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Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Let’s Talk Life Jackets!

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Presentation on theme: "Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Let’s Talk Life Jackets!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Let’s Talk Life Jackets!

2 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003



5 What do people think we mean about wearing life jackets?

6 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Does it mean…? “Boat smart from the start – keep some life jackets onboard!”

7 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Does it mean…? “Boat smart from the start – make sure your life jackets are in good condition and ‘readily accessible’!”

8 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Does it mean…? “Boat smart from the start – make sure all kids below the age of 12, 6 (you plug in the number) wear their life jackets!”

9 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Does it mean…? “Boat smart from the start – make sure you put your life jacket on before the boat actually sinks!”

10 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 We assume we’ll have control.

11 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 But that’s not how most boat accidents happen!

12 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Typical Boating Fatalities  Lakes, streams, other inland waters  White males, 18-34, with experience on the water  Boats under 16’ in calm seas and good weather

13 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Typical Boating Fatalities  > 70% are from drowning  80% of drowning victims did not wear PFDs  Involve sudden, unexpected entry into the water due to capsizing or falls

14 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Typical Boating Fatalities  UNEXPECTED entry into the water means no time to grab a life jacket!  Accidents lead to shock, disorientation  Trying to put jacket on in the water is difficult, exhausting boater further

15 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 It’s not the life jacket that saves lives….

16 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 …it’s wearing them that saves lives!

17 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Keeping your life jacket “handy”…

18 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 …is like saying you plan to buckle your seat belt before the car crashes!

19 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 How do we get past the resistance?

20 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Visualize the old….

21 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Look familiar?

22 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Now visualize the new with...

23 A Virtual PFD Fashion Show!

24 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: General Purpose

25 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: General Purpose

26 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Paddlers

27 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Paddlers

28 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Anglers

29 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Anglers

30 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Anglers and Hunters

31 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Hunters

32 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Hunters

33 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Sailors

34 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Sailors

35 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Power Boaters

36 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Power Boaters

37 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: Float Coats

38 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Women

39 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Women

40 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: For Big Guys & Gals

41 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Today’s PFDs: the Future is now

42 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003

43 Remember, the best life jacket of all is the life jacket you will wear!

44 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Whichever one you choose, make sure you also choose to wear it!

45 Courtesy US Coast Guard Operation Boat Smart – Approved by DC-E USCG Auxiliary - 2003 Boat smart from the start – wear your life jacket!

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