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Prehistoric Art AVI 101. Art shows what is IMPORTANT at that time.

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistoric Art AVI 101. Art shows what is IMPORTANT at that time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistoric Art AVI 101

2 Art shows what is IMPORTANT at that time

3 Class: draw on handout

4 What is it? (Subject) How is it? (Style) Why is it? (Function-Meaning)

5 Venus of Willendorf c. 24 000 – 22 000 BCE limestone 11.1 cm high Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna

6 Roman mythology: goddess of love and fertility What about the NAME?

7 Dating history c. = circa (around the date…) BC = before Christ BCE = before Common Era Current Era Christian Era AD = Anno Domini (latin for year of our Lord) CE = Common Era What about the DATE?

8 -most famous early human figure -not realistic -her breasts and belly are swollen = fertility -carved so that it can’t stand What is the function or purpose?

9 Cave Art Altamira, Spain

10 Altamira, Spain

11 Wounded Bison Altamira, Spain

12 Altamira, Spain -discovered in 1879 -Marcelino de Sautuola, a nobleman, and his daughter go for walk and she accidentally finds the paintings in cave -he was convinced they are ancient and creates a book -scholars said paintings couldn’t be real because no one believed that prehistoric man was capable of such strong work -it took 15 years to authenticate the caves -100 other sites were also found Some of the paintings are over 18 ft long The focus of these paintings is bison -its meat for food -its fur and hide for clothing and foot-coverings -its horns, teeth and hooves for use as tool making equipment. Other animals portrayed in the cave's murals include reindeer, wild boar and goats - all native to Cantabria

13 Cave Art Lascaux, France

14 Lascaux, France








22 Cave at Lascaux -discovered in 1940 ( 17 000 years later) by teenagers walking a dog -critics doubted its authenticity for years -over 600 images -the horse is the most predominant, followed by bison, ibex, aurochs (an extinct type of ox), stags, mammoths, reindeer, bears, felines, rhinoceros, and a few birds and fish. -there is a single human figure (with animal head) -early humans had complete mastery of the artistic elements we know today: engraving, sculpture, painting, and drawing

23 Petroglyphs at Peterborough The limestone at Peterborough is generally believed to have been carved by the Algonkian people between 900 and 1400 AD. Today, the First Nations people of Ontario call the carvings Kinomagewapkong, meaning "the rocks that teach.” -over 900 images … a bit of Canadian art history

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