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Polish migration in Spain. Polish immigration in Spain is a special phenomenon. From one side Poles are very integrated group in language and culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Polish migration in Spain. Polish immigration in Spain is a special phenomenon. From one side Poles are very integrated group in language and culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polish migration in Spain

2 Polish immigration in Spain is a special phenomenon. From one side Poles are very integrated group in language and culture and from the other side they are very determined to cultivate polish tradition and history.

3 Relationship with Spaniard Poles are good accept through Spaniard. They often called us “North Spaniard”. This expression affirm that Poles are harmonious with Spain.

4 Part of emigration After the second World War in the capital city of Kingdom of Spain lived only 150 people from Poland. They were mainly intellectuals. Then started a first flow of Polish immigration and finished in the 70s of XX century.

5 Next part of Polish immigration to Spain was in 80s. Poles settled mainly in a few places in this country.

6 Places The first place was the capital city in Spain – Madrid.

7 The second destination was Avila-the old city with rich tradition.

8 Actually Poles are present in all regions of Spain. However most of them lived in regions madrid, valencian and Catalonia.

9 Number of Poles From the end of eighty years number of Poles in Spain dynamically increase. At the beginning ninety years it was 7800 people. In recent fifteen years this number increased at least six times.

10 Demographically Collectivity Poles who lived in Spain is demographically young. From reported data from year 2005 we know, that people in age 20-49 years constitute about 74%.

11 Presentation prepared: Estera Orczyk, kl. IIbg

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