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Creation How Old Is The Earth???.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation How Old Is The Earth???."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation How Old Is The Earth???

2 Varieties of Evolution
Macroevolution Theistic Evolution Microevolution

3 Macroevolution Theory of Natural Selection:
Charles Darwin- Father of Evolution Theory of Natural Selection: 1. Population is increasing by multiplication, food supply by addition 2. A struggle for existence is therefore inevitable 3. Each birth produces genetic variations 4. Some will have a better genetic inheritance than others 5. Thus there will be survival of the fittest

4 Theistic Evolution God intervened at various points in creation, and allowed evolution to take over from there. Both Humans and apes may have evolved from a common primate ancestor. But this view rejects a thoroughgoing macroevolution.

5 Microevolution Evolution within a species, such as a thoroughbred horse, a hybrid seed, or a pedigreed dog

6 Arguments Against Evolution
The Fossil Record - Fossil record - There is a dramatic absence of fossil records of intermediate forms, which would be imperative to support the claims of macroevolution. The few fossils that would support evolution, Archeopteryx and the horse series, are debated by many scientists. - Time - An unaided naturalistic evolution would have taken billions of years to have evolved by chance. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy) doesn’t give them that much time; the world is cooling down. The Big Bang Theory also places time limits on evolution. If current geological estimates are correct, the oldest rocks are about 3.9 billion years old, and life originated about 3.8 billion years ago. Just 100 million years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks. - Probability - It is statistically extremely improbable that life could evolve by mere chance, as Richard Taylor’s version of the teleological argument reminds us. The statistical probability of evolution happening by chance has been found to be a prohibitive improbability. Time Probability

7 Scientific Models of Origin
Steady State Hypothesis- Frederick Hoyle - Matter has always existed - Hubble discovered in 1929 the “red shift” effect, which indicated that the distant nebulae were moving away. Universe is propelled from the center from a huge explosion about 15 billion years ago Because the big bang theory will eventually lead to creationism Robert Jastrow said: “for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” - Some of the universe is pulling back. Hypothesized that the universe is moving both in and out; hence there is a series of big crunches and big bangs. Big Bang Theory- Edwin Hubble Oscillating Hypothesis- Recent Non-theists

8 Concordist Theories Fiat Creationism/Creation Science
The Re-Creation/Gap Theory The Day/Age Theory Progressive Creationism Theistic or Deistic Evolution

9 Fiat Creationism Believes a rather literal and chronological
interpretation of the Genesis creation account. The creation of Earth is very recent: 6,000-10,000 years All science that “proves” things are millions of years or billions of years old are wrong. The creation in 6 24-hour days because: 1. The Hebrew word for day (yom), when prefixed by a number adjective (first, second, etc.), refers to a 24-hour day 2. The “evening and morning” phrase repeated in Genesis 1 refers to the Hebrew day. 3. The word yom is used about 1,900 times in the OT; only 65 usages are not clearly a 24-hour period. 4. The Sabbath concept presupposes a week of 24-hour days

10 Gap Theory Gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 or
between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Theory notes that the “was” in vs. 2 can be translated “became” A literal, chronological reading would make no sense: God creating in verse 1 and a formless world in verse 2. Isaiah 45:18 The gap accounts for the fall of Satan and his angels (Is. 14:12, Ez. 28:12, 2 Pet 2:4, Jude 6) as well as dinosaurs. Between G1 and G2 accounts for the two different creation accounts, the fossil records of pre-Adamic humans, and the mates of Cain and the sons of God (G 4:17-26, 6:1-7)

11 The Day/Age Theory Treats yom as being longer than a 24-hour period
2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4 Arguments against 24-hour day: 1. No sun, moon, or star was created until the fourth day, so a 24-hour day could not be literally meant 2. Psalm 90:4-6 uses day in conjunction with “evening and morning,” but not a 24-hour day. 3. Yom is used in the same passage (Genesis 2:4) as a period longer than a 24-hour day 4. The events of the sixth day would have taken longer than twelve hours of daylight. Adam named all the animals and yet felt so lonely that God created woman. It is difficult to believe that all this took place in daylight of day. 5. There is scriptural justification for the concept of the ongoing Sabbath rest, which is much longer than one day (Hebrews 4)

12 Progressive Creationism
General term which can overlap some with either the Day/Age Theory or with Theistic Evolution It believes God intervened in creation, particularly at the points the word for create (bara) is used. The days of creation may have been overlapping eras or intermittent 24-hours days. Most Progressive Creationists would deny macroevolution, though some might accept a modified Darwinian evolution in which God created the primates

13 Theistic or Deistic Evolution
Evolution was the process God used; in fact, there is no time for evolution without divine intervention. God was the one who punctuated the equilibrium. Some would suggest that the upward creation in Genesis 1 is the general pattern of evolution. Some would advocate a more deistic evolution in which God simply lit the Big Bang and let the laws of nature and evolution take their course.

14 Non-concordist Theories
Two Realms/Theological Framework Theory The Pictorial Day Theory

15 The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.
2 Realms The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.

16 The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.
2 Realms The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.

17 The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.
2 Realms The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology.

18 2 Realms The Word of God is independent of ancient cosmology. We should not take the creation accounts more literally than that the rain comes out of windows in heaven (Gen 7:11, 8:2; 2 Kings 7:2, 19; Job 38:22-30, etc) or that the earth is flat with four corners (Rev 7:1). If we do, we impose our 21st Century notions on Scripture. Scripture has its limitations in language and understanding of the humans who recorded God’s message. The point of the creation account is not about science, but affirms three major truths about God: Creator, Sovereign over all the world, Only True God. Polemic against other Gods: Day 1 - The gods of light and darkness, Day 2 - The sky and sea gods, Day 3 - The fertility gods of earth and vegetation (Ba’al), Day 4 - The astral gods of sun, moon, and starts (Egyptian sun God Ra, Assyrian Moon god Sin), Day 5 - The animal gods (Golden Calf), Day 6 - The human gods (Egyptian Pharaoh)

19 Pictorial Day Theory The days of creation were 24-hour periods, but they referred not to the days of creation but to the days God revealed His message to the author (Moses).

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