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The Russian Revolution By:Clark Kelley Period-1. Causes of Revolution Bad economy due to World War I. Lack of military competition with other countries.

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution By:Clark Kelley Period-1. Causes of Revolution Bad economy due to World War I. Lack of military competition with other countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution By:Clark Kelley Period-1

2 Causes of Revolution Bad economy due to World War I. Lack of military competition with other countries. Food and manufacturing shortages.

3 Vladimir Lenin Most famous key figure during the revolution. Greatly influenced the overthrow of the provisional government. Proposed an economic policy that greatly boosted the failing Russian economy. Gave Russia the idea of communism. Founding father of the USSR. Dictated the USSR after the revolution.

4 Analysis Success. It got rid of lots of famine and lack of manufacturing. Strengthened the government in the fact that it was less corrupt or more organized. Greatly improved the military power of Russia.

5 Summary of revolution Two revolutions (one in 1905 and 1917.) In the 1905 revolution all that happens is that the government goes from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. The 1917 revolution consists of 2 parts (February and October).

6 February Revolution Began with revolt by peasants complaining of food shortages. Military was still weak and the economy was still poor. Czar Nicholas II is overthrown.

7 October Revolution Started when the Bolshevik Party overthrew the provisional government. Bolshevik=communist. Lenin proposes a new economic policy. Because of the bad economy, the government allowed small family businesses to reopen for private profit while the government controlled the banks and foreign trade. Government accepted crops from farmers who were too poor to pay taxes. Economy is boosted.

8 Red Terror During the October Revolution. Arrested, tried, then executed anybody suspected for being against the communist government. It is estimated that 300,000 people were imprisoned and about 17,000 people were executed during the Red Terror.

9 Comparison to French Revolution Both started due to bad economy, weak government, food shortages, and the middle classes being unsatisfied with the way things were being ran. Both got rid of the weaker power heading the government. For France Louis XVI and for Russia Nicholas II and the provisional government. The middle classes both had riots protesting food shortages. The French Revolution had the Reign of Terror which killed people who opposed the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution had the Red Terror which killed people who opposed the Russian Revolution. At the end of the French Revolution, Napolean became emperor and at the end of the Russian Revolution, Lenin became dictator.

10 Map of Russia

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