graphic & Interactive Design- Technical Writing - Health Technologies

19 Support Programs and Services Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) Disability Support Services (DSS/EDC) Financial Aid Counseling/Advising Puente Student Success & Retention Services Center (SS&RSC) Writing & Reading Center (WRC) Tutorial/Skills Center Transfer Center Career Center NASA/AMES Internship Honors Program

20 Financial Aid is available For low-income, middle-income, and upper-income students who qualify. Grants: Pell Grant, ACG, SEOG, Cal Grant Loans: Stafford Loan, Perkins Loan, Book Loans, PLUS Loans Work: Work-Study, part-time employment on campus Fee Waiver: BOG Fee Waiver for California residents We encourage all students to see if they qualify. Use the FAFSA to apply for federal and state financial aid. Apply online: The earlier the better!

21 Scholarships Over 500 students receive scholarships each year at De Anza. Scholarships are competitive, but open to a wide variety of students: -first in family to attend college -community service -excellence in academics -financial need -pursuing a variety of majors including teaching, health careers, environmental studies, technology, engineering and others Recycled Computer Scholarship – good quality computers donated from local companies and refurbished for students to use in college. Look for scholarship announcements online in October.

22 Important Deadlines March 2nd … First Priority date for FAFSA and Cal Grant September 2nd … Second date for Cal Grant at Community Colleges

23 Important Sites & Contacts FAFSA: PIN: De Anza College Financial Aid: OR Call: (408) 846-8718 Scholarships:,, and Federal Processor: OR Call: 800-4FEDAID IRS Phone Number: 800-829-1040 Selective Service Registration:


25 Thoughts & Tips Schedule a campus tour It is OK to be undecided Once you figure out what you want to do, meet with a counselor to develop a PLAN You are an adult, so you are responsible for your actions Get involved on campus, meet new people…NETWORK and build relationships Remember that your goal is to better yourself

26 The End Thank You For more information Visit our Web Site:

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