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PANDAS BY REMY WESSLING. I NQUIRY QUESTIONS / PREDICTIONS I think the pandas main diet substances are bamboo and water. I think the male is not allowed.

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Presentation on theme: "PANDAS BY REMY WESSLING. I NQUIRY QUESTIONS / PREDICTIONS I think the pandas main diet substances are bamboo and water. I think the male is not allowed."— Presentation transcript:


2 I NQUIRY QUESTIONS / PREDICTIONS I think the pandas main diet substances are bamboo and water. I think the male is not allowed near the cubs because he is so big and tough. Will the panda ever come to Australia in a special habitat and be our special guest. If the panda goes extinct will the males or the females run out first.

3 SENSE OF SMELL Pandas have a highly developed sense of smell, which males use to avoid each other and to try and find females.

4 OTHER BEARS Unlike other bears pandas do not hibernate, they move to places with warmer temperatures.

5 CUBS & BUBS Panda cubs are born hairless, blind and toothless. When a mother has twins she selects the strongest and the weakest. The weakest bub dies. The mother only has a enough milk for one cub.They weigh 1/900 th of its mothers weight.

6 THE JAW OF THE PANDA They have large molar teeth and they have a pseudo strong jaw muscles.

7 MATING Pandas live on their own for most of their lives but in spring males and females chase each other and mate. The female will have 1 or 2 cub/cubs 20 weeks later. The males are not allowed to go near the cubs.

8 ORIGIN/HABITAT ORIGIN: China Habitat: Forest and mountain ranges of Central China.

9 WEAPONS IN THE WILD They are armed with an enlarged wrist And a elongated thumb. Great sense of smell Are great climbers Its voice frames

10 IN THE ZOO WOOO The oldest panda recorded in captivity Was a female and her name was Ming Ming She lived for 34 years(human years)

11 FAMILY/RELATIONSHIP STATUS FAMILY:Ursidae RS: Endangered There are only 1000-2000 left in the wild and 300 living in zoos and care centres, mostly in China.

12 DIET 99% of bamboo, they spend 10-16 hours a day roaming and forging looking for food they spend the rest of their day sleeping and resting. Diet: bamboo, grasses, birds and rodents. Bamboo low on nutrition herbivore diet.average panda eats 40kg of possibly bamboo everyday.

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