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By: Jennifer Whitacre. Plants and animals were very important to the Egyptians. The animals and plants were mostly themes in the religion, jewelry, sculptures,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jennifer Whitacre. Plants and animals were very important to the Egyptians. The animals and plants were mostly themes in the religion, jewelry, sculptures,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jennifer Whitacre

2 Plants and animals were very important to the Egyptians. The animals and plants were mostly themes in the religion, jewelry, sculptures, and paintings of the Egyptians. The plant was one of the symbols of green described as flourish, joy and youth. The animals gave the Egyptians food and offering to the gods and pharaohs.


4 Papyrus were commonly found in marshy areas around the Nile River. Papyrus was also used to make paper, sandals, boats, ropes, and paintbrushes.

5 Became the symbol of the sun and the creation from the waters of Nun.


7 Hippopotamus means in Greek “horse of the river” or “riverhorse”

8 Egyptian disliked the crocodiles. Some human mummies have been found and examined and are believe to have been bitten off by a crocodile.

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