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There are many types of bullying Physical Bullying……. Hitting or kicking you and causing you physical pain. Pushing or pulling you about Emotional Bullying…..Calling.

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Presentation on theme: "There are many types of bullying Physical Bullying……. Hitting or kicking you and causing you physical pain. Pushing or pulling you about Emotional Bullying…..Calling."— Presentation transcript:

1 There are many types of bullying Physical Bullying……. Hitting or kicking you and causing you physical pain. Pushing or pulling you about Emotional Bullying…..Calling you names. Spreading lies about you. Leaving you out or excluding you Cyber bullying ….Texting you horrible messages or messages on Facebook and other social networking websites. Filming you on their mobile phones and spreading it about. Homophobic bullying….Somebody may bully a person by calling them ‘gay’ as an insult Racist bullying….People may bully you because of the colour of your skin Gender bullying.. Picking on a person because they are a boy or because they are a girl Bullying is other students doing these things Several Times On Purpose

2 CROWN HILLS IS BETTER WITHOUT BULLYING We asked you about bullying at Crown Hills…. This is what you told us this year…2015

3 20% of students said that they had been bullied at CHCC at some time Most students commented that the bullying had made them mainly feel angry 75%said that they had reported the bullying 80% of students asked said that they have not been bullied at CHCC

4 The majority of students said that the school took bullying seriously They knew that students could go to the Reflection zone and Behaviour Support to report the bullying They knew that they could tell a teacher Many commented that bullies were sanctioned and some excluded

5  You said………………… ‘You could put some more teacher at playground so that people cannot bully’ ‘Make sure there are teachers everywhere around school even in the corners’ ‘Ask more teachers to come on duty’ We have 6 Lead duty teachers in the Food hall and playgrounds at break and lunchtime. We have more staff joining them in the building and outside at the end of break and lunch. Always tell a duty teacher if you are being bullied at break or lunchtime.

6 Crown Hills takes any form of bullying extremely seriously. We do not accept bullying. Always tell and adult… any adult.. If you are being bullied. If you tell us we will investigate it and do the very best we can to make you feel better. We will always sanction students who bully other students.

7 STOP the bullying….. Start Telling Other People

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