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Chapter 2: Atmosphere: Origin, Composition, and Structure

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1 Chapter 2: Atmosphere: Origin, Composition, and Structure

2 Key Terms Atmosphere – a thin envelope of gases that encircles the earth and other particles (aerosols) Weather – the state of the atmosphere at a specific place and time Meteorology – the study of the atmosphere and the processes that cause weather Climate – weather conditions at some place averaged over a specific time period Climatology – the study of the climate

3 Computer Forecast Models
Scientific Model – an approximate representation of a real system (Earth-Atmosphere System) Conceptual Graphical – weather map Physical Numerical – run by computers (used to predict weather) All models simulate reality and are subject to error. More at:

4 Modern Atmosphere Homosphere – lowest 80km of the atmosphere where principal gas ratios remain relatively constant Heterosphere – above 80km where concentrations of heavier gases decrease more rapidly

5 Important Gases Nitrogen (N2) ~ 78% Oxygen (O2) ~ 21% Argon (Ar) ~ 1%
Greenhouse Gases – trace amounts but important role on Earth Water Vapor (H2O) ~ 0-4% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Ozone (O3) Methane (CH4)

6 Tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere
Aerosols Tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere Wind erosion of soil Ocean spray Forest fires Volcanic eruptions Agricultural and industrial activities

7 Pollution Air Pollutant – gas or aerosol that at a certain concentration adversely affects organisms and the environment Natural pollutant: carbon monoxide Non-natural pollutant: benzene Primary – harmful immediately upon emission into atmosphere (car exhaust) Secondary – results of chemical reactions between primary pollutants (smog)

8 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Surface Observations First done in 1800’s by Army Medical Corps - now run by the National Weather Service (NWS) Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) About 1700 across the US Fully automated year round NWS Cooperative Observer Network About 8000 across the US Monitored by volunteers with equipment supplied by NWS Doppler Radar About 113 operated by the NWS Others operated by television stations, military, private companies

9 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Surface observations, continued Army monitored weather to compare with troop health Mid-1800s – national network of volunteer observers 1849 – telegraph companies transmitted weather conditions free of charge 1860s – loss of ships in Great Lakes Government took a greater role in forecasting 1870 – President Ulysses S. Grant established 24 stations under the auspices of the U.S. Army Signal Corps 1891 – transferred from military to civilian hands New weather bureau under U.S. Department of Agriculture

10 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Surface observations, continued Transferred to Commerce Department in 1940 1965, Weather Bureau reorganized into the National Weather Service (NWS) Under Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), which became National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1990s – NWS modernized and expanded Today,123 NWS Forecast Offices (see next slide) Added Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS)

11 NWS Forecast Offices

12 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Cooperative Observer Network Member stations record daily precipitation and max/min temperatures for hydrologic, agricultural, and climatic purposes Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)

13 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Upper Air Observations Radiosonde – measuring device carried through the atmosphere by a weather balloon Transmit data immediately Balloons are launched simultaneously at 0000 and 1200 UTC Data transmitted (temperature, pressure, dewpoint, wind) are plotted on a chart creating a sounding Dropwindsonde – same thing except dropped by an airplane instead of launched by a balloon Satellites

14 Monitoring the Atmosphere
Launching a Radiosonde Radiosonde

15 Upper Air Observations
Locations of radiosonde observation stations Data from radiosonde shown in a Stüve diagram

16 Remote Sensing Measurement of environmental conditions by processing signals that are either emitted by an object or reflected back to a signal source Radar Satellites

17 Atmospheric Setup The atmosphere is divided into several different concentric layers. This plot shows the variation in average air temperature with height.

18 Characteristics of Air Masses & Fronts
Pressure decreases exponentially with height. This means that the majority of the molecules that make up the atmosphere are in the lower layers. About 50% of the atmosphere's mass is within 6km of the surface and 99.9% is within 50km.

19 Layers of the Atmosphere
Troposphere Layer at the surface Layer where weather occurs (except some high clouds) About 6km high at the poles and 20km at the equator Temperature generally decreases with height due to sunlight heating the Earth’s surface and warms air above it. Tropopause – boundary between troposphere and stratosphere (average height near 12km) Tropopause varies in height across the globe.

20 Layers of the Atmosphere
Stratosphere About 40km thick (extends to an altitude near 50km) Layer where airplanes fly (location of jet stream) Layer where ozone is present Temperature generally increases with height (Ozone absorbing solar radiation followed by a release of energy, which warms the stratosphere) Stratopause – boundary between stratosphere and mesosphere Why do I want to fly here? Get to places faster It’s a fairly stable layer (most weather occurs in the troposphere), less turbulence

21 Layers of the Atmosphere
Mesosphere Base is about 50km above the surface Temperature again decreases with height Coldest layer of the atmosphere (little ozone) Atmospheric pressure at around 1 mb 99% of atmospheric mass located below Without proper breathing equipment, brain would become oxygen starved Extends to the mesopause which is about 80km (50 miles) above the surface of the earth Thermosphere Extremely thin air (particles range from 1-10km apart) Increasing temperature because first particles to receive sun’s energy (solar radiation) Estimated top is about 500km May be 10 km between molecules Heat shield Exosphere (outer space)

22 Primarily located in the thermosphere
Ionosphere Primarily located in the thermosphere Home to a high concentration of ions and electrons Location of the Aurora Borealis Caused by the solar wind, in which Earth’s magnetic field deflects

23 The Ionosphere and the Aurora
The magnetosphere is caused by the deflection of the solar wind by Earth’s magnetic field Solar wind = Stream of charged particles let go from the upper atmosphere of the sun Aurora borealis

24 Air Temperature and Altitudinal Relationships in the Atmosphere
Review Air Temperature and Altitudinal Relationships in the Atmosphere

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