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French and Russian Revolution Compare and Contrast Mrs. Abbott.

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Presentation on theme: "French and Russian Revolution Compare and Contrast Mrs. Abbott."— Presentation transcript:

1 French and Russian Revolution Compare and Contrast Mrs. Abbott

2 Who was in power before the revolution? What kind of leader was he? France – Louis the 16 Bad leader, unfair, ignored the needs of the 3 rd estate. Spent too much money Allowed the queen (Marie Antoinette) to spend too much money

3 Who was in power before the revolution? What kind of leader was he? Russia – Nicholas II (Romanov) Autocrat (Supreme leader) Censorship, spying, jail, nationalism Ignored the needs of the factory workers

4 Causes of the Revolution France – The 3 rd estate was 98% of the population, but only 33% of the vote (the first and second estates, clergy and nobles had the other 66% of the power). Third estate wanted equality! – High Taxes (especially the 3 rd estate), economy was failing, high cost of food…Louis 16 didn’t care..he denied the 3 rd estate’s request to vote together.

5 Causes of the Revolution Russia – A shortage of military supplies and food during WWI – Incompetent government – Massacre on Bloody Sunday – Nicholas II ignoring the needs of the proletariat (working class)

6 Who gains power/comes to power after the revolution? France – Robespierre and the Reign of Terror (Guillotine, used it to kill his enemies, then they used it on him) – Napoleon (good and bad…) set up banks and fair taxes, got rid of government corruption, set up public school, official hired by merit not family/friends, recognized the church then… declared himself emperor 

7 Who gains power/comes to power after the revolution? Russia – Lenin, who followed Karl Marx, communist ideas – Stalin 

8 Short term effects of the Revolution France – Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was adopted. The first Constitution was written also. A monarchy was established (Louis 16 and his brother both ruled briefly). Revolutionary France fights coalition of European powers. The Reign of Terror takes place.

9 Short term effects of the Revolution Russia – Russia is briefly stabilized – Murder of the Czar and his family – Russia dropping out of WW1

10 Long Term Effects of the Revolution France – The Napoleonic Code is written and French public schools are built. – Nationalism is spread, and there's a democratic republic. They influenced revolutions in other countries. – Political power shifted to the bourgeoisie (middle class).

11 Long Term Effects of the Revolution Russia – Russia becomes the USSR (and eventually a world superpower) – Mass Genocide (the great purge) under Stalin (Police Terror, totalitarian government, propaganda, censorship) – A Bolshevik government in Russia that established the world's first Communist state. This eventually led to the spread of Communism as the form of government in other countries - still with us today in some of them.

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