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 EVALUATION FROM SSP- LOS CERROS MIDDLE SCHOOL “ Ramona has done a fine job of introducing the Pythagorean Theorem. Yesterday she demonstrated its concept.

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Presentation on theme: " EVALUATION FROM SSP- LOS CERROS MIDDLE SCHOOL “ Ramona has done a fine job of introducing the Pythagorean Theorem. Yesterday she demonstrated its concept."— Presentation transcript:

1  EVALUATION FROM SSP- LOS CERROS MIDDLE SCHOOL “ Ramona has done a fine job of introducing the Pythagorean Theorem. Yesterday she demonstrated its concept and had students try and practice on right triangles. Today she started off with a review of why it works and had students divided up into groups of 4. Each group has a different real world application of the Pythagorean Theorem and are expected to solve on a poster to share later with the class. Students are engaged and willing to ask questions. Ramona does a great job of classroom control and reminding students of appropriate behavior with group work” (R. Bovberg, 2013). DOMAIN E

2  “ Ramona is able to make connection with students of all academic abilities.”  “Ramona is excellent with students, staff, and curriculum.”

3 Students working in paired groupings, discussing and collaborating. Teacher conducting formative assessments, ensuring students are on target and have acquired appropriate skills.

4  Bovber, R. (October, 2013). TED student teaching SSP observation.

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