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XMetaDissPlus Metadata Set of the German National Library for Online Publications Maren Brodersen, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.

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Presentation on theme: "XMetaDissPlus Metadata Set of the German National Library for Online Publications Maren Brodersen, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek."— Presentation transcript:

1 XMetaDissPlus Metadata Set of the German National Library for Online Publications Maren Brodersen, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

2  History of the metadata set - MetaDiss - XMetaDiss - XMetaDissPlus and metadata core set  Transfer interfaces - web form - automatic compiling-process of metadata by OAI protocol: now and in the future - hot folder (under progress)  In practise - e-Journal - Online-dissertations  Questions | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 2

3 History: MetaDiss I First metadata standard used for collecting online dissertations  online dissertations: collected since 1998  HTML based on Dublin Core and DDB-elements  transfer interfaces: web form and e-mail  still in use | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 3

4 History: MetaDiss II | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 4 Example: metadata record

5 History: MetaDiss III | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 5 Example: catalogue record

6 History: XMetaDiss I XML-based metadata standard for collecting online dissertations  established in 2005  XML with DCMI, ETD-MS, ddb-elements … pc:MetaPers e.g.  transfer interfaces: web form, e-mail and oai  URN is now mandatory  still only for online dissertations and doctoral thesis  future plans: to integrate other publication types | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 6

7 History: XMetaDiss II Regulation von Autoimmunerkrankungen durch den PTPN22 1858*C/T Polymorphismus und die NCF1 Gen-/Pseudogenstruktur Regulation of autoimmune diseases by PTPN22 1858*C/T polymorphism and by the genomic pattern of NCF1 and its pseudogenes Peter Hoffmann 610 … ElectronicThesisandDissertation urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-49386 … | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 7 Example: metadata record

8 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 History: XMetaDiss III 8 Example: catalogue record

9 History: XMetaDissPlus and metadata core set I Present metadata standard for collecting online publications  reference description online since June 2010  XML with DCMI, ETD-MS and ddb- and dini-elements  transfer interfaces: web form and oai  URN is mandatory but …  list of publication types is integrated  version update to 2.1 till the end of 2010 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 9

10 History: XMetaDissPlus … II <xMetaDiss:xMetaDiss xmlns:xMetaDiss="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcmitype="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:pc="" xmlns:urn="" xmlns:thesis="" xmlns:ddb="" xmlns:dini="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:title xsi:type="ddb:titleISO639-2" lang="ger">Zwischen Reichsstandschaft und Standesherrschaft Jörg Brückner … doctoralThesis urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200301622 … | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 10 Example: metadata record

11 Transfer interfaces: web form | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 11

12 Transfer interfaces: automatic compiling process of metadata by oai Conditions for new automatic workflow: metadata formats must be standardised (valide and complete) metadata record must contain “transfer-URL” file formats must be known and suitable for long term preservation as well as access defined interface on both sides (data and service provider) | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 12

13 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 Transfer Interfaces: hot folder  metadata and object submitted together  metadata must be XML and standardised  submitting files via SFTP-(SSH/FTP) or WebDAV  name conventions for metadata file: catalogue_md.xml  test phase will start soon 13

14 In Practise: e-Journal I | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 14 Example: List of journal title

15 In Practise: e-Journal II  Mandatory elements for e-journal parts (articles or issues) - title - transfer-URL (oai only) - issue (volume, number …) - year of publication - access rights (original and archived copy) - persistent identifier (if there is one) Author/s should be quoted if existent. | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 15

16 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 16 In Practise: e-Journals III Example: journal title with articles

17 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 In Practise: e-Journals IV 17 Example: catalogue record of journal article

18 In Practise: e-Journals V Preconditions for XMetaDissPlus and e-journals - element - several options such as: ddb:DNB-ZSTitelID or ddb:Erstkat-ID - and information about issue structured in: ddb:noScheme  publication type in dini:PublType: - article, contributionToPeriodical or PeriodicalPart  one record for every “part” of the journal  single articles without ID treated as “monographs”  Other solutions possible | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 18

19 In Practise: online dissertations I | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 19 Example: multiple part dissertation online: 3 records

20 In Practise: online dissertations II | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 20 Example: multiple part dissertation print: 4 records

21 In Practise: online dissertations III | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 21

22 In Practise: online dissertations IV | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 22 Example: multiple part dissertation online: 1 record

23 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 In Practise: online dissertations V 23

24 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 24 In Practise: online dissertations VI Example: metadata for multiple part dissertation

25 In Practise: online dissertations VII MetaDiss: XMetaDissPlus: doctoralThesis Text ResearchData publishedVersion urn:nbn:de:kobv:01-200312125 application/pdf application/zip | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 25 Metadata for multiple part dissertations:

26 | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010 26 Thank you for your attention! Questions?

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