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TRIANGLES CLASSIFICATIONS, ANGLES AND MORE!! Different Types of Triangles Triangles come in different types which can be classified by it’s sides and/or.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIANGLES CLASSIFICATIONS, ANGLES AND MORE!! Different Types of Triangles Triangles come in different types which can be classified by it’s sides and/or."— Presentation transcript:



3 Different Types of Triangles Triangles come in different types which can be classified by it’s sides and/or it’s angles. Triangles come in different types which can be classified by it’s sides and/or it’s angles. There are THREE different classifications for triangles based on their sides. There are THREE different classifications for triangles based on their sides. There are FOUR different classifications for triangles based on their angles. There are FOUR different classifications for triangles based on their angles.

4 Classifying Triangles by Their Sides 1. ISOSCELES – at least two sides are equal in length are equal in length (Think… Winter Icicles hanging) (Think… Winter Icicles hanging) 2. EQUILATERAL – All sides are equal in length equal in length (Think…Equal is the same (Think…Equal is the same … Lateral means line) … Lateral means line) EQUILATERAL ISOSCELES

5 Classifying Triangles by Their Sides 3. SCALENE – none of the sides are the same are the same (Think… Scary Scalene ) (Think… Scary Scalene ) SCALENE

6 Classifying Triangles by Their Angles 1) ACUTE – ALL angles are acute acute 2) EQUIANGULAR – ALL angles are equal (Special kind of acute triangle) (Special kind of acute triangle) 3) RIGHT – ONE right angle 4) OBTUSE – ONE obtuse angle EQUIANGULAR ACUTE RIGHT OBTUSE

7 Now, Let’s Play a Game! Can you name the triangle? By it’s Sides? By it’s Angles? Equilateral Equilateral Equilateral Isosceles Isosceles Isosceles Scalene Scalene Scalene Acute Acute Acute Right Right Right Obtuse Obtuse Obtuse Equiangular Equiangular Equiangular Equilateral Equilateral Equilateral Isosceles Isosceles Isosceles Scalene Scalene Scalene Acute Acute Acute Right Right Right Obtuse Obtuse Obtuse Equiangular Equiangular Equiangular

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