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Cores: Mud & Trees Power Point by: Jessica Oldroyd Scientist: Anne Krawiek.

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Presentation on theme: "Cores: Mud & Trees Power Point by: Jessica Oldroyd Scientist: Anne Krawiek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cores: Mud & Trees Power Point by: Jessica Oldroyd Scientist: Anne Krawiek

2 What do tree cores tell you? Looking at tree cores can tell you a lot more than just how old the tree is or what its been through. Looking at tree cores can tell you a lot more than just how old the tree is or what its been through. Scientists have found a way to look at tree cores and discover the past climate. Scientists have found a way to look at tree cores and discover the past climate. This is one way scientists know that the climate is and has changed. This is one way scientists know that the climate is and has changed.

3 Tree cores Tree cores are made by a blade slicing into a tree and by pulling it out scientists are able to study the core. Tree cores are made by a blade slicing into a tree and by pulling it out scientists are able to study the core. The scientists can look at the rings and tell what the climate was like all the way back till the tree was first there. The scientists can look at the rings and tell what the climate was like all the way back till the tree was first there.

4 Tree cores and mud cores comparison Tree cores Tree cores are pulled out of trees and show climate from the previous years. Tree cores are pulled out of trees and show climate from the previous years. A tree core has many rings that is how it shows what the climate has been like the years of its life. A tree core has many rings that is how it shows what the climate has been like the years of its life. Mud cores Mud cores are mainly from the bottom of lakes and are cores made by mud to show history of climate change. Mud cores are mainly from the bottom of lakes and are cores made by mud to show history of climate change. Mud cores will show different climate change then tree cores because they are under ground or in water. Mud cores will show different climate change then tree cores because they are under ground or in water.

5 Graph of tree ring width This is a graph showing the different measurements between the rings in a tree. It has to do with climate, because the rings vary depending on the climate change. When the year is super dry and hot the rings are more dead looking and have wider spaces. Tree rings: a climate record of the past Tree rings: a climate record of the past

6 Mud cores -Mud cores are taken from the bottom of lakes and from the ground. -It is a record of the climate through the perspective of the ground rather than a tree. -Mud cores have rings just like tree cores. They tell about the climate through their rings and through their texture. - Mud cores are taken in different areas of land so we know climate change for lots of places because its different in different areas.

7 Trees and mud Scientists can take cores out of this tree and lake and find out tons of information on this area. They can find the age of the tree and they can find all the way back to when the tree was put there and the fires and snow this tree has gone through.

8 Temperature correlation -Temperature correlation is when scientists compare measurements of tree rings 100 or so years ago and they compare it to today's measurements. -Temperature correlation is when scientists compare measurements of tree rings 100 or so years ago and they compare it to today's measurements. -To make it easier for scientists they use lots of computers and technology.

9 Conclusion Tree cores are a very fascinating thing to learn about if you can get to know more about what they can do. I learned from this research that tree cores tell more than just there age, tree cores can tell a whole story all on there own. Thanks to our scientists today we can understand what these stories are about in great detail. My scientist partner helped me learn all of these facts. Tree cores are a very fascinating thing to learn about if you can get to know more about what they can do. I learned from this research that tree cores tell more than just there age, tree cores can tell a whole story all on there own. Thanks to our scientists today we can understand what these stories are about in great detail. My scientist partner helped me learn all of these facts.

10 Thank you to… Anne Krawiec(my science partner) http://www.koshland-science- =AS&sk=&pq=tree+cores&sp=1&sc=7-10&x=120&y=6 +mud&form=MSNH14&qs=RQ&sk=&pq=ms n+logo&sp=1&sc=8-8&x=130&y=8 n&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=523&q=graphs +for+tree+cores&gbv=2&oq=graphs+for+tree+ cores&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=3

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