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1 AASHTO/SCOHT Subcommittee on Highway Transport Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Presented by: Jack Van Steenburg Chief Safety Officer Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 AASHTO/SCOHT Subcommittee on Highway Transport Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Presented by: Jack Van Steenburg Chief Safety Officer Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AASHTO/SCOHT Subcommittee on Highway Transport Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Presented by: Jack Van Steenburg Chief Safety Officer Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration July 2014

2 Safety Overview Grant Funding Work Zone Safety Pedestrian/Bicyclist Size & Weight Rulemaking Grow America 2 Overview Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

3 Our Mission Placing safety as our highest priority: Prevent crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving CMV transportation through education, innovation, regulation, enforcement, financial assistance, partnerships, and full accountability. 3 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

4 Grant Programs MCSAP Basic and Incentive –$168,275,000 MCSAP High Priority –$15,000,000 CDL Program Improvement –$30,000,000 Border Enforcement –$32,000,000 CVISN –$25,000,000 Safety Data Improvement –$3,000,000 PRISM - $5,000,000 *All are projected levels for 2015. 4 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

5 The Problem NHTSA 2012 FARS data showed: 33,561 people lost their lives on America’s roadways in motor vehicle crashes  3,914 from crashes involving a large truck  280 from crashes involving a bus 697 or 17% of fatalities in large truck crashes were large truck occupants 8.9% increase in fatalities over 2011 5 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

6 Safety Data Insight Police Accident Reports on truck drivers in crashes with a truck occupant fatality showed: 34% were not wearing a seatbelt 20% were speeding In 2012, there were 547 fatal crashes in work zones: Large trucks were involved in 129 or 24% In 2012 there were 454 pedestrians/bicyclist killed by large trucks & buses Large trucks were involved in 363 & buses involved in 76 6 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

7 Fatal Crash Trends Year Total Fatal Crashes Crash Type Not in Work Zone In Work Zone 200834,17233,510 (98%)662 (2%) 200930,86230,273 (98%)589 (2%) 2010*30,29629,756 (98%)521 (2%) 2011*29,86729,300 (98%)533 (2%) 201230,80030,253 (98%)547 (2%) Sources: FARS *In 2010 19 crashes and 2011 34 crashes not reported.

8 Fatal Crashes by Work Zone, 2008 - 2012 20082009201020112012 Percentage of Fatal Work-Zone Crashes that Involved at Least One Large Truck 25.7%22.2%22.5%27.2%23.6% Percentage of ALL Fatal Crashes that Involved at Least One Large Truck 11.0%9.7%10.8%11.3%11.2% Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)

9 CSA is an important initiative to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of FMCSA’s enforcement and compliance program to achieve the agency’s mission to reduce commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crashes, fatalities, and injuries. 9 CSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

10 10 Carrier Measurement: SMS Results

11 11 SMS Display Enhancements Screenshot (cont.)

12 General Inspection Information State No. CMV Inspections No. CMV OOS CMV OOS Rate 6 months23112353.25% 1 year4684161834.54% 18 months 7842278835.55% 24 months **9541349536.63% ** Included were 803 state permitted large trucks with an OOS rate of 35%. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 12

13 OOS Violations (All CMVs) CategoryNumber CMVsOOS Rate Brakes (all other violations)113211.86% Brake Adjustment6727.04% Tires3213.36% Suspension540.57% Wheels380.40% Other127813.39% Total349636.63% Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 13

14 Specialized Heavy Vehicle Inspection (SHVI) State No. Overweight CMV Inspections No. CMV OOS CMV OOS Rate NC43518542.53% TN321237.50% WA17310158.38% TOTAL64029846.56% Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 14

15 Heavy Overweight Brake Testing Impact on brake performance with increasing load Impact on brake performance with brake degradation on tractor and trailer (20%) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 15

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18 Regulatory Areas Hours of Service National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) Speed Limiters Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse URS – Unified Registration System 18 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

19 19 The GROW AMERICA Act, or Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America, will: support millions of American jobs repairing and modernizing our roads, bridges, railways, and transit systems; help ensure that American businesses can compete effectively in the global economy and grow; and pave the way forward by increasing access to the ladders of opportunity that help Americans get ahead. GROW AMERICA Act Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

20 20 FMCSA (Title V) – Key Focus Areas  Motorcoach Safety  Driver Compensation  Grant Program Restructuring Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

21 21 Motorcoach Safety En Route Bus Inspections Would expand locations under grant statute to require States to permit inspection of motorcoaches wherever food, shelter and sanitation for passengers can be provided Jurisdiction Over Passenger Brokers Bus brokers would be required to register with FMCSA Would help prevent unsafe bus companies from reorganizing as unregulated brokers and ensure transportation through authorized carriers only Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

22 22 Driver Compensation Current driver pay structure (by mile or trip), and unpaid time at shipper and receiver facilities, create dangerous pressures to exceed hours-of-service limits Would authorize a rule to require certain truck and bus drivers be paid minimum hourly wage for on-duty not driving time Only HOS log drivers would be affected No amendment to Fair Labor Standards Act; pay would be in addition to pay required under FLSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

23 23 Grant Program Restructuring Would consolidate five grant programs into a single formula program Eliminate wasteful duplication of State and Federal administrative processes Grant programs affected: –Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) -- Basic and Incentive –Performance and Registration Information System Management (PRISM) –Safety Data Improvement –New Entrant Grants –Border Enforcement Grant Would allow use of MCSAP funds to enforce household goods regulations State participation in PRISM, Safety Data Improvement and New Entrant would become mandatory Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

24 Our Vision Save lives by striving toward a crash-free and fully accountable CMV transportation life-cycle. 24 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

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