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L. Katie McKenna. Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain WHAT IS IT?

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Presentation on theme: "L. Katie McKenna. Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain WHAT IS IT?"— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Katie McKenna

2 Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain WHAT IS IT?

3 Mosquito borne viruses (arboviruses) Togaviridae Flaviviridae, and Bunyaviridae Herpes Simplex Virus Herpes Zoster Epstein Barr Virus Poliovirus Rhabdovirus Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles VIRUSES (Robinson, 2011)

4 Headache Fever Lethargy Nausea and vomiting Visual disturbances Tremor Decreased consciousness Confusion or agitation Personality changes SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS (Robinson, 2011)

5 Eastern Equine La Crosse THOSE AT RISK (CDC, 2011)

6 19 year old male Marine recruit Fever, change in personality, confusion, agitation, decreased consciousness PATIENT CASE

7 MRI Lumbar Puncture Blood tests EEG Brain Biopsy DIAGNOSING (Stone,2007)(Cataletto,2011)

8 Initial treatment  Antivirals  Antimicrobials  Anticonvulsants  Corticosteroids What’s the cause? Acyclovir Ceftriaxone Azithromycin Doxycycline Dexamethasone Acetaminophen Treatment according Patient’s treatment TREATMENT (Robinson,2011)

9 Japanese Encephalitis: Case-fatality: 30% - High rate of neurological deficits St. Louis Encephalitis: Case-fatality: 5 -30% - More common in elderly PROGNOSIS (CDC,2011) (Robinson, 2011)

10 Risk for disuse syndrome r/t impaired physical mobility (AEB) Patient not being able to reposition himself NURSING DIAGNOSIS

11 Use bug spray! CONCLUSION

12 Know the signs Risk for seizures Risk for respiratory failure Vaccinations THE REAL CONCLUSION

13 Cataletto, M. (2011).Nursing Central. Nursing Central from Unbound Medicine. CDC - Reported Arbovirus Cases in U.S. - CDC Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Robinson, R. "Encephalitis." The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. 4th ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 1532-1534. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Stone, M. J., & Hawkins, C. P. (2007). A medical overview of encephalitis. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17(4/5), 429-449. Sokol, D.,Kleiman M.,Garg,B.(2001) LaCrosse viral encephalitis mimics herpes simplex viral encephalitis, Pediatric Neurology, 25(5), 413-415. REFERENCES

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