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Optimum Solutions Corporation All the Right Answers.

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1 Optimum Solutions Corporation All the Right Answers

2 of Full Service Scoring  Full Service Scoring is designed to eliminate time lost in the classroom, eliminate the administrative tasks associated with a scoring effort, and to save you money.  Your test booklets are dropped off and logged in at a central site.  The constructed responses are scored by a vendor.  The scores are transmitted by vendor to the local RIC or BOCES for merging with the scanned multiple choice answers.  Your tests booklets are returned to you.

3 Responsibilities of RICs & Districts  Print barcodes with district & student ID information. Programming & Formatting is available from ESBOCES  Before test administration, barcodes are affixed to books 3 & 4 for ELA, book 3 for Math, in designated area.  Package and deliver test booklets and answer sheets to a centralized location at a scheduled date & time after administration. You will be provided with a set of packaging instructions and box labels.  A district representative remains at the drop-off location until all boxes and tests have been verified and counted.

4 Tracking of Test Booklets  A unique barcoded Box Label is placed on each box identifying the district, school and grade contents of the box.  Test Booklets are verified for packaging completeness: barcodes are affixed to all tests, scribes, foreign languages, etc. are packaged correctly.  Test booklets are counted and counts are checked against the counts listed on the box label (provided by OSC) affixed to the top of each box.  Boxes are sealed and designated for delivery.  Upon delivery to the scanning site, each box is designated as being received.  Each test’s barcode is then wanded into a database and made available for review on the Barcode Check-In Audit website.Barcode Check-In Audit

5 Tracking of Test Booklets  Test Booklets that cannot be scanned (braille, large print, etc.) are moved to another box to facilitate hand scoring.  Test booklets are then prepared for scanning:  Each test booklet is cut  Groups of test booklets are jogged to remove erasures or other foreign materials  At all times, booklets from a single box remain together in that box.  Student IDs recorded in the tracking database are compared to the IDs captured during scanning. All IDs are reconciled and accounted for before scoring commences.

6 Examples of box labels Box Labels created at Check-in are affixed to every box The barcode allows us to quickly identify a box’s contents (district, school, grades, counts) and status

7 Holistic Scoring Support  OSC provides:  Fully vetted staff of NYS certified teachers meeting all NYSED scoring requirements.  Extensive training prior to scoring to ensure that all scorers are comfortable with the scoring rubric and scoring process.  Materials and staff at the scoring site to train, advise and support scorers.  Training staff is shared with ESBOCES Regional Scoring staff

8 Verification  Read behinds conducted electronically at adjustable percentage levels by Content Specialists ensure the validity, accuracy and reliability of the scoring process.

9 Supervision  The speed and frequency distribution of scoring is monitored in real time throughout the scoring process by Lead Content Trainers and the Site Manager.  Any problems that may occur are addressed immediately.  Scorers who require additional training or support are spotted quickly.  Workflow can be redirected when necessary.

10 Technical Support  On-site technical support is provided throughout the process to ensure that:  The system is working efficiently.  The workflow is directed properly.  All scorers are comfortable with every aspect of electronic scoring.

11 Other Educational Assessment Solutions from OSC  GradeIT™ for tests, quizzes or SLOs  Regents Scanning Solution (RSS)  Practice Exams scored and item analysis provided

12 For more information about the EASE™ suits of scoring solutions from OSC:  Call Michel Richez – 1-800-227-0672 Ext. 106  Or visit our website at

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