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The World Water Quality Assessment Introduction to the World Water Quality Assessment and to the agenda of the day.

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Presentation on theme: "The World Water Quality Assessment Introduction to the World Water Quality Assessment and to the agenda of the day."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Water Quality Assessment Introduction to the World Water Quality Assessment and to the agenda of the day

2 The World Water Quality Assessment About the assessment UN-Water, led by UNEP Initial funding: Norway, UN-Water, GEMS/Water Initial scientific partners: Helmholtz-Centre Environmental Research-UFZ, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel Key partner: GEMS/Water Global coverage, with focus on developing countries Freshwater, inland waters (running waters and lakes) Two-stage assessment: Stage 1 (2 years); started in June 2013, using existing models and data

3 The World Water Quality Assessment Assessment goals at stage 1 Review the state of water quality in rivers and lakes/reservoirs Identify current hot spot areas of degraded water quality (use UNEP water quality guidelines initiative as benchmark) Identify types, intensity and sources of water pollution Identify potential impacts relating to human health and food security First assessment of freshwater fishery link to food security (linking water quality with ecosystem services) Identify main water quality data gaps Policy options in perspective (precautionary, abatement, restoration)

4 The World Water Quality Assessment Our top down and bottom-up approach WQ status BOD, FC, TDS, TN/TP Hot spot Data driven analysis Model driven analysis Global perspective – Top down Local/Regional perspective – Bottom up v GEMS/Water, databases, literature review WaterGAP3 modeling framework (global 5’ grid) Advisory Committee

5 The World Water Quality Assessment What are we going to do today? “Progress reports”: Current data basis, data collection and data driven analysis Large-scale water quality modelling - Hot spots and causes of water pollution Concept of the overall assessment and next steps Technical issues (e.g. dash board) Feedback and AC recommendations

6 The World Water Quality Assessment What are we going to do today? Special discussion points: Strengthening links and cooperation with GEMS and UNEP Live, … Involvement of UN Agencies (FAO, WMO, WHO, UNEP, UNESCO, …) Next steps, …

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