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The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 “Superfluous” can mean “exceeding what is sufficient or necessary.” It can also refer to that which is “marked.

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2 The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21

3 “Superfluous” can mean “exceeding what is sufficient or necessary.” It can also refer to that which is “marked by wastefulness: extravagant.” Our word comes from Middle English and Latin derivations in combining super (excessive) + fluere (to flow) = running over to overflow. The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 Let’s start with definitions…

4 “Perisos” (per-is-sos) is defined as “exceeding some number or measure or rank or need; over and above, more than necessary, superadded.” Perhaps some basic examples will help- Matt.5:37, “anything beyond” Matt.5:47, “what more” Mark 6:51, “greatly astonished” John 10:10, “abundantly” 2Cor.9:1, “superfluous” The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 It has a Greek equivalent found in the NT:

5 “Hyperekperissou” (hoop-er-ek-per-is-sos) is defined as “beyond all measure; to pour our beyond all measure; to overflow, run over.” Though this word is used in: 1Thess.3:10 as “most earnestly,” and in 1Thess.5:13 as “very highly,” Eph.3:20 uses it to describe God’s ability (and willingness!) to do “exceedingly abundantly beyond all we ask or think…” It’s SUPERFLUOUS! The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 But in the NT, there is also a super superadded…

6 Rom.5:15,20 in grace (perissueo in v.15, but hyperperissueo in v.20). The undeserved/unmerited favor of God is superfluous- or, way more than sufficient in its provisions and abilities! 1Tim.1:12-14 in mercy, grace, faith, love, and patience. God’s superfluous mercy, grace, love, and patience can produce obedient faith in the most ignorant violent aggressor and persecutor- it can do the same for you! The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 Now let’s take a look at some areas in which God has been superfluous:

7 2Cor.1:3-7 in comfort. God’s superfluous comfort (parakaleo- to come alongside of and glue/stick/bond to) is at least equal to any and all suffering we may face. It enables us to share sufferings and His comfort with one another. 2Cor.9:8-12 in gracious supply. God’s superfluous grace in supply is more than sufficient for every good deed done in righteousness and liberality. The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 Now let’s take a look at some areas in which God has been superfluous:

8 Consider God’s superfluous Grace, Mercy, Patience, Love, Comfort, and Provision in light of your response to them, and Him. While we certainly cannot reciprocate in kind or amount to what God has provided in anything close to superabundance, could what you are doing at least be called: “always abounding,” 1Cor.15:58? “excel(ling) still more,” 1Thess.4:1-10? The Superfluous God Ephesians 3:20-21 Finally,


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