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Module 3. Kingdom Monera Bacteria 1. Heterotrophic bacteria a. breaks down organic material into useful nutrients b. this is called decomposer.

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1 Module 3

2 Kingdom Monera Bacteria

3 1. Heterotrophic bacteria a. breaks down organic material into useful nutrients b. this is called decomposer

4 2. Cyanobacteria is a better name for blue- green algae because cyanobacteria are prokaryotic and algae is eukaryotic.

5 3. Cyanobacgteria are: a. Photosynthetic (produce oxygen for other creatures)

6 b. remove nitrogen from the atmosphere

7 Kingdom: Protista (unicellular algae) These organisms are difficult to categorize. Some are plant-like and some are animal-like. Alga : singular Algae : plural

8 A. In general what are algae? 1. simple, eukaryotic organisms that live in both fresh and salt water 2. usually photosynthesize

9 3. color varies due to pigments of green, brown, or red 4. have no leaves, stems, roots, or flowers

10 5. some have animal characteristics such as having flagella and swim 6. size : can be single celled to large multicellular individuals

11 B. Plant like organisms of the Kingdom Protista are commonly called the unicellular algae.

12 C. Unicellular organisms in the kingdom Protista are called phytoplankton.

13 D. Phyto means “plant” and plankton means “drifting”

14 E. Phytoplankton are photosynthetic organisms that drift in the water.

15 F. Most marine phytoplankton belong to either kingdom Monera (cyanobacteria) or the kingdom Protista.

16 G. Diatoms: Kingdom Protista, Phylum Chrysophyta H. Diatom means “cut- in-two”

17 1. extremely plentiful phytoplankton especially in temperate waters

18 2. It is this species that produces the most oxygen on earth

19 3. Have cell walls called frustules made of silicon dioxide (a glass-like material)

20 4. this cell wall is hard and glassy is made of two tightly fitting halves

21 5. frustules can be flat, round or football shaped

22 6. Cell walls (frustules) remain long after the organism dies

23 7. diatomaceous earth is a collection of the hard cell walls of these organisms

24 8. diatomaceous earth is used as a mild abrasive in toothpaste, an insulator against heat and cold and sound, used in filters

25 H. How does the diatom take in nutrients and gases??

26 1. Through perforations or holes in the frustules which allow the transfer of gases and nutrients.

27 2. The frustules can have spines which increase the organisms resistance to movement within the water column.

28 3. Diatoms must stay at or near the surface layer to obtain the light needed from the sun.

29 4. Diatoms provide needed food for many organisms

30 5. Diatom reproduction is both sexual and asexual reproduction.

31 A. Asexual 1. splitting frustules or 2. shedding frustules and forming directly into auxosphere

32 B. Sexual 1. sperm and egg unite 2. fertilization results in an auxosphere

33 I. Dinoflagellates 1. cell wall made mainly from cellulose

34 2. But cell wall is used as armor plating 3. Have chlorphyll and are photosynthestic

35 4. some can injest bits of food 5. few have a light- sensitive spot of pigment that behaves like an eye

36 6. Reproduce asexually by cell division a. Reproduce quickly b. Overpopulation produces bloom (bloom—dense concentration of individuals)

37 c. In a bloom, the water can turn red, brown, or green d. This is called red tide.

38 e. Some release toxic substances in the bloom state. f. This kills many organisms and can poison fish humans eat.

39 7. bioluminescence— they can produce their own light

40 *Phytoplankton cannot swim faster than they sink but they must stay in the areas of the ocean that are accessible for photosynthesis. What features do they have that slow down their rate of sinking in the water? *

41 They have horns, spines that cause them to follow spiral or zigzag patterns as they travel downward

42 8. Zooplankton a. ‘zoo’ means animal like b. ‘plankton’ means drift in water

43 Two major groups of zooplankton: 1. Holoplankton (they live their whole life as plankton)

44 2. Meroplankton (they live part of their life as plankton) examples include starfish and barnacle

45 Module 3 test Know highlighted notes, terms A-K on page 75 + the five pics on the next slide!


47 1. Diatom 2. Epitheca 3. Hypothecia 4. Nucleus 5. dinoflagellates

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